Guest Editorial: Consider this Trump’s Russian contusion

CNN's Anderson Cooper called the president's performance at a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin “perhaps one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president at a summit in front of a Russian leader certainly that I've ever seen.” Obama CIA Director John Brennan tweeted that it “rises to & exceeds the ... (more)

CAGW Releases 2018 Congressional Pig Book

Jul 18, 2018--Today, Citizens Against Government Waste released its , the 26th edition of the group's expose on pork-barrel spending. CAGW President Tom Schatz was joined at the Phoenix Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. by Sens. Jeff Flake , Ted Cruz and Joni Ernst , Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker , and Reps.

The Latest: Rubio calls Russia ‘a threat for years to come’

Sen. Marco Rubio says he can "guarantee" that the Russians will interfere with the next U.S. election and he's pushing legislation to impose tough sanctions if they do. The Florida Republican is working with Maryland Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen on a bill that would prohibit foreign governments from purchasing election ads, using social media to spread false information or disrupting election infrastructure.

The Latest: Russia pledges cooperation on Syria, few details

Russia's Defense Ministry says it's ready to boost cooperation with the U.S. military in Syria, following talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The ministry said in a statement Tuesday that it's ready for "practical implementation" of agreements reached by Trump and Putin.

Shameful. Disgraceful. Tragic. US reviews of Trump-Putin summit are brutal

That's the swift and sweeping condemnation directed at US President Donald Trump on Monday after he sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a stunning appearance in Helsinki - and that's just from Trump's fellow Republicans. Lawmakers in both major parties and former intelligence officials appeared shocked, dismayed and uneasy with Trump's suggestion that he believes Putin's denial of interfering in the 2016 elections.

Wave of condemnation hits Trump after summit with Putin

Lawmakers in both major parties and former intelligence officials appeared shocked with Trump's suggestion that he believes Putin's denial of interfering in the 2016 elections. That's the swift and sweeping condemnation directed at President Donald Trump on Monday after he sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a stunning appearance in Helsinki - and that's just from the Republicans.

Senate approves resolution to give Congress more say on Trump tariffs

The nonbinding measure, which passed 88-11, directs Capitol Hill negotiators trying to reconcile separate spending bills to include language giving lawmakers a role when such tariffs are put in place. Workers apply fiberglass to the resin frame of a boat Wednesday at Regal Marine Industries in Orlando, Fla.

Senate calls for more say on tariffs in bipartisan vote

Lawmakers went on record Wednesday to express their frustration with the Trump administration's growing use of tariffs as the Senate passed a nonbinding resolution designed to give Congress more say about trade penalties imposed in the name of national security. The measure, which passed by an 88-11 vote, directs Capitol Hill negotiators trying to reconcile separate spending bills to include language giving Congress a role when such tariffs are put in place.

Sen. John McCain’s illness could complicate President Donald Trump’s…

Trump's Monday night prime-time announcement of the nomination of Kavanaugh, a former attorney and top aide to President George W. Bush, would move the high court in a more conservative direction for decades to come. The president described Kavanaugh as "one of the finest and sharpest legal minds" of the modern era and called on the U.S. Senate to move quickly to confirm him.

5 Dead in Shooting at Annapolis Newspaper

A gunman shot and killed five people, and gravely injured several others, in the newsroom of the Capital-Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, on Thursday, according to local police . Phil Davis, one of the paper's crime reporters, tweeted from inside the newsroom, "Gunman shot through the glass door to the office and opened fire on multiple employees.

A day-by-day guide to a huge week for immigration in Congress

President Trump is taking intense criticism from high-profile conservatives for his administration's policy of separating families at the border. And this week is likely Congress's last realistic chance before the midterms to take action on immigrants brought to the country illegally as children.

Fight over detained children intensifies

Democrats expanded their campaign Sunday to spotlight the Trump administration's forced separation of migrant children from their families at the U.S. border, trying to compel a change of policy and gain political advantage five months before midterm elections. Against a notable silence on the part of many Republicans who usually defend President Trump, Democratic lawmakers fanned out across the country, visiting a detention center outside New York City and heading to Texas to inspect facilities where children have been detained.