One Of A Kind: John McCain’s Indelible Place In American Politics

Republican presidential candidate John McCain attends at a town hall campaign event at Peterborough Town Hall in Peterborough, New Hampshire on November 2, 2008. Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images hide caption Republican presidential candidate John McCain attends at a town hall campaign event at Peterborough Town Hall in Peterborough, New Hampshire on November 2, 2008.

Manhattan Madam’ expected to appear before Mueller grand jury on Friday

Kristin Davis, the one-time "Manhattan Madam," who claimed she supplied high priced prostitutes to Eliot Spitzer when he was New York's governor, has been asked to testify before the federal grand jury in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into possible coordination between Russian election meddlers and the Trump campaign in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, ABC News has learned. A spokesperson for Davis told ABC News on Monday that Davis had received the request, and that she is expected to appear before the federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. this Friday.
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President Trump’s Supreme Court Final Four Source: Cox Media Group

As President Donald Trump prepared for a 9 pm ET event tonight at the White House to unveil his choice for the U.S. Supreme Court, four federal appeals court judges were part of Mr. Trump's final review, as the President kept his decision close to the vest. "Let's say it's the four people," Mr. Trump said Sunday on the tarmac before boarding Air Force One to return to Washington from his New Jersey golf club.

Poll: 31% of voters say second civil war likely

According to a survey released Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, 31 percent of U.S. voters think a second civil war in the United States is likely within five years. Poll: Almost a third of US voters think a second civil war is coming soon According to a survey released Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, 31 percent of U.S. voters think a second civil war in the United States is likely within five years.

a Oceana s 8a opens with franchise-best $41.5M to top weekend

"Ocean's 8," the female-fronted overhaul of the starry heist franchise, opened with an estimated $41.5 million at the box office, taking the weekend's top spot from the fast-falling "Solo: A Star Wars Story." At a lower price point and in less fanboy-guarded franchise, "Ocean's 8" - despite ho-hum reviews - found nothing like the stormy reception than the female-led "Ghostbusters" reboot did on the same weekend two years ago.

HISTORY, May 14: Skylab 1, 1st manned space station, launched in 1973

On May 14, 1948, according to the current-era calendar, the independent state of Israel was proclaimed in Tel Aviv by David Ben-Gurion, who became its first prime minister; U.S. President Harry S. Truman immediately recognized the new nation. In 1804, the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory as well as the Pacific Northwest left camp near present-day Hartford, Illinois.

RBS agrees to pay $4.9 billion to settle U.S. mortgage probe

Royal Bank of Scotland said it reached a tentative agreement to pay a $4.9 billion penalty to resolve a long-running U.S. probe into its packaging and sale of mortgage-backed securities before the 2008 financial crisis. While most of the cost will be covered by money the company already set aside, the deal will cut second-quarter earnings by $1.44 billion, the bank said in an emailed statement.

Trump lawyer drops defamation lawsuit over publication of Steele Dossier Source: Cox Media Group

Embroiled in a new legal dispute after an FBI raid earlier this month, President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, has dropped a $100 million defamation lawsuit filed against BuzzFeed news, and the head of the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which spearheaded the development of the Steele Dossier, paid for by Democrats in 2016, which made accusations of ties between Russia and President Donald Trump. "Michael Cohen hereby voluntarily dismissed the above-entitled action as to all named Defendants without costs to any party as against the other," Cohen's lawyers stated in a one page filing with a federal court in New York.

Future of Saipan visa program in question amid labor abuses

A push to save and expand a visa program unique to the Northern Mariana Islands is hitting skids after recent cases of labor abuse and visa fraud, delivering a major blow to the U.S. commonwealth's economy, which relies heavily on foreign workers. The visa classification, known as CW-1, allows employers to seek permission to hire foreign workers and is aimed at alleviating a labor shortage among the Pacific islands' population of roughly 52,000.

Primaries pave way for runoffs, General Election

Cliff Vacek, center, poses for pictures with supporters March 6 at his election watch party at Clancy's Public House in Richmond. Voters in Fort Bend County will need to stay sharp as last week's Primary Election has set the stage for several runoff races on May 22. Democrats in particular will have four races to settle, including selecting candidates for Governor, U.S. House, State Senate and Fort Bend County Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace.

Summary of Congressional Hearing: “The State of Aviation Safety” Part II

In Part I of this post, we summarized the statements of Subcommittee Chairman LoBiondo and FAA and NASA witnesses at the February 27 hearing on "The State of Aviation Safety" conducted by the Subcommittee on Aviation of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the U.S. House of Representatives. In this Part II, we will briefly discuss the prepared and oral statements from NTSB, USDOT Office of Inspector General , and Air Line Pilots Association, International officials.

More than One Thousand Women Take Over Suzano Pulp & Paper Mill to…

More than one thousand women from the Rural Landless Workers Movement took over a pulp mill owned by Suzano Paper company in Murcuri, in Bahia, Brazil [1] to protest the company's large-scale, industrial eucalyptus plantions and future plans for genetically engineered trees. The women cited the impacts on water caused by the plantations, including depletion of critical fresh water resources and contamination of water by aerial spraying of toxic agrochemicals on the plantations as reasons for the protest.