Obama’s Outgoing Attitude on War and Terrorism: Do as He Says, Not as He Did

It looks like President Barack Obama will be leaving office the same way he arrived: overestimating his actual commitment to rule of law and government transparency. That's one takeaway from the president's counterterrorism speech at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa Florida, yesterday.

Obama Campaigning Full-Time For Clinton: Trump

In a sharp attack on Hillary Clinton, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said, US President Barack Obama is campaigning full-time for Clinton as the Democratic nominee's rallies do not attract many people. "This guy is campaigning full-time," Trump told his supporters in Tampa, Florida a theme he repeated in his other rallies during the rest of the day yesterday.

Trump and Clinton fight to win Florida

CAMPAIGN kiss: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump kisses his wife Melania as she introduces him at a campaign rally yesterday, in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA. - Photo: AP Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton traded barbs as they entered the last three days of campaigning in the US presidential election with competing events on Saturday in Florida, a swing state that could prove decisive in Tuesday's vote.

Globalization has not been good for all Americans: Joe Biden

Acknowledging that globalisation has not been good for everyone in the US, Vice President Joe Biden said that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton knows how to benefit from it, for the country and its people. "She knows that globalization hasn't been good for everybody; that we've got to do something about changing the way in which we deal with the world, and without cutting back on engaging the world," Biden said an election rally in Tampa, Florida, a battleground state."

Donald Trump holds double-digit lead over Hillary Clinton among military and veteran voters: poll

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Dorald Trump leads his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by 19 points, 55 percent to 36 percent, among military and veteran voters, according to a poll issued Wednesday. The two candidates will each spend a half-hour Wednesady night talking about their military readiness at an event for veterans and active service members.

Primary victors prepare for battle over Hillsborough’s District 6 commission seat

Two years after they both ran unsuccessfully for a countywide Hillsborough County Commission seat, Republican Tim Schock and Democrat Pat Kemp now find themselves in a head-to-head battle for another spot on the same board. Schock easily won the Republican nomination last week to Hillsborough's open District 6 office, while Kemp coasted to victory in a four-way Democratic field.

PHOTO: Donald Trump arrives for a campaign rally in Tampa, Florida,Aug. 24, 2016.

Donald Trump said he would "work with" undocumented immigrants during a Fox News town hall with Sean Hannity taped on Tuesday, the second half of which is airing tonight at 10 p.m. When asked whether he would allow an exception for someone to stay in the U.S. who's proven to be a fair citizen, Trump said, "No citizenship. Let me go a step further -- they'll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes , there's no amnesty, as such, there's no amnesty, but we work with them."

GOP says U.S. command manipulated IS intel reports

Intelligence assessments approved by senior leaders at U.S. Central Command exaggerated the progress of anti-terrorism efforts they ran against Islamic State militants, a House Republican task force said in an initial report released Thursday. The report detailed what the task force described as "persistent problems" in 2014 and 2015 with the command's analysis of U.S. efforts to train Iraqi forces and combat the extremist group in Iraq and Syria.

Securing flights to Havana opens doors for Tampa Bay region

It is heartening to see the Tampa Bay region come together for a cause and win, as happened this month with the announcement that Tampa International Airport will likely host daily commercial flights to Havana as early as this fall. The list of those who should take a bow is long.

Trump’s no-apologies campaign tour hits hard on Romney, Warren

Donald Trump on Saturday kicked his unapologetic presidential campaign into high gear -- saying he won't apologize for his personal attacks on Sen. Elizabeth Warren and extending his feud with GOP establishment leader Mitt Romney. "The guy's a stone cold loser, a choker," Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, said about Romney at a rally in Tampa, Fla.