Tory hard Brexiteers launch plan for Northern Ireland

Conservative hard Brexiteers have released proposals which they believe could allow the UK to leave the EU's single market and customs union without the need for a hard border in Ireland. The European Research Group of Tory backbenchers led by Jacob Rees-Mogg believe the Government has allowed the border question to become a roadblock to achieving a Canada-style Free Trade Agreement with the EU.

Trump’s Brexit intervention is perfectly reasonable, says Rees-Mogg

Donald Trump's explosive Brexit intervention has received a markedly different response from Leavers to Barack Obama's dalliance in the debate. In the months before the referendum, the then US president faced an angry backlash when he warned that Britain would be at "the back of the queue" for American trade deals if it quit the EU.

Brexit’s – Death by a Thousand Cuts’ Has U.K. Automakers on Edge

Prime Minister Theresa May's chaos-stricken U.K. government risks slowly suffocating investments for car manufacturers desperate for clarity post-Brexit from a party that calls itself pro-business. That's the stark assessment of Mike Hawes, chief executive officer of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, who took a jab at May's widely-debunked promise that there will be extra money to spend from the contributions that Britain stops making to the European Union budget when it leaves the bloc on March 29, 2019.

Britain’s May names new minister to try to end immigration scandal

British Prime Minister Theresa May appointed a former banker of South Asian origin as interior minister on Monday, trying to draw a line under an immigration scandal threatening her authority as she negotiates Brexit. Sajid Javid, the son of immigrants from Pakistan, replaces Amber Rudd, who quit as Home Secretary after acknowledging she had "inadvertently misled" parliament by denying the government had targets for the number of illegal migrants Britain deports.

Where are the conservatives we need?

But in a well-ordered democratic system, those who fight on behalf of competing parties, interests and ideas can usually find some room for mutual esteem and even occasionally try to profit intellectually from each other. It's when politics becomes unhinged that we squander the gift of social learning through reasoned argument.

Brexit Bulletin: Ignore and Enrage

The European Union will publish a draft Brexit withdrawal treaty on Wednesday and it's set to be explosive : it will ignore Theresa May's recent requests about the transition and risks prompting a domestic crisis over the sensitive issue of the Irish border. The agreements reached in December to move Brexit talks along to trade have now been written into legal text, Tim Ross and Ian Wishart report.

Brian Monteith: Brexit agreement is a sham to save the PM

There is only one word required to sum up the agreement announced between the UK government and the European Union and it is to describe it as a "sham", for it is designed to do one thing only and that is to keep Theresa May as Prime Minister, for now. This suits not just Theresa May and most of her Conservative colleagues but the EU - for it leaves them all to fight another day.

Jeremy Corbyn’s Rise From Hapless Loser to Potential Leader

It is always satisfying to prove your doubters wrong and, in the case of Jeremy Corbyn , the left-wing leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, there were an awful lot of them. Written off as a hapless loser 12 months ago at his last party conference, Mr. Corbyn can expect a triumphant reception at this year's event , which was to begin on Sunday.

U.K.’s Davis Slaps Down Tories Plotting to Get Rid of May

Conservative lawmakers plotting to replace Theresa May must stop being so "self-indulgent" and focus on governing Britain, Brexit Secretary David Davis said on Sunday, amid reports of secret moves to oust the prime minister. Davis said it would be catastrophic to hold a leadership contest now, just as he's trying to negotiate the terms of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union.

Oh, Jeremy Corbyn: Lessons from the U.K. election

Sorry, Justin Trudeau. DA solA , Emmanuel Macron. You've been replaced as the West's sexiest politicians by a socks-and-sandals retread from the seventies whose young fans never experienced that decade's failed Labour policies, the same ones Jeremy Corbyn, the party's current leader, wants to re-enact.

Here is a guide to how Britain’s election will work

Marred by two terror attacks during the campaign, Britain's snap general election on Thursday will decide who shapes the United Kingdom's future as it leaves the European Union. Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May, who came to power without a national vote last year after David Cameron's resignation, called the election three years early after just one year in charge.