Kavanaugh accuser gives terms for Senate testimony, including him not being in the room

Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford laid out her terms before testifying, including him not being in the room. Kavanaugh accuser gives terms for Senate testimony, including him not being in the room Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford laid out her terms before testifying, including him not being in the room.

GOP Senator Says McCain Is ‘Partially to Blame’ for Full-Staff Flag

The American flag at the White House is again flying at half-mast following heaps of criticism from people who wondered why the president would move it to full-mast not even 48 hours after Sen. John McCain's death. Sen. Jim Inhofe , however, suggested Monday that the flag kerfuffle is partly McCain's fault.

White House Nominates Science Adviser

President Trump has nominated Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier, a meteorologist and Vice President for Research at the University of Oklahoma, to be the Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. If confirmed by the Senate, Dr. Droegemeier will serve as the President's chief science adviser.

Oklahoma senator seeks more information on family reunification process

A bipartisan group of senators is demanding twice-monthly updates on family reunification from the Trump administration, according to a copy of a letter shared Wednesday with CNN. The letter was led by Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware and Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma and signed by 14 total lawmakers from both parties.

EPA’s new chief is former coal lobbyist

Add Donald Trump as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Donald Trump news, video, and analysis from ABC News. The new leader of the Environmental Protection Agency is a former coal industry lobbyist who helped lead an industry fight against regulations that protect Americans' health and address climate change .

What’s next for Scott Pruitt?

Scott Pruitt's tenure as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency ended with his resignation, but political experts in his home state of Oklahoma say that he could continue his career in public office. But even with the bad publicity, Pruitt, 50, has widely been considered a potential candidate for either governor or U.S. Senate.

EPA’s New Chief Is Former Coal Lobbyist, Senate Staffer

The new leader of the Environmental Protection Agency is a former coal industry lobbyist who helped lead an industry fight against regulations that protect Americans' health and address climate change. Andrew Wheeler, the No.

OK Republicans Praise SCOTUS Decision, LGBT Activists Look To Future

In the hours following the US Supreme Court narrowly sided in a favor of Christian bakery's ability to turn away gay couples, several of Oklahoma's members of Congress praised the decision, while one of the state's most prominent LGBTQ rights groups appeared cautiously optimistic. The case surrounded Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, CO.

OK Lawmakers Lead Charge To Find Solution For Opioid Epidemic

Oklahoma lawmakers are leading the charge to find a solution for the prescription painkiller epidemic that's gripping Oklahoma and the entire nation. Senator Jim Inhofe and Congressman Markwayne Mullin were in Claremore Tuesday, talking specifically about how to prevent opioid addiction among veterans.

Is It Time for AFRICOM to Get Its Own Troops?

A key defense lawmaker is calling for the U.S. Army to assign one of its new Security Force Assistance Brigades, pictured here, to U.S. Africa Command. When four U.S. soldiers were killed in the west African country of Niger last year, many in the American public - and even some lawmakers who serve on foreign-policy committees - were surprised to discover the United States had troops there.

Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross

A question about citizenship status on the 2020 US census has been criticised by Democrats who say it will intimidate immigrants and discourage them from participating. The population count taken every 10 years is required by the US Constitution and used to determine the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives as well as how federal money is distributed to local communities.

Trump suggests 25 cent increase in gas tax, senator says

President Donald Trump suggested Wednesday that a 25 cent increase in gas and diesel taxes would be needed to help pay for the administration's new infrastructure plan, according to Democratic Sen. Tom Carper. In a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers at the White House, Trump noted that the federal gas tax hasn't been raised since 1993, said Carper, the top Democrat on the Environment and Public Works Committee.

Harrison Ford, 75, heads to the gym wearing baggy shorts

Heading for a workout: Harrison Ford, 75, was snapped heading to a gym in Pacific Palisades in LA on Tuesday dressed in baggy shorts and a t-shirt under a rain jacket The actor has plenty of time on his hands to keep fit and indulge his passion for flying with no new movies lined up so far for 2018. Over the weekend, Ford joined another aviation-loving star john Travolta at the 15th annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards in Beverly Hills.

Senators rally behind Trump and his agenda after mini-revolt

Donald Trump is holding onto much of his GOP support, a day after a pair of the party's prominent senators denounced their president and invited colleagues to join them. Most GOP lawmakers rallied around Trump and his agenda on Wednesday, with one all but saying "good riddance" to Jeff Flake of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee.

Rep. Jim Bridenstine nominated as next NASA administrator

U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine has been nominated to be the next administrator of NASA, the White House announced Friday night. Bridenstine, a 42-year-old Tulsa Republican, had taken the unusual approach of making clear his interest in the job.

Government workers continue to turn: EPA employee denounces Pruitt, Trump in fiery resignation letter

Steve Bannon's job might be in jeopardy , but the Trump administration's efforts to " deconstruct the administrative state " are continuing apace. Politico reporters Ian Kullgren and Matthew Nussbaum write that the administration sent out a 14-page memo this week asking the heads of federal agencies to figure out which employees they want to lay off.

John Cornyn is no climate denier, but with votes like his, does that even matter?

Back in 2014 when I was still fairly new to Washington as The News' business correspondent, I took part in a call between Sen. John Cornyn and Texas reporters, something the senator, to his credit, does regularly. I came away from that talk disheartened over the issue of climate change, and said so in a blog post that afternoon.

US: Don’t Cancel Oil Transparency Rule

Republicans introduced joint resolutions in the United States Senate and House of Representatives today that would gut efforts to carry out a key law for fighting corruption in resource-rich countries, Human Rights Watch said today. Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma introduced the resolution in the Senate , co-sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota.