Should a Scientist Run NASA?

I got a little excited the first time I met then-Administrator Charlie Bolden in 2012! I did take a proper picture after, but this is just so good! With every President comes a new NASA administrator, and the current admin, Jim Bridenstine, has raised a number of eyebrows. The strongest reaction to Bridenstine's appointment comes from his lack of a science background, though more recent reports say he has changed his mind on climate change and does believe humans are responsible and can curb the effects we're having on the planet.

NASA’s new administrator says he’s talking to companies to…

NASA is talking to several international companies about forming a consortium that would take over operation of the International Space Station and run it as a commercial space lab, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in an interview. "We're in a position now where there are people out there that can do commercial management of the International Space Station," Bridenstine said in his first extensive interview since being sworn in as NASA administrator in April.

Jim Bridenstine sworn in as 13th NASA Administrator

Washigton, April 24 : US Vice President Mike Pence has sworn in Jim Bridenstine as the 13th NASA Administrator, the space agency said in a statement. For his new role at NASA, Bridenstine who was the Republican Representative from Oklahoma, resigned from the House of Representatives on Monday.

Trump’s NASA nominee is confirmed after Senate drama

The lawmakers narrowly confirmed Rep. Jim Bridenstine to be the next NASA administrator after Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, who held his vote back for several minutes while he huddled with GOP leaders on the floor, finally voted yes. The vote was 50-49.

Trump’s divisive pick to run NASA wins narrow confirmation Source: AP

NASA's latest nail-biting drama was far from orbit as the Senate narrowly confirmed President Donald Trump's choice of a tea party congressman to run the space agency in an unprecedented party-line vote. In a 50-49 vote Thursday, Oklahoma Rep. James Bridenstine, a Navy Reserve pilot, was confirmed as NASA's 13th administrator, an agency that usually is kept away from partisanship.

Republicans move to force vote on Trump pick to head NASA Source: Cox Media Group

After waiting for months to get enough votes to win confirmation, Senate Republicans have decided to press ahead this week with the nomination of Rep. Jim Bridenstine to lead NASA, as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took the first procedural step on Monday evening to force a final vote on President Trump's pick to lead the space agency by late in the week. "Congressman Bridenstine was encouraged to see a cloture petition filed in regard to his nomination as NASA Administrator," said his spokeswoman Sharyl Kaufman, referring to a Senate effort to end debate, and spur a vote on Bridenstine, who was nominated in September.

Democrats add to win column in deep-red Oklahoma

Democrats added another win in the deep-red Oklahoma Legislature on Tuesday, continuing the minority party's string of success and chipping away at the Republican Party's hold on state government. The previously GOP-held House seat and two Senate seats on the ballot were all in mostly Republican districts around Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine nominated as next NASA administrator

U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine has been nominated to be the next administrator of NASA, the White House announced Friday night. Bridenstine, a 42-year-old Tulsa Republican, had taken the unusual approach of making clear his interest in the job.

Ryan Ignores Trump Entirely as He Makes Case Against Clinton

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday outlined his case against the candidacy of Hillary Clinton -- without mentioning Donald Trump a single time. Ryan's first extensive public remarks since effectively abandoning Trump's candidacy earlier this week provided a glimpse into the challenge the speaker will face in the closing weeks of the campaign in trying to push for Republican candidates up and down the ballot without becoming tainted by the controversies swirling around Trump.

Will any of Oklahomaa s House GOP members be ousted Tuesday? –

All five Oklahoma Republican U.S. House members face primary opponents on Tuesday but ousting an incumbent is easier said than done, even in a year of voter anger directed at Washington. Most of those Oklahoma challengers are underfunded and the track record of insurgents nationally is not good.

Oklahoma voters consider another switch in House delegation

Oklahoma voters sent three new congressmen to Washington in the past four years, and Republicans are considering whether it is time to switch again. Navy pilot Jim Bridenstine upset a five-term GOP congressman in 2012, the same year plumber Markwayne Mullin won a House seat from eastern Oklahoma.