Confinement: photographic responses to the pandemic

Prix Pictet, the world’s leading prize for photography and sustainability, gathered responses to Covid-19 by 43 artists from 20 nations. A featured collaboration of four photographers with the Guardian, in the summer of 2020, draws on themes of isolation, confinement and political instability, and includes laureates and shortlisted photographers from the prize’s eight editions

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Joana Choumali wins 2019 Prix Prictet photography prize

Artist becomes first African to win the prestigious prize, for embroidered pictures created following terrorist attack

See a photo essay of the Prix Pictet 2019 shortlist

Joana Choumali, a 45-year-old photographer from Ivory Coast, has become the first African artist to win the Prix Pictet. The announcement was made this evening in a ceremony at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London for the opening of an exhibition of the 12 shortlisted artists.

The theme of the eighth Prix Pictet, a global award for photography and sustainability, was Hope. The jury, which included last year’s winner, Richard Mosse, praised Choumali’s “brilliantly original meditation on the ability of the human spirit to wrest hope and resilience from even the most traumatic events”.

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