Trump rejects report’s conclusion that FBI wasn’t biased in Clinton…

President Trump on Friday rejected the conclusion of the new report of the Justice Department 's inspector general, which found that mistakes FBI leaders made in investigating Hillary Clinton 's private emails during the 2016 campaign were not the result of any bias, including on the part of former Director James B. Comey . "The end result was wrong.

Apple to tighten iPhone data security by closing gap used by police to crack devices

This file photo taken on September 7, 2016 shows the Apple logo on the outside of Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California. Apple on January 31, 2018 confirmed it is fielding questions from US agencies about its move to slow down older iPhones as batteries weaken."

Chicago mayor wants Elon Musk to build high-speed transit linking O’Hare and downtown

Elon Musk has been tapped to build a futuristic transportation system using high-powered electric "skates" to carry passengers between O'Hare International Airport and downtown Chicago. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will formally announce Thursday that his administration is entering one-on-one negotiations with Musk's Boring Company to build the high-speed system that will utilize electric vehicles running through twin underground tunnels, said Adam Collins, the mayor's spokesman.

Director of Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama retiring

Marshall officials say Todd May announced his retirement to employees at the Huntsville facility on Monday. It takes effect July 27. A statement from Rep. Mo Brooks of Huntsville says May is being replaced on an acting basis by Marshall's deputy director, Joan A. "Jody" Singer.

Trump takes aim at China’s tech sector. That could hurt U.S. innovation.

Visitors to the 21st China Beijing International High-tech Expo look at robots and a helicopter drone on display on May 17. The U.S.-China tech rivalry looks likely to intensify, despite ongoing efforts to avoid a tariff war . Among other targets, the Trump administration has taken aim at two aspects of China's presence in the United States: high-tech investment and students.

a Oceana s 8a opens with franchise-best $41.5M to top weekend

"Ocean's 8," the female-fronted overhaul of the starry heist franchise, opened with an estimated $41.5 million at the box office, taking the weekend's top spot from the fast-falling "Solo: A Star Wars Story." At a lower price point and in less fanboy-guarded franchise, "Ocean's 8" - despite ho-hum reviews - found nothing like the stormy reception than the female-led "Ghostbusters" reboot did on the same weekend two years ago.

La Joya couple accused of harboring more than 20 immigrants

Robert TreviA o 39, and Gladys MuA oz, 41, stood before U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Scott Hacker for a detention hearing related to their arrest on human smuggling charges on May 29, court records show. TreviA o, represented by a federal public defense attorney, elected to waive both his preliminary and detention hearing during his appearance before Hacker Tuesday afternoon.

New NASA chief vows US will always have astronauts in orbit

In this Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017 photo provided by NASA, Rep. James Bridenstine, R-Okla., nominee for administrator of NASA, testifies at his nomination hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington. On Wednesday, June 6, 2018, Bridenstine says NASA is already talking with private companies about potentially taking over the space lab after 2025.

Trump fixates on pardons, could soon give reprieve to 63-year-old…

President Donald Trump arrives for a bill signing ceremony in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus May 30, 2018, in Washington. President Donald Trump arrives for a bill signing ceremony in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus May 30, 2018, in Washington.

NASA’s new administrator says he’s talking to companies to…

NASA is talking to several international companies about forming a consortium that would take over operation of the International Space Station and run it as a commercial space lab, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in an interview. "We're in a position now where there are people out there that can do commercial management of the International Space Station," Bridenstine said in his first extensive interview since being sworn in as NASA administrator in April.

The Space Barons

Largely due to the influence of libertarian-leaning science fiction writer Robert Heinlein, a streak of futurist fascination with interplanetary rockets has been woven through American libertarianism-even though it's nearly impossible to do business in space without being a client or recipient of largess from the state. The private space industry today is certainly no different, since NASA and the Pentagon are naturally among such companies' deepest-pocketed customers.

Years Later, Wireless SS7 Flaw Still Putting Privacy at Risk –

Hackers and security researchers have routinely highlighted vulnerabilities in Signaling System 7 , a series of protocols first built in 1975 to help connect phone carriers around the world. It's not a small problem; we've been shown how the flaw can allow a hacker to track user location, dodge encryption, and even record private conversations while the intrusion looks like like ordinary carrier to carrier chatter among a sea of other, "privileged peering relationships."