Deportation protection restored in high-profile Georgia case Source: AP

Federal immigration authorities have agreed to renew the temporary protection from deportation for a Mexican woman whose case made national headlines eight years ago when she was a Georgia college student, according to a court filing. The settlement agreement signed Monday and filed Friday in federal court in Atlanta is the latest twist in 30-year-old Jessica Colotl's quest to stay in the country she has called home for nearly two decades.

Q&A: Why wiping of Georgia elections server matters

Election reform activists sued Georgia officials on July 3 demanding its highly questioned statewide elections system be immediately retired. Four days later, technicians at Kennesaw State University, which administers the state's elections, destroyed a key piece of evidence - wiping clean an elections management server.

APNewsBreak: Georgia election server wiped after suit filed

A computer server crucial to a lawsuit against Georgia election officials was quietly wiped clean by its custodians just after the suit was filed, The Associated Press has learned. The server's data was destroyed July 7 by technicians at the Center for Elections Systems at Kennesaw State University, which runs the state's election system.

Around Town: Lawmaker to Ksu: Bring art during budget talks

University presidents intent on displaying exhibits, such as the one Kennesaw State University had on AIDS last month, can expect to bring samples of their work down to the statehouse when making the case for their annual university budgets, said state Rep. Earl Ehrhart, R-Powder Springs.