Oxfam condemns EU over ‘inhumane’ Lesbos refugee camp

Violence so bad that women wear nappies at night to avoid leaving tents, report says

The EU has been strongly criticised over conditions in Greece’s largest refugee camp, where Oxfam reported women are wearing nappies at night for fear of leaving their tents to go to the toilet.

The British-based NGO described the increasingly dangerous state of the EU-sponsored Moria camp on the island of Lesbos, where a 24-year-old man from Cameroon was found dead in the early hours of Tuesday as temperatures fell below freezing.

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‘The US can’t dump people in Mexico’: Trump asylum policy in doubt

Head of immigration authority says Mexico has ‘asked for answers’ on ‘catch and return’ – but shutdown isn’t helping

When she announced last month that tens of thousands of asylum seekers would be returned to Mexico while their cases are considered, the homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, described the move as a “historic” overhaul of US immigration policy.

But more than two weeks later, the new strategy has yet to begin and it remains unclear how the plan would work – or even if Mexico is willing to enforce it.

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Far-right and anti-racism groups face off in Melbourne flashpoint

A rally against immigration at St Kilda beach prompts counter-protests but police keep rivals groups apart

Tensions reached boiling point at St Kilda beach in Melbourne as hundreds of far-right wing extremists and anti-racism campaigners faced off in a screaming match and minor scuffles broke out.

Scores of police including some with riot shields and on horseback were on hand to keep the groups apart. A police boat kept watch from the water and two helicopters circled overhead.

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France steps up efforts to prevent Channel crossings

French authorities to improve cooperation with UK and increase coastal surveillance

The French authorities have set out plans to prevent people in small boats risking the dangerous Channel crossing to England.

Measures being taken include improved cooperation between law enforcement agencies and more surveillance and security on beaches along the northern French coastline.

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Naval ship deployed to Channel to intercept refugee vessels

HMS Mersey’s mission follows request for military assistance from the home secretary, Sajid Javid

The Royal Navy patrol vessel HMS Mersey has been deployed to the Channel to help deal with people attempting to cross to the UK from France, ministers have confirmed.

The move came after a formal request for military assistance from the home secretary, Sajid Javid. The deployment will be financed by the Home Office.

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US authorities fire tear gas across border to repel Central Americans

Women, children and members of the press were affected by gas as authorities said it was aimed at rock throwers on Mexican side

US authorities fired tear gas into Mexico during the first hours of the new year to repel about 150 Central Americans who they claimed were trying to breach the border fence in Tijuana.

Related: 'I don't want to go back': what's next for the Central American migrant caravan?

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