Michigan voters to decide redistricting proposal in November

Michigan voters this fall will get to decide whether to change how their state's congressional and legislative districts are drawn after the state Supreme Court kept an anti-gerrymandering proposal on the ballot. In a 4-3 decision issued late Tuesday, the state Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit challenging the initiative, meaning it will go to a statewide vote in November.

Michigan Legislature OKs higher speed limits, shelves voter ID bill

Michigan motorists could drive faster on rural highways under bills that won final approval Tuesday in the Legislature, which narrowly backed a 75 mph speed limit on 600 miles of freeway and a 65 mph limit on 900 miles of other roads. Within a year, the limits would rise from 70 mph to 75 mph and from 55 mph to 65 mph if a safety study shows it is OK and the new limit is what no more than 15 percent of drivers already are exceeding.

Syrian government steps up attacks on Idlib province

Teenagers, the son of a local sheriff's deputy and young artists who loved music are among the dozens of people who died when a fire broke out at an underground dance party in a warehouse that visitors called a... Teenagers, the son of a local sheriff's deputy and young artists who loved music are among the dozens of people who died when a fire broke out at an underground dance party in a warehouse that visitors called a death... As investigators searched for signs of a crime in the fire that killed at least 33 in an Oakland warehouse during a late-night dance party, survivors and teary-eyed friends of those who perished viewed the charred... As investigators searched for signs of a crime in the fire that killed at least 33 in an Oakland warehouse during a late-night dance party, survivors and teary-eyed friends of those who perished viewed the charred building... The longest, loudest ... (more)

Italy hit by market volatility after referendum defeat

Shelley Mack says she didn't know the converted Oakland warehouse known as the "Ghost Ship" was an illegal residence until after she moved in, when she was instructed to tell visitors it was a 24-hour workspace... Shelley Mack says she didn't know the converted Oakland warehouse known as the "Ghost Ship" was an illegal residence until after she moved in, when she was instructed to tell visitors it was a 24-hour workspace for... Teenagers, the son of a local sheriff's deputy and young artists who loved music are among the dozens of people who died when a fire broke out at an underground dance party in a warehouse that visitors called a... Teenagers, the son of a local sheriff's deputy and young artists who loved music are among the dozens of people who died when a fire broke out at an underground dance party in a warehouse that visitors called a death... As investigators searched for ... (more)

In choosing their next chief, Democrats should listen to Obama :0

Rep. Keith Ellison's road to chairing the Democratic National Committee keeps getting rockier - which is a healthy sign for the party. No less than President Obama seems to think the Minnesota congressman is the wrong way to go: His people have been pushing Labor Secretary Tom Perez and Michigan ex-Gov. Jennifer Granholm for the job.

No holiday for political talk

As Americans feasted on turkey Thursday during the nation's first major post-election holiday, some took to social media to describe the political gloating, loathing and subject avoiding they experienced around the Thanksgiving table. Facebook and Twitter posts, many even before dinner was served, revealed some people still struggling to come to grips with Donald Trump's victory and others expressing relief that his rival, Hillary Clinton, didn't win.

5 things to know about Betsy DeVos,a Read Story Detroit Free Press

President-elect Donald Trump has picked one of the most well-known women in Michigan for his cabinet -- Betsy DeVos as education secretary. Here are five things to know about Besty DeVos, whom President-elect Donald Trump picked for education secretary on Wednesday, Nov. 23: --As a member of the DeVos clan of west Michigan, she is one of the top Republican fundraisers in the state.

Michigan Supreme Court blocks marijuana ballota

The Michigan Supreme Court denied leave to appeal Wednesday to attorneys for the MI Legalize group, making it all but certain that November ballots in Michigan won't include a marijuana question. Michigan Supreme Court blocks marijuana ballot group The Michigan Supreme Court denied leave to appeal Wednesday to attorneys for the MI Legalize group, making it all but certain that November ballots in Michigan won't include a marijuana question.

The Latest: Lavrov, Kerry to meet again on Syria

Starbucks is venturing into the world of "content creation" with stories it says will help balance the "cynicism" fueling media coverage of the presidential election. Starbucks wants to tell stories about inspiring Americans, marking the coffee chain's latest push to deepen its relationship with customers and cast itself as a positive force on social issues.

Attorney General Schuette continues fight to end straight-ticket voting in Michigan

There is a saying in politics that three-quarters of what you do in a campaign doesn't matter -- you just don't know which three quarters until after the campaign is over. That's because there are so many variables that can make a difference once the voting starts, so candidates, campaigns, and political parties do all they can to gain every marginal advantage.

Hurdles in Trump’s Midwest Strategy

I doubt it matters very much that Michigan's embattled Republican governor, Rick Snyder, won't be endorsing Donald Trump for president. Given Snyder's performance on the Flint water issue , who would want his endorsement? Gov. Snyder says he's going to stay focused on retaining a Republican majority in the state's House of Representatives.