Emails show cooperation among EPA, climate-change deniers

Newly released emails show senior Environmental Protection Agency officials working closely with a conservative group that dismisses climate change to rally like-minded people for public hearings on science and global warming, counter negative news coverage and tout Administrator Scott Pruitt's stewardship of the agency. John Konkus, EPA's deputy associate administrator for public affairs, repeatedly reached out to senior staffers at the Heartland Institute, according to the emails.

Emails show collaboration among EPA, climate-change deniers

Newly released emails show senior Environmental Protection Agency officials collaborating with a conservative group that dismisses climate change to rally like-minded people for public hearings on science and global warming, counter negative news coverage and tout Administrator Scott Pruitt's stewardship of the agency.

House Freedom Caucus seeks swift Obamacare repeal

OCTOBER 21: Seen in a convex mirror, Rep. Tim Huelskamp is surrounded by journalists after leaving a House Republican caucus meeting in the U.S. Capitol October 21, 2015 in Washington, DC. A member of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, Huelskamp said that House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan is asking for "more power and less responsibility" in his pursuit of the speakership.

Mad Minute stories for January 4, 2017

Seven-year-old Mackenzie Blankenship loves playing the Nintendo Wii U she got on Christmas Eve from her family, but it's not what she found inside the case on Christmas Day from Santa. Krista Greider, Mackenzie's mother says, "She opened the top and her face just kind of went and she looked and she goes, what is this? and I looked over her shoulder and I grabbed it, saw the picture on it and she was just 'why? what is that? why are they naked?" Greider says instead of the colorful, creative video game -- Mackenzie found Sensual Seductions 2 -- a pornographic film released in 2008.

Conservatives Seek to Force House Vote on Impeaching IRS Chief

House conservatives intend to re-launch an effort Tuesday afternoon to force a vote to impeach Internal Revenue Service commissioner John Koskinen this week in the final days of this congressional session. The impeachment drive, confirmed by Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio and his office, comes after he and other members of the House Freedom Caucus had agreed to delay such action in September, at the urging of Speaker Paul Ryan and other party leaders.

The Latest: Trump to bar officials from lobbying for 5 years

Donald Trump's transition team says the incoming president is planning to require officials to pledge that they won't lobby the government for five years after leaving the Trump administration. Transition spokesman Sean Spicer says Trump will require new government officials to terminate their role as either state or federal lobbyists before joining the administration.

New York Times’ Huetteman Delivers Anti-Conservative Mockery in Three Acts

As the country heads into an election where control of both Congress and the White House hangs in the balance, reporter Emmarie Huetteman wrote a " three act " comedy in loosey-goosey style mocking conservatives, for Friday's New York Times : " What the House Spends Time On, Before Its Recess ." Paul Ryan can't find his agenda, "Democrats are thrilled" at the prospect of being penalized for June's sit-in, and a defeated conservative representative is compared to a "recalcitrant student trashing the principal's office after he learns he's been expelled."

Juan Williams: GOP leaders must pick a poison on shutdown

When the House and Senate get back to work tomorrow, the GOP majorities on both sides of Capitol Hill will be up against a September 30 deadline to pass a spending bill to keep the federal government open. That means funding the military, keeping Social Security checks going out and assuring global investors that the world's leading economic power is not about to grind to a halt.

McCain, Rubio, Wasserman Schultz face primary tests

Both Republican and Democratic incumbents face challenges from their respective party's insurgent wing in Tuesday primaries, as GOP Sen. John McCain and Democrat Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz battle to retain their spots in Congress. In Arizona, McCain faces a test from Kelli Ward, a conservative 33 years McCain's junior who has suggested his age means he's too old for a sixth term.

I lost my seat in Congress because I stood up to Washington elites

Rep. Tim Huelskamp answers questions from the media after his primary election watch party held at the Atrium Hotel and Conference Center on Aug. 2. After a hard-fought race, I was disappointed on Tuesday to lose the primary to represent Kansas's "Big First'"congressional district. Representing the citizens of Kansas has been a great honor.

Budget-woes-weary Kansans oust 11 GOP incumbents

Gov. Sam Brownback had for years assured the public that the income-tax cuts he championed would stimulate the Kansas economy, supply plenty of money for schools and give other states a "pro-growth" policy model to follow. But voters, including many Republicans, appear to have rejected that idea in the face of budget woes and court battles over education funding.

A Tea Party conservative just lost to a Trump supporter, because farm subsidies

A Tea Party leader in the House of Representatives just lost a primary bid for reelection - a sign that Republican voters may be fed up with Tea Party obstinance and are casting about for something new. Rep. Tim Huelskamp lost his Kansas primary by a huge margin to newcomer Roger Marshall.

Kansas tea party congressman loses Republican primary battle

Rep. Tim Huelskamp has been a thorn in the side of the Republican establishment since his election to Congress amid the tea party wave of 2010, and his clashes with former House Speaker John Boehner and other GOP leaders helped get him booted from the House Agriculture Committee. That proved costly for the third-term congressman on Tuesday, as he lost the GOP nomination to continue representing Kansas' largely rural 1st District to Roger Marshall, a political newcomer who had the backing of powerful farming and business groups.

2nd subversion trial begins for China legal rights activist

Voters were weighing their desires for an outside voice versus political experience Tuesday as they cast ballots in a Republican gubernatorial race that has been one of Missouri's most broadly contested... Former Navy SEAL officer Eric Greitens won the Republican primary for Missouri governor Tuesday after a hard-fought race in which he cast himself as a conservative outsider willing to use his military bravado to blow up... A doctor backed by agriculture and business groups ousted U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp Tuesday in a Kansas Republican primary race that focused on the tea party-backed incumbent's battles with GOP leaders and... A doctor backed by agriculture and business groups ousted U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp Tuesday in a Kansas Republican primary race that focused on the tea party-backed incumbent's battles with GOP leaders and criticism that... U.S. stocks are slipping Tuesday morning ... (more)

Sen. Jerry Moran won’t say whether he still supports Donald Trump

Moran, a Republican, was asked if he backs the Republican nominee after he toured a dementia ward at the Colmery-O'Neil VA Medical Center in Topeka. His response instead focused on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The truth about the Huelskamps and the ‘Kathy Hanks incident’

Actually, there have been two incidents that the Huelskamp team has looked to and used as evidence that The News is out to get them - not just politically, but personally - with the implication that we mean them actual, physical harm.