Erdogan’s Turkey

Optimistic expectations that the Turkish system established by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, republican, nationalist, secular, and modernized, would continue have been frustrated. Hopes for a successful multiparty democracy ended because of chaotic politics and military coups.

Trump faces isolation after Putin summit, walkbacks

Facing condemnation from allies and foes alike on Capitol Hill, President Donald Trump was outnumbered even in the Oval Office. Top aides gathered to convince the president to issue a rare walk-back of the comments he'd made raising doubts about U.S. intelligence conclusions of Russian election interference as he stood alongside Vladimir Putin.

Inside Trump’s isolation after Putin summit, walkbacks

Facing condemnation from allies and foes alike on Capitol Hill, President Donald Trump was outnumbered even in the Oval Office. Top aides gathered to convince the president to issue a rare walk-back of the comments he'd made raising doubts about U.S. intelligence conclusions of Russian election interference as he stood alongside Vladimir Putin.

Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump

Last Friday, Maine Democrat Zak Ringelstein wasn't ready to consider himself a formal member of the Democratic Socialists of America, even if he appreciated the organization's values and endorsement in his bid to become a United States senator. Three days later, he told The Associated Press that was ready to become the only major-party Senate candidate in the nation to be a dues-paying democratic socialist.

Trump rejects Putin offer on interviewing suspects

Donald Trump has rejected Vladimir Putin's offer to allow the US to question 12 Russians accused of interfering in the 2016 election. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the proposal was "made in sincerity" by the Russian president but Mr Trump "disagrees with it".

President Trump struggles to contain firestorm over Putin summit

President Donald Trump struggled Wednesday to contain the furor over his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as he gave conflicting signals about whether he believes there's any ongoing threat to American elections from Moscow. President Trump struggles to contain firestorm over Putin summit President Donald Trump struggled Wednesday to contain the furor over his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as he gave conflicting signals about whether he believes there's any ongoing threat to American elections from Moscow.

Trump backs off siding with Russia over US intelligence amid bipartisan anger

Donald Trump has backed away from his public undermining of American intelligence agencies after he was blistered by bipartisan condemnation in the US. The president said he simply misspoke when he said he saw no reason to believe Russia had interfered in the 2016 election that put him in the White House.

Trump Corrects His Quote, Says Misspoke On Russian Meddling

Blistered by bipartisan condemnation of his embrace of a longtime U.S. enemy, President Donald Trump sought Tuesday to "clarify" his public undermining of American intelligence agencies, saying he had misspoken when he said he saw no reason to believe Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. election. "The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader.

The Latest: Rubio calls Russia ‘a threat for years to come’

Sen. Marco Rubio says he can "guarantee" that the Russians will interfere with the next U.S. election and he's pushing legislation to impose tough sanctions if they do. The Florida Republican is working with Maryland Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen on a bill that would prohibit foreign governments from purchasing election ads, using social media to spread false information or disrupting election infrastructure.

Trump now says he misspoke on Russia meddling

Blistered by bipartisan condemnation of his embrace of a longtime U.S. enemy, President Donald Trump sought Tuesday to "clarify" his public undermining of American intelligence agencies, saying he had misspoken when he said he saw no reason to believe Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. election. "The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why I wouldn't, or why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "why it would," Trump said, in a rare admission of error by the bombastic U.S. leader.

The Latest: Intelligence chief reiterates Russian meddling

U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hand with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of the press conference after their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, Monday, July 16, 2018. U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hand with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of the press conference after their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, Monday, July 16, 2018.

Kaia Gerber says she was ‘enchanted by the beauty’ of mom Cindy…

Four of the Thai soccer team boys are OUT of the cave - but the other eight and their coach will remain underground until tomorrow Three dead and two injured after US Air Force veteran, 51, shoots his wife and their 12-year-old triplet daughters before setting fire to their home and killing himself in double murder suicide nine days after she filed for divorce Elon Musk suggests building a 'tiny, kid-size SUBMARINE' to save trapped Thai boys Trump's sister weighs in on Supreme Court pick as GOP senators claim ANY of the four contenders could get confirmed after Republican leader expresses doubt on two of them 'Take a selfie with God and I'll resign': Philippine President Duterte doubles down on God is 'stupid' remark as he sparks fresh controversy by calling on people to prove existence EXCLUSIVE: Dr Phil reveals how Oprah groomed him and then saved him from 'getting his a** kicked' in ... (more)

