As prairies turn to ash, cowboys mull help

Travis Brown, 33, of Sand Springs Mont., stands next to a fence at a cattle corral while waiting for local cowboys to divert some of his cattle into a trailer.Tim Craig/The Washington Post Travis Brown, 33, of Sand Springs Mont., stands next to a fence at a cattle corral while waiting for local cowboys to divert some of his cattle into a trailer.Tim Craig/The Washington Post SAND SPRINGS, Mont. - In this part of Montana's rugged eastern prairie, Erwin Weder and the other ranchers and cowboys are not used to feeling kicked around.

Why Is This Not a Story?

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the former Democratic National Committee chairwoman known in political circles as DWS, is knee-deep in a scandal that involves a laptop, money and possible foreign entanglements. Unlike the Trump Russian scandal, however, The Washington Post and New York Times have barely reported on the story, which has conservatives observing -- with President Donald TrumpA s Twitter account concurring -- that the mainstream media have a double standard.

10 hospitalized after American Airlines flight plunges while over Atlantic Ocean

An American Airlines flight lurched violently over the Atlantic Ocean on Saturday, sending drinks and people flying - and putting 10 in the hospital after landing in Philadelphia. Alex Ehmke and his family had spent nearly 10 hours in the air - flying home from a vacation in Europe, he told The Washington Post.

Strong reaction in New Hampshire to Trump’s ‘drug-infested den’ remarks

Those show the range of reactions in New Hampshire to President Donald Trump's characterization of the state as a "drug-infested den" while speaking to Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto in January. Trump's remarks came to light this week when The Washington Post published a transcript of the phone conversation between the two leaders.

One weird trick Democrats could use to stop stumbling over Pelosi and abortion questions

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a May 4 news conference on Capitol Hill. Last week saw the Democratic Party save the Affordable Care Act, a remarkable victory for an out-of-power party.

Emails Show WaPo, NYT Reporters WereReluctant To Cover Clinton And Lynch Meeting

A series of emails from reporters at The Washington Post and The New York Times published Friday reveal they weren't eager to cover the 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The American Center for Law and Justice, a nonprofit organization, released a series of emails obtained through a FOIA request that show the reporters at the outlets didn't seem to want to cover the secret meeting between the former president and Lynch, as the Department of Justice was investigating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email server.

White House reporters explain why ‘palace intrigue’ actually matters

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events Anthony Scaramucci, who was ousted as White House communications director on Monday, and counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway It's the White House's go-to pejorative when dismissing reports of internal power struggles as idle gossip: "palace intrigue." The phrase conveys the idea that reporters covering President Trump and his advisers are more like reality TV addicts than real journalists - which is exactly how the White House wants them to be seen.

US warns against ‘staggering’ leaks, vows crackdown

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday vowed a tough crackdown on people revealing classified or sensitive national security information, threatening to jail leakers and branding such illicit acts a betrayal to fellow Americans. US President Donald Trump has repeatedly fumed about "illegal leaks" and even lashed out publicly at Sessions last week for taking what he called a "very weak" position on the issue.

Trump dictated son’s statement on Russia talks a ” report

President Donald Trump personally dictated a misleading statement in which his son Donald Trump Jr said a meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 election was focused on adoptions, The Washington Post reported Monday. It later emerged that during that fateful June 2016 meeting, Trump's eldest son, his son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort met with a Russian government attorney who an intermediary claimed had incriminating information about Trump's rival Hillary Clinton.

WaPo: Trump involved in misleading statement on Jr.’s meeting

In response to New York Times reporting that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer during the campaign, President Donald Trump dictated a misleading statement for his son, The Washington Post reported Monday evening. The Post, citing multiple people with knowledge of the situation, said the original plan in response to the Times' reporting was to issue a truthful statement ahead of the story, but then Trump personally decided to have the statement say Trump Jr. had met with the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, to discuss adoption of Russian children by people in the US.

John Boehner says Republicans are ‘never’ going to pass health care

John Boehner didn't mince words about the chances his former Republican colleagues will pass some sort of repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. "Here we are, seven months into this year, and yet they've not passed this bill," Boehner told a private audience in Las Vegas last week, according to video footage obtained by The Washington Post.

.com | Trump intensifies criticism of own attorney general

Donald Trump's war of words against his attorney general and one-time ally Jeff Sessions escalated on Monday, raising speculation the president may be preparing the ground to replace him. Trump and his advisers are in fact talking about the possibility of replacing Sessions, The Washington Post reported on Monday evening, quoting people familiar with these discussions.

Donald Trump: ‘the U.S. President has the complete power to pardon’

President Trump claimed Saturday he has "the complete power to pardon," publicly responding for the first time to recent news reports suggesting he's seeking pardons for individuals being investigated by prosecutors probing Russia 's role in last year's White House race, including relatives, staffers and himself. "While all agree the U.S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.

Justice Department hits back at report citing anonymous sources that…

The Justice Department hit back Friday night at a report citing anonymous sources who said Attorney General Jeff Sessions discussed sensitive matters with a Russian official during last year's presidential race ins spite of his subsequent testimony that he did not. The Washington Post, citing unnamed current and former officials, reported that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak claimed he discussed the 2016 campaign with Sessions during the race, possibly contradicting the attorney general's public comments about his interactions with Russian officials, according to a Washington Post report Friday.

Senate intel committee subpoenas the research firm tied to the bombshell Trump-Russia dossier

The Senate Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed the research firm responsible for the bombshell Russia dossier that contains unverified memos related to President Donald Trump's activities in Russia. An attorney for Fusion GPS cofounder Glenn Simpson rejected a request to voluntarily appear before a Senate Judiciary hearing next week, citing Simpson's vacation plans.

Trump’s legal team weighs how to curtail special counsel – reports

U.S. President Donald Trump's lawyers are reviewing ways to limit or undermine the special counsel investigation of alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election, including by examining the backgrounds of the investigators, according to newspaper reports. FILE PHOTO: Special Counsel Robert Mueller leaves the U.S. Capitol Building after meeting with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington, U.S., June 21, 2017.

Trump shuts down CIA program to arm Syrian rebels: report

President Trump is shutting down the CIA's program to arm and train rebels fighting the Syrian government, The Washington Post reported Wednesday, a victory for Russia, which has called for the move for years. Officials told the Post that shutting down the program, begun by the Obama administration in 2013, is a sign of Trump's attempts to work with Russia, which has viewed the U.S. attempts to force out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as an attack on their own interests.

We thought our daughter had escaped her preexisting condition. We were wrong.

Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events Before Obamacare, insurers could charge patients with preexisting conditions more. The new Republican health-care plan would let insurers offer plans in the health marketplaces that do it again.