NYT: EPA expected to roll back fuel economy rules for cars

The Environmental Protection Agency has handed documents to Congress that show new travel expenses from agency administrator Scott Pruitt, totaling some $68,000 in hotel stays and air travel, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The Environmental Protection Agency has handed documents to Congress that show new travel expenses from agency administrator Scott Pruitt, totaling some $68,000 in hotel stays and air travel, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

Writers for The Washington Post and BuzzFeed win Lukas award

Staff writers for The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News won awards on Tuesday for investigative nonfiction books. The Post's Amy Goldstein won the $10,000 J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize for her portrait of a Wisconsin community and the residence of Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, "Janesville: An American Story."

Writers for The Washington Post and BuzzFeed win Lukas award Source: AP

Staff writers for The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News won awards on Tuesday for investigative nonfiction books. The Post's Amy Goldstein won the $10,000 J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize for her portrait of a Wisconsin community and the residence of Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, "Janesville: An American Story."

Former Clinton campaign communications director: Emails were ‘a …

In a new memoir, former Hillary Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri says the Clinton email scandal was a like "a box we could never get out of," The Washington Post reports. "I think it was the unease people felt about Hillary's motivation as a woman seeking power that made it impossible for us to very fully put this matter to bed," Palmieri writes, according to the Post.

Scarborough pens op-ed on why Trump administration ‘is doomed’

MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough argues in a new op-ed that the Trump administration is "doomed to fail" due to Donald John Trump Accuser says Trump should be afraid of the truth Woman behind pro-Trump Facebook page denies being influenced by Russians Shulkin says he has White House approval to root out 'subversion' at VA MORE Writing in The Washington Post , Scarborough argues that voters will reject Trump's agenda in November's midterm elections and leave the Trump administration with an unfriendly Democratic Congress, similar to how President Obama was stymied by Republicans after they seized control of Congress in 2010.

After Cohn, Mnuchin positions himself as White House’s economic moderate

US treasury secretary argues 'the president is not a protectionist' after Trump imposes punishing steel and aluminum tariffs, sending top adviser out the door Trailed by Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, US President Donald Trump arrives to deliver remarks following a meeting on infrastructure at Trump Tower, August 15, 2017, in New York City. WASHINGTON - With US President Donald Trump's top economic adviser Gary Cohn out the door, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is working to assume the mantle of the White House's main economic voice of reason.

CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan CNN has refused to inform its audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democratic politicians and activists to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite. At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan , who routinely calls Jews "satanic" and has said that white people "deserve to die."

If You’re Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

The Washington Post recently published an op-ed by writer Adam Weinstein in which he argues that Second Amendment advocates "use jargon to bully gun-control supporters." "While debating the merits of various gun control proposals," he contends, "Second Amendment enthusiasts often diminish, or outright dismiss their views if they use imprecise firearms terminology."

Roy Moore pleads for $250,000 from supporters to pay legal fees

Former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is long past the need for campaign contributions, but that didn't stop him from pleading with supporters to help pay his hefty legal fees incurred trying to fight sexual misconduct allegations. The Republican, who lost to Democrat Doug Jones in a Dec. 12 runoff to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions, took to Facebook late Thursday to tell supporters he faces that "another vicious attack from lawyers in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco who have hired one of the biggest firms in Birmingham, Alabama, to bring another legal action against me and ensure that I never fight again."

Moore pleads for money, saying resources ‘depleted’

Former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore is long past the need for campaign contributions, but that didn't stop him from pleading with supporters to help pay his hefty legal fees incurred trying to fight sexual misconduct allegations. The Republican, who lost to Democrat Doug Jones in a Dec. 12 runoff to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions , took to Facebook late Thursday to tell supporters he faces "another vicious attack from lawyers in Washington D.C. and San Francisco who have hired one of the biggest firms in Birmingham Alabama to bring another legal action against me and ensure that I never fight again."

Rod Rosenstein Told the White House That Jared Kushner Would Not Be Getting Clearance Soon

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein called the White House two weeks ago to discuss ongoing concerns about Jared Kushner's security clearance. Kushner has been accessing the nation's top secrets for more than a year through an interim clearance that allows him to see both top-secret and sensitive compartmented information, the highest clearance level.

Coulter: Trump – foreign policy adviser’ is Agent 000

If you've been watching MSNBC and, consequently, have no idea what was in the memo released by the House Intelligence Committee , here is a brief summary: The Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee paid a Trump-hating British private eye, Christopher Steele, to produce a "dossier" on Trump, relying on Russian sources. The Department of Justice used the unverified dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Carter Page, an alleged "foreign policy adviser" to Donald Trump.

Trump flirts with flashy military parade long eschewed by US

For generations, as America's authoritarian rivals strutted their tanks, troops and jets through main thoroughfares in dramatic displays of strength, the United States watched from afar, but did not emulate. Widely accepted as the world's mightiest, the U.S. military has no tradition of putting itself on parade like in Russia, North Korea or China.

The DC Government Is Already Pushing Back on Hosting Trumpa s Military Parade

President Trump is reportedly going forward with his desire to roll troops, tanks, and other military hardware down Pennsylvania Avenue, but don't look for the city that would have to host his fantasized-about military parade. The DC government, which would presumably be a stakeholder in the planning and execution of any such event, says it will not bear the cost of staging it.

Trump asks Pentagon to explore plans for a military ‘celebration’

French President Emmanuel Macron, President Trump, first lady Melania Trump, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and French Defense Minister Florence Parly look at members of the 5e Regiment de Cuirassiers as they participate in the annual Bastille Day military in Paris on July 14, 2017. President Trump has expressed a desire for a massive military parade showcasing America's strength since before he even took office.