Michael Buble almost quit music after son Noah’s battle with cancer

First two members of Thai soccer team are OUT of the cave: Official reveals news after threat of rain forced divers to begin mission to rescue children and coach from flooded tunnels Sickening moment thug walks into a George Webb kitchen and PUNCHES a woman chef in the face before armed co-worker pulls a gun on him and forces him out Mike Pompeo shrugs off North Korea's claims that America has been making 'gangster-like' demands in 'regrettable' peace talks and insists progress IS being made towards denuclearization Smart women need to marry down to become mothers because there aren't enough smart men to go around, researchers warn Dr Phil reveals how Oprah groomed him and then saved him from 'getting his a** kicked' in the ratings by demanding their shows never run head-to-head Elon Musk suggests building a 'tiny, kid-size SUBMARINE' to save trapped Thai boys Chicago police launch ... (more)

Robert F Kennedy III and former CIA operative Amaryllis Fox say ‘I do’ at beachfront wedding

The 'choke point': Terrifyingly narrow 15-inch passage trapped Thai football players must squeeze through to safety as two more elite international divers arrive on scene with half a ton of rescue gear Former NBA player and UCLA star, 27, 'shot at police and then killed himself during a standoff after cops responded to his mother's 911 call that he was acting erratically' 'I will not be pursuing the incident further': Former reporter who Justin Trudeau 'groped' at a music festival 18 years ago breaks her silence and insists she is telling the truth North Korea slams 'regrettable' talks with Mike Pompeo and accuses the US of 'gangster-like tactics' to pressure them into denuclearization 'They will both be out of business in 7 years!': Trump wants Twitter to remove the New York Times and Washington Post as site cracks down on fake accounts Guatemalan illegal immigrant AVOIDS JAIL and is ... (more)

Trinny Woodall wears a MASK as she enjoys motorbike ride as she…

The 'choke point': Terrifyingly narrow 15-inch passage trapped Thai football players must squeeze through to safety as two more elite international divers arrive on scene with half a ton of rescue gear Former NBA player and UCLA star, 27, 'shot at police and then killed himself during a standoff after cops responded to his mother's 911 call that he was acting erratically' 'I will not be pursuing the incident further': Former reporter who Justin Trudeau 'groped' at a music festival 18 years ago breaks her silence and insists she is telling the truth North Korea slams 'regrettable' talks with Mike Pompeo and accuses the US of 'gangster-like tactics' to pressure them into denuclearization 'They will both be out of business in 7 years!': Trump wants Twitter to remove the New York Times and Washington Post as site cracks down on fake accounts Guatemalan illegal immigrant AVOIDS JAIL and is ... (more)

Trump claims Maxine Waters’ IQ in ‘mid-60s,’ slams…

E.P.A. Aide Questioned Deleting Sensitive Meeting Details. Then She Was Fired. - WASHINGTON - Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the subject of numerous investigations into claims that he used agency resources for personal benefit How Scott Pruitt's Disloyalty to His Own Staff Brought Him Down in the End Minutes before President Donald Trump announced the resignation of Scott Pruitt, his top environmental regulator, one of his former aides accused him of firing another for questioning a potentially illegal purge of official agency records.

Trump meets with more Supreme Court candidates

President Donald Trump spoke with three more potential Supreme Court candidates on Tuesday as a key senator privately aired concerns about one of the contenders. As Trump weighs his options, he has heard from Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who has expressed reservations about one top potential nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, according to a person familiar with the call but not authorized to publicly disclose details of it.

3 more Supreme Court candidates meet with Trump

President Donald Trump spoke with three more potential Supreme Court candidates on Tuesday as a key senator privately aired concerns about one of the contenders. As Trump weighs his options, he has heard from Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who has expressed reservations about one top potential nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, according to a person familiar with the call but not authorized to publicly disclose details of it.

Trump talks to 3 more candidates for Supreme Court vacancy Source: AP

President Donald Trump spoke with three more potential Supreme Court candidates on Tuesday as a key senator privately aired concerns about one of the contenders. As Trump weighs his options, he has heard from Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who has expressed reservations about one top potential nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, according to a person familiar with the call but not authorized to publicly disclose details of it.

Trump’s July Putin dalliance could shake the alliance

President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg on July 7, 2017. Photo Credit: AP / Evan Vucci "Sometimes, our worst enemies are our so-called friends or allies," Trump told a crowd in North Dakota Wednesday night, while blasting European trade policies.