British pensioner and her dog found dead at home in St Lucia

Diana Theodore, 72, is believed to have been murdered after police responded to an initial report of a burglary at her home

A British pensioner has been found dead, tied up and under her bed in her home in St Lucia in what police believe to have been a murder.

The body of Diana Theodore, 72, was found on Saturday morning in a pool of blood alongside the body of her pet dog. Police in Choiseul, St Lucia, have opened a murder investigation after she was found with an injury to her head.

Theodore, a mother of one, left the UK for the island more than 30 years ago and has been described as a ‘community activist’. In a statement, the Saint Lucia National Trust said: “Today we heard the very sad news of the untimely loss of our long-term member and former councillor and friend of many of our members.”

The trust called Theodore a “passionate and vocal advocate for Saint Lucia’s natural and cultural heritage”, adding that she was “a long-term member of the trust who also served on council and regularly contributed her ideas, concerns and advice in areas of conservation and community interest”.

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London ballroom hosts showcase event for ‘golden passports’

Three PMs attend marketing sales event on how wealthy can snap up citizenship from $100,000

Three prime ministers took to a stage in the ballroom of a five-star London hotel this week offering the world’s wealthiest people “golden passports” and citizenship of their countries in return for hundreds of thousands of pounds of investment or flat “contributions”.

Allen Chastanet, the prime minister of the Caribbean island of St Lucia, told about 300 members of the super-rich elite and their advisers gathered at the Rosewood hotel for “global citizenship conference” that his country’s economic mission was “going after high net-worth individuals and giving them a comfortable place to live”.

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Scientology cruise ship still quarantined as passengers are tested for measles

Health officials have taken 277 blood samples from those onboard ship docked in Caribbean island of Curaçao

A Church of Scientology cruise ship docked in the Caribbean island of Curaçao will remain under quarantine until government authorities determine how many of the ship’s 318 passengers are infected with measles.

Health officials have taken 277 blood samples from those onboard the ship and sent them to the Netherlands. The results are expected to come back by Tuesday or Wednesday, according to the Associated Press. Ten passengers and 31 crew members were able to provide proof of vaccination.

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Scientology cruise ship leaves St Lucia after measles quarantine

Church of Scientology vessel held in port after contagious disease detected onboard

A cruise ship quarantined for a reported case of measles has left the Caribbean island of St Lucia after health officials supplied 100 doses of vaccine to the ship, according to reports.

The Church of Scientology cruise ship was confined to port this week by island health officials after the highly contagious disease was detected onboard.

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