Rep. Speier wants to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump

With fallout over President Trump's take on the bloody events in Charlottesville, Democratic Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee announcing his plans to introduce articles of impeachment against the president. Rep. Jackie Speier wants to remove Trump from office under an article within the 25th Amendment to the Constitution that allows the vice president and a majority of the cabinet to declare the president temporarily "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

Ex-Trump aide: Panel probing Russia sounding ‘more and more like McCarthy’

A former adviser to President Trump's campaign says a congressional probe into Russia's role in the 2016 election increasingly resembles former Sen. Joseph McCarthy 's infamous hunt for communists in the U.S. government. The accusations by Michael Caputo came little more than a week after congressional investigators on the House Intelligence Committee interviewed him as part of their ongoing probe of possible collusion between Trump campaign's and Russia.

Senators Press Trump Officials for Details on Russia’s Hacks

Senators on the Intelligence Committee pressed administration officials Wednesday to disclose more about the extent of Russian hacking attempts during last year's election after the government disclosed that 21 states had been targeted. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the committee's top Democrat, unsuccessfully pressed government officials to disclose which states were the victims.

Jackie Speier says the actions of Steve Scalise, others cannot be forgotten

Rep. Jackie Speier said Friday that she has the "greatest sympathy" for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who is in critical condition after being shot in the hip by a gunman, and says his actions cannot be forgotten. Ms. Speier was shot in 1978 with Rep. Leo Ryan during a visit to Jonestown where many of his constituents had family members.

If the Air Force can’t stop losing pilots, it may force them…

The US Air Force has been shedding pilots over the last few years, so much so that it has begun to reconsider admission requirements and duty assignments and is weighing the possibility of paying pilots up to nearly $500,000 to stay in the service. Air Mobility Command chief and Air Force Gen.

Judicial Watch Calls Upon Office of Congressional Ethics to…

Contact: Jill Farrell, Judicial Watch , 202-646-5172 WASHINGTON, April 14, 2017 / Christian Newswire / -- Judicial Watch today sent a hand-delivered letter to the chairman and co-chairman of the House Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether Rep. Adam Schiff and Jackie Speier "disclosed classified information to the public in violation of House ethics rules."

Military seeks new ways to punish bad online behavior

Skeptical Congress members on Tuesday pressed senior military leaders to take more aggressive action to prevent and punish inappropriate online activity by service members, including posts of "intimate" images on social media sites. And the military officers said a weeks-old investigation into nude photo-sharing by Marines online now involves all the services and has expanded to other websites, including a Tumblr page that has pornographic photos of people in various military uniforms.

Colleges pushed to note sexual misconduct on transcripts

Colleges that expel students whom they suspect of having committed sexual assault are being asked to go further by specifying the reason for expulsion on their transcripts. Victims' advocates say it's critical to ensuring such students don't end up on other campuses without their new schools knowing the potential risk and to holding them accountable, long term, so they can't just move on with a clean slate.

Congresswoman introduces bill to criminalize revenge porn across the U.S.

When sexually explicit images surface on the Internet without at least one party's consent, they often bounce around from site to site, and there's often not much the victim can do about it. The victims - predominantly women - can't threaten legal action against websites that host the images.

‘Too much death’: California congressional delegation mourns shootings

Several included the fatal shootings by police of Alton Sterling of Louisiana and Philando Castile of Minnesota in their remarks. "My thoughts are with the families of those brave Dallas police officers, as well as the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile," Rep. Judy Chu said in a statement.

Trump’s meager fundraising imperils presidential bid

Just weeks after going back on his pledge to self-fund his presidential campaign, Donald Trump on Tuesday came under attack from fellow Republicans stunned to learn that he entered the final month of the primary season with barely enough cash to run for a California House seat let alone the White House.

Stanford Students To Protest Brock Turner Outcome At Upcoming Graduation

Activists from UltraViolet, a national womenA's advocacy organization, hold a rally before delivering over one million signatures to the California Commission on Judicial Performance calling for the removal of Judge Aaron Persky from the bench Friday, June 10, 2016, in San Francisco. The case of Brock Turner, the Stanford student sentenced to just six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, has sparked widespread outrage.

Members of Congress to Read Stanford Survivor Letter on House Floor4 minutes ago

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., attends a news conference in the Capitol Visitor Center to oppose efforts to defund women's health care, Jan. 6, 2016, in Washington. At least 30 members of Congress will come together to read aloud a much-discussed letter from a woman to the former Stanford University student who was convicted of sexually assaulting her.

San Mateo County supervisor race: Four candidates in historic election

Voters in northern San Mateo County will make history Tuesday when they choose between four candidates who are vying to replace Supervisor Adrienne Tissier, who is termed out after 12 years in office. This is the first contest for an open seat under the county's new district elections, in which the voters in District 5 alone will decide their representative to the Board of Supervisors.