Kansas faces skeptical state Supreme Court on school funding

Attorneys for Kansas will try to convince an often skeptical state Supreme Court on Tuesday that the funding increase legislators approved for public schools this year is enough to provide a suitable education for kids statewide. The high court is hearing arguments about a new law that phases in a $293 million increase in education funding over two years.

Wyandotte High School counting on school funding ruling

The day has barely started, but Mary Stewart is already worried about one homeless student and others who arrive at her Kansas City, Kansas, high school in below-freezing temperatures with no winter coats. The principal never knows what's happened at home for these students - when they last ate, when they last slept, when they last were warm.

The truth about the Huelskamps and the ‘Kathy Hanks incident’

Actually, there have been two incidents that the Huelskamp team has looked to and used as evidence that The News is out to get them - not just politically, but personally - with the implication that we mean them actual, physical harm.