Mollie Tibbetts murder case puts spotlight on farms’ hiring undocumented immigrants

Migrant workers pass freshly picked watermelon down a line to be loaded up in a produce trailer at the Mandujano Brothers Produce's watermelon field on Oct. 3, 2017, in Coyanosa, Texas. Dane Lang, a co-owner of Yarrabee Farms outside of Brooklyn, Iowa, stood outside his family farm this week and lamented that he had employed the undocumented immigrant charged in the murder of 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts.

Why the FBI thinks Mollie Tibbetts’ Fitbit could help find the missing Iowa student

Investigators are sifting through electronic data from social media accounts and a physical activity tracker to help them in the search for Mollie Tibbetts, the 20-year-old from Brooklyn, Iowa, who has been missing for one week. The avid runner always wore a Fitbit, which tracks the distance traveled and other information.