Cynthia Nixon gets big endorsement as NY Democrats face rupture

The New York Working Families Party, an influential coalition of labor unions and progressive activist groups, voted on Saturday to endorse actress and liberal activist Cynthia Nixon in her primary challenge to Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo. After hours of discussion, and in defiance of pleas from state committee members pushing to delay the decision, the party formally broke its uneasy alliance with Cuomo, the two-term governor leading Nixon in one early poll by a 3-to-1 margin.

Women in the World Summit 2018: All you need to know

The 2018 Women in the World Summit will welcome the likes of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton , Oscar Award -winning actress Viola Davis and Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi to the event which will be set against the backdrop of #MeToo, antigun violence activism and the equal pay debate. Donald Trump 's campaign trail 'grab them by the p****' comment to Billy Bush, the White House endorsement of Roy Moore for senator of Alabama and praise of former aide and alleged wife beater Rob Porter were all catalysts in the organisation of the summit for founder Tina Brown CBE.

Building More Housing Does Not Necessarily Lead to Cheaper Housing Without Government Regulation

I have long railed against simplistic ideas that the solution for housing costs in cities is to simply build more housing. First, the so-called "law of supply and demand" is more of a simplistic ideological construction of capitalism than a reality, yet it's power in our society blinds people to the many factors that go into to determining economic markets.

Unable to survive, Nicanor Oschisor took his own life

Isaiah 's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS " The Reality Show " went up Sunday. Here's C.I.'s " Iraq snapshot :" Replying to @ NashvilleResist @ annkillion and You get what it says, right? Only American lives matter.

Cynthia Nixon blasts Cuomo as ‘bully,’ ‘wannabe Republican’

Actress Cynthia Nixon blasted Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a bully and a "wannabe Republican" Monday during her first visit to Albany since announcing her bid for New York governor. The "Sex and the City" star and public education advocate criticized the two-term governor for not doing enough to ensure equal opportunities for poor and minority students.

Five East River helicopter crash victims drowned

Revealed: Five victims in East River helicopter crash DROWNED to death after they became trapped upside down underwater by their safety harnesses New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled the cause of death for all five victims was accidental drowning The victims have been identified as Trevor Cadigan and Brian McDaniel, 26, Carla Vallejos Blanco, Daniel Thompson, 34, and Tristan Hill, 29 The five passengers on board the helicopter that plunged into the East River on Sunday drowned to death after finding themselves trapped upside down by their harnesses. The New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner on Tuesday ruled that the cause of death for all five victims was accidental drowning.

Thomas Heatherwick, Architecture’s Showman

The Vessel, in Hudson Yards, has a hundred and fifty-four staircases and eighty landings. Heatherwick has said that, at a site where there is nothing else to commemorate, the Vessel can be a "monument to us."

Schumer favorability drops to all-time low

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., has the lowest approval ratings in his three terms as senator, according to a new Siena College poll. The poll reports that the senator's approval rating is at 52 percent - his lowest known rating for over a decade.

Businesswoman Chele Farley to challenge Gillibrand

Republican Chele Farley, who most recently served as New York City finance chair of the state party, on Thursday launched a run against U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who is up for re-election to a second full term this fall. Farley, a partner at the equity firm Mistral Capital, launched her effort with a video that borrowed an argument recently deployed by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo : New York State pays roughly more in federal taxes than it gets back in federal aid - money, Farley said, that could be used to rebuild state infrastructure and boost education, among other things.

Feds’ bureaucratic hellscape gnaws at New Yorkers’ health, hope

Thousands of injured or sick workers in the New York City area are spending the holiday season in bureaucratic limbo as they wait to see if they qualify for federal disability payments. They are among more than a million injured or sick workers nationwide whose initial claims for Social Security disability benefits were denied and are now stuck in a monstrous backlog of cases waiting for an administrative law judge to decide their appeal.

Cuomo’s Puerto Rico audition

Count Gov. Cuomo among the Democratic leaders who are responding to the truculent mood sweeping the party's base by serving up tough, pointed critiques of the Republican leadership in Congress and the White House. "In my opinion, the federal government should be ashamed of itself," Cuomo thundered from a podium at Kennedy Airport, condemning the Trump administration's response to the devastation in Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria.

The Top 10 Non-Fiction Books of 2017

Political news dominated not only headlines in 2017, but the biggest, splashiest book titles of the year as well, from Ta-Nehisi Coates reflecting on the Obama-Trump continuum to Hillary Clinton answering for herself the cries of "What happened?" These books covered the rise of evangelicalism to the future of humankind amid war and climate disaster. Even histories like David Grann's account of the Osage people or Tina Brown's memoirs of making it in a man's world carry a cultural relevance today.

De Blasio, Schumer lead Dems in rally against GOP tax overhaul

Mayor de Blasio denounced the congressional tax plan as a theft from the middle class to benefit the wealthy. He is seen at a City Hall rally on Sunday.

Insurance loss from disasters cuts profits at Buffett’s firm

A military judge has found that Bowe Bergdahl should serve no prison time for endangering his comrades by walking off his Afghanistan post. A military judge has found that Bowe Bergdahl should serve no prison time for endangering his comrades by walking off his Afghanistan post.

Sanders Continues Rage Against Rich, Backs NYC ‘Millionaire Tax’…

Yesterday afternoon, Senator Bernie Sanders provided yet another example of his political myopia . Appearing at a Manhattan subway station, he endorsed New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio-who is currently running for reelection-specifically praising the incumbent mayor's newly-proposed, statewide 'millionaires' tax.'

Truck attack suspect is charged with terrorism offenses

Federal prosecutors brought terrorism charges Wednesday against the Uzbek immigrant accused in the truck rampage that left eight people dead, saying he carried out the attack in response to the Islamic State group's online calls to action. Authorities said the driver of the rented Home Depot truck, 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov, watched ISIS videos on his cellphone and picked Halloween for the attack on a bike lane in lower Manhattan because he knew more people would be out on the streets.

The Latest: Trump slams visa lottery after NYC attack

President Donald Trump is urging swift repeal of an immigration program that brought the New York truck attack suspect to America. Trump insists Congress must end the visa lottery program under which Uzbek immigrant Sayfullo Saipov entered the country, and he has ordered still tighter scrutiny of immigrants already subject to what he calls "extreme vetting."

GOP now the White Nationalist Party, not changing anytime soon

"At several events at this year's New Yorker Festival, a sense of wooziness predominated among audience members, who appeared to be grasping for a wisp of hope that the nightmare known as President Trump would soon be over. Alas, experts who graced the stages at three separate events had a common message: Expect Trump to serve out his first term, and perhaps even his second.

De Blasio Claims Victory in NYC Democratic Primary

After Mayor Bill de Blasio swept up more than 70 percent of the vote in a Democratic primary many anticipated he would win - bringing him one step closer to re-election - he said he had made progress in his first term but would not "accept the status quo" and keep pressing for change. At around 9:15 p.m., WNYC reported that de Blasio won 74.4 percent of the vote, with 317,091 votes, with 99 percent of precincts reporting.