John McCain: North Korea killed Otto Warmbier

Sen. John McCain slammed North Korea for its role in the death of Otto Warmbier , saying the "US cannot and should not tolerate the murder of its citizens by hostile powers." "Let us state the facts plainly: Otto Warmbier, an American citizen, was murdered by the Kim Jong-un regime," the Arizona Republican said in a statement released late Monday.

McCain: Americans ‘stupid’ to travel to North Korea

Sen. John McCain said Tuesday that Americans who are "stupid" enough to still want to travel to North Korea should be required to sign a waiver absolving the U.S. government of any blame should they be harmed while there. McCain, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said North Korea "murdered" Otto Warmbier, the 22-year-old American college student who died just days after North Korea released him from detention in a coma.

Trump Blames North Korea’s ‘Brutal Regime’ for Student’s Death

President Donald Trump on Monday denounced the death of Otto Warmbier, saying the University of Virginia student who spent more than a year imprisoned in North Korea suffered at the hands of a "brutal regime." "At least he got home to his parents," the president said during an event with technology CEOs at the White House, speaking just hours after Warmbier died.

US man Otto Warmbier dies after returning home from being detained in North Korea

A person believed to be Otto Warmbier is transferred from a medical transport airplane after he was brought home from detention in North Korea. Last year, Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years in prison with hard labour in North Korea, convicted of subversion after he tearfully confessed he had tried to steal a propaganda banner.

Doctors say US student freed by North Korea has brain damage

An American college student who emerged from prison in North Korea in a coma has severe brain damage, but doctors don't know what caused it, a medical team treating him in Ohio said Thursday. The doctors described Otto Warmbier as being in a state of "unresponsive wakefulness" but declined to discuss his outlook for improvement, saying such information would be kept confidential.

Nation & World 6/14/2017

A Georgia sheriff said officers were "desperately" searching Tuesday for two inmates who somehow got through a gate inside a prison bus, killed two guards and got away. Donnie Russell Rowe and Ricky Dubose overpowered and disarmed the guards about 6:45 a.m. as 33 inmates were being driven between prisons, Sills told reporters.

Trump’s first foreign trip has high stakes at each stop

President Donald Trump accompanied by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, left, calls on a member of the media during a news conference in the East Room of the White House, Thursday, May 18, 2017, in Washington. less President Donald Trump accompanied by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, left, calls on a member of the media during a news conference in the East Room of the White House, Thursday, May 18, 2017, in ... more WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump 's maiden international trip, a five-stop marathon across the Middle East and Europe, has long loomed as a crucial first test abroad for the chaos-courting president.

White nationalists carrying torches protest towna s plans to remove Confederate statue

Self-proclaimed white nationalist Richard Spencer led a large group carrying torches and chanting "You will not replace us" Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, protesting plans to remove a Confederate monument that has played an outsize role in this year's race for Virginia governor. "What brings us together is that we are white, we are a people, we will not be replaced," Spencer said at the first of two rallies he led in the college town where he once attended the University of Virginia.

Putin meets Tillerson as US, Russia fiercely feud over Syria

A once-prominent Las Vegas physician who was convicted of murder and 26 other charges in a 2007 hepatitis outbreak has died in prison custody. An influential U.S. government health panel is dropping its opposition to routine prostate cancer screening in favor of letting men decide for themselves after talking with their doctor.

Ex-doctor in hepatitis C outbreak dies in prison custody

FILE - In this June 27, 2013 file photo, Dipak Desai takes his seat during his trial in Clark County District Court in Las Vegas. Desai, the once-prominent Las Vegas doctor who was convicted of murder and 26 other charg... A prosecutor says a New York couple decided to kill their adoptive son and cover up the crime with a house fire after watching the movie "Manchester by the Sea."

‘Perjury is a very difficult charge to prove’: Sessions…

Attorney general Jeff Sessions was accused of misleading the Senate when he said he didn't meet with any Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has come under fire for what critics say was misleading the Senate about his contacts with the Russian ambassador to the US while he was a prominent surrogate for President Donald Trump's campaign.

Nordstrom broke the curse of the Trump tweet

After the president slammed Lockheed Martin on Dec. 23 for the "tremendous cost" of its fighter jets, the company's stock price Less than two weeks later, Trump blasted General Motors for assembling cars in Mexico, and the automaker's share value dropped 24 cents . Then he took aim at Toyota for building a new Mexican plant, delivering an apparent 64 cent blow .