UK honors ‘Windrush generation’ amid scandal over their immigration status

LONDON Friday marks 70 years since the MV Empire Windrush docked here with nearly 500 people from Caribbean nations ready to help rebuild Britain after the ravages of World War II. But this year's Windrush Day celebration is marred by an ongoing political scandal over suddenly classifying these long-term residents and descendants from former British colonies as illegal immigrants.

Britain’s May names new minister to try to end immigration scandal

British Prime Minister Theresa May appointed a former banker of South Asian origin as interior minister on Monday, trying to draw a line under an immigration scandal threatening her authority as she negotiates Brexit. Sajid Javid, the son of immigrants from Pakistan, replaces Amber Rudd, who quit as Home Secretary after acknowledging she had "inadvertently misled" parliament by denying the government had targets for the number of illegal migrants Britain deports.

UK home secretary Amber Rudd quits over growing immigration scandal

Prime Minister Theresa May's office said late Sunday that May had accepted the resignation of Home Secretary Amber Rudd. Rudd had been due to make a statement to Parliament on Monday over the "Windrush scandal," which has dominated headlines in Britain for days and has sparked intense criticism of the Conservative government's tough immigration policies.

Britain apologises for appalling treatment of Caribbean immigrants

London: Interior minister Amber Rudd apologised on Monday to thousands of British residents who arrived from the Caribbean decades ago and are now being denied basic rights after being incorrectly identified as illegal immigrants. Prime Minister Theresa May is under growing pressure to resolve the issue of the 'Windrush generation' of migrants who arrived in Britain more than 50 years ago and have become victims of a recent tightening of the immigration system.

The Skripal Poisonings and the Ongoing Vilification of Putin

Sergei Skripal and his daughter were poisoned by a nerve agent on March 4 on a park bench in Salisbury, England. Skripal had been a Russian double agent, a spy who turned over 300 names of Russian spies to British intelligence from 1995 to 2004.

Brexit Bulletin: Ignore and Enrage

The European Union will publish a draft Brexit withdrawal treaty on Wednesday and it's set to be explosive : it will ignore Theresa May's recent requests about the transition and risks prompting a domestic crisis over the sensitive issue of the Irish border. The agreements reached in December to move Brexit talks along to trade have now been written into legal text, Tim Ross and Ian Wishart report.

Bernie Sanders lends star power to Ontario premier at health care talk

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders lent his star power to Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne on Sunday in Toronto, where he commended the province and the rest of Canada for a public health care system that he admits is "not perfect." The man who inspired millions with his social democratic message but ultimately failed to win the U.S. Democratic Party's presidential nomination last year was introduced by Wynne at a packed event at the University of Toronto's Convocation Hall.

Illegal immigrants who survived Grenfell given path to permanent residency

Illegal immigrants who survived the Grenfell Tower fire will be given a clear path to obtaining permanent residency in Britain, the government said today. It had been difficult to get an exact picture of who was in the tower at the time, as many of the flats were sublet and some of the tenants did not have leave to remain in the UK.

Jeremy Corbyn’s Rise From Hapless Loser to Potential Leader

It is always satisfying to prove your doubters wrong and, in the case of Jeremy Corbyn , the left-wing leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, there were an awful lot of them. Written off as a hapless loser 12 months ago at his last party conference, Mr. Corbyn can expect a triumphant reception at this year's event , which was to begin on Sunday.

Brexit Bulletin: May Faces Biggest Parliamentary Test

Prime Minister Theresa May's minority administration faces its biggest test yet on Thursday as Parliament votes on her legislative program. The opposition Labour Party is already seeking to introduce elements of its manifesto via amendments, including one that would demand Britain tries in the Brexit talks to keep the "exact same benefits" of the European Union's single market and customs union.

Oh, Jeremy Corbyn: Lessons from the U.K. election

Sorry, Justin Trudeau. DA solA , Emmanuel Macron. You've been replaced as the West's sexiest politicians by a socks-and-sandals retread from the seventies whose young fans never experienced that decade's failed Labour policies, the same ones Jeremy Corbyn, the party's current leader, wants to re-enact.

Merkel Expects Brexit to Proceed as Scheduled After U.K. Vote

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she's ready to defend the interests of European Union members in Brexit negotiations and doesn't see any reason for the process to be delayed by the results of the U.K.'s election. "We will try to defend the interests of our 27 members states, and Great Britain will defend its own interests," Merkel said in Mexico City on Friday after meeting with President Enrique Pena Nieto.