Nashville courthouse to be named after former senator, actor Fred Thompson

Nashville courthouse to be named after former senator, actor Fred Thompson The federal courthouse in Nashville, Tenn., will be named after Fred Thompson, a former senator, presidential candidate and actor. Check out this story on WASHINGTON - A bill to name the new federal courthouse in Nashville, Tenn., after former Sen. Fred Thompson has cleared its final hurdle in Congress and is awaiting President Trump's signature.

Confirmation hearing for Trump’s labor pick now March 22

The Senate confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump's pick to lead the Labor Department has been delayed until later this month. But a spokesman for the panel's chairman, Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, says the hearing will now be held on March 22. The spokesman, Taylor Haulsee, cites a scheduling conflict in which Alexander is to appear with Trump at an event in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday to help promote Republicans' plan to repeal and replace Barack Obama's health care law.

The Latest: Trump plans Nashville, Tennessee, rally

President Donald Trump speaks in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, March 9, 2017, during a meeting with leaders from small community banks. . FILE- In this March 6, 2012 file photo, an FBI poster showing a composite image of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, right, of how he would look like now after five years in captivity, and an image, center, taken f... .

News 13 mins ago 7:15 a.m.Former Nashville Mayor Karl Dean to run for governor of Tennessee

Karl Dean is running for governor of Tennessee in an uphill bid to become the first Democrat elected statewide in the Volunteer State since 2006. Casting himself as a pro-business moderate focused on education and jobs, the former Nashville mayor said he made the call after consultation with family, deciding he had "a reason and purpose" to run and determining there's a path for him to win in a state where Republicans have dominated in recent years.

Tennessee Capitol protests lead to call for tighter security

After recent protests around the state Capitol in Nashville, some Republicans want a crackdown on demonstrators and tougher security requirements for entering the legislative office complex. Democrats are pushing back, arguing that access to lawmakers shouldn't be restricted only because many of the protesters oppose the policies of Republican President Donald Trump on issues including immigration, race, abortion and LGBT rights.

Largest Gathering of HOSA-Future Health Professionals Next Week

Future Health Professionals, the largest international organization for middle school, high school, and postsecondary/collegiate students with an interest in the health professions, will be holding its largest gathering of future health professionals in Nashville, Tennessee next week. HOSA-Future Health Professionals, the largest international organization for middle school, high school, and postsecondary/collegiate students with an interest in the health professions, will be holding its largest gathering of future health professionals in Nashville, Tennessee next week.

Democratic Prospects for TN Governor. Dog-and-Pony at County Commission

In this week's Viewpoint , Tom Humphrey, retired from the Knoxville News Sentinel , where he earned a reputation as the dean of Tennessee political writers, and now my colleague as a contributing editor of The Tennessee Journal , contributes some informed - and likely definitive - thoughts on the Republican candidates who will be vying in a 2018 gubernatorial contest which is about to get started in earnest. As Humphrey points out, Tennessee is now about as deep-dyed red in its political sentiments as can be, and the GOP has a built-in advantage.