Omarosa dishes on Trump and gets his attention

Stevante Clark stands on a desk as he shouts the name of his brother Stephon Clark, who was fatally shot by police a week earlier, during a meeting of the Sacramento City Council, Tuesday, March 27, 2018, in Sacramento, Cal... . FILE - In this July 9, 2014, file photo, ride designer Jeffery Henry looks over his creation, the world's tallest waterslide called "Verruckt" at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City, Kan.

Packers’ Rodgers says he’s been medically cleared to return

An internationally watched Senate election is down to voters in Alabama who will choose between Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones. An internationally watched Senate election is down to voters in Alabama who will choose between Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones.

North Carolina senators oppose Trump’s EPA nominee: reports

North Carolina Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis said they will not support the Trump administration's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency's chemical safety office, media reports said. If one more Republican votes against Michael Dourson, he likely wouldn't be confirmed to the post, the Hill reported on Wednesday.

Over 120 people buried by massive southwest China landslide

Deliberations in the second trial of a white former University of Cincinnati police officer who shot an unarmed black motorist have gone on longer than in his first trial. Deliberations in the second trial of a white former University of Cincinnati police officer who shot an unarmed black motorist have gone on longer than in his first trial.

Students warn of stifled speech on college campuses

Zachary Wood, a rising senior at Williams College, and Isaac Smith, a student at the University of Cincinnati College of Law, appeared before the committee at a hearing titled "Free Speech 101: The Assault on the First Amendment on College Campuses." As the president of "Uncomfortable Learning," Wood faced backlash for his student organization inviting controversial speakers to campus, like conservative commentator John Derbyshire.

US man Otto Warmbier dies after returning home from being detained in North Korea

A person believed to be Otto Warmbier is transferred from a medical transport airplane after he was brought home from detention in North Korea. Last year, Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years in prison with hard labour in North Korea, convicted of subversion after he tearfully confessed he had tried to steal a propaganda banner.

Doctors say US student freed by North Korea has brain damage

An American college student who emerged from prison in North Korea in a coma has severe brain damage, but doctors don't know what caused it, a medical team treating him in Ohio said Thursday. The doctors described Otto Warmbier as being in a state of "unresponsive wakefulness" but declined to discuss his outlook for improvement, saying such information would be kept confidential.