Trump goes after LeBron

Ahead of campaigning in Ohio on Saturday, President Donald Trump unleashed a withering attack on the state's favourite son, savaging LeBron James in a late-night tweet that derided the intelligence of one of the nation's most prominent African-American men. Melania Trump's spokeswoman quickly distanced the first lady from the criticism of James, saying in a statement Saturday afternoon that it appears James is "working to do good things on behalf of our next generation" and that the first lady would be open to visiting his new school.

Trump faces new accusations of racism after mocking LeBron James’ intelligence

President Donald Trump faced renewed accusations of racism Saturday after mocking the intelligence of Los Angeles Lakers player LeBron James and broadcaster Don Lemon of CNN. Trump took to Twitter late Friday night to bash Lemon after his interview Monday with James, and ended up slandering the celebrity athlete too.

Trump rips LeBron James’ smarts hours before rally in Ohio

Ahead of campaigning in Ohio on Saturday, President Donald Trump unleashed a withering attack on the state's son, savaging LeBron James in a late-night tweet that derided the intelligence of one of the nation's most prominent African-American men. Trump blasted James after seemingly watching an interview the former Cleveland Cavaliers star did earlier in the week with CNN anchor Don Lemon in which he deemed Trump divisive.

Visual Artist Creates a Cgi Model To Bring More Diversity To Fashion Industry

A South African model has an Instagram audience of more than 130,000 followers on her account, but there's a quality that makes her unique from other models: she's computer-generated. Cameron-James Wilson, a London-based photographer and visual artist , designed Shudu with computer-generated imagery , he told Cosmopolitan.

Suffrage and Race

The story of how white suffrage activists went full racist in the late 19th century in their demands for the right to vote is well-known among American historians. But as we reach the centennial of the 19th Amendment in 2020, to what extent will this racism be recognized in the celebration of suffrage? Brent Staples has a good piece here and he does what journalists should do-rely on historians, who tell straightforward stories about the past that are increasingly written to be accessible to the general public, as opposed to many other disciplines for whom communication seems to be an outright enemy, to inform his analysis.

Black Women for Positive Change Announces 2018 Week of Non-Violence October 13-21, 2018

Black Women for Positive Change, in affiliation with the Positive Change Foundation, announces the Sixth Annual 2018 Week of Non-Violence, Justice and Opportunities, . In a joint statement, Daun S. Hester and Dr. Stephanie E. Myers, National Co-Chairs of Black Women for Positive Change said, "We are reaching out to leaders around the United States and the World, to join us in the sixth annual Week of Non-Violence, Justice and Opportunities.

The Strange Career of White Privilege

Historically, the term apparently refers to the original European settlers who came to the United States and later equated the protections of the U.S. Constitution solely with their own majority ethnicity and race - a tribal and chauvinistic mindset that still governs politics and immigration the world over, from China and Japan to most African and South American countries. Yet the singular transcendent logic of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence was that all people innately were created equal.

Exalted Righteousness, Tawdry Methods Lead to Walk Away

Victor Davis Hanson, writing in American Greatness , surveys how history's bad ideas inspire the "progressives." He focuses on the plans for court packing, the resegregation of students in universities, the growing movements to censor speech , restaurants' decision to refuse service to those whose views they disagree with and local governments' nullification of laws .

Deactivating Affirmative Action

Recently, President Trump ordered the Justice Department to investigate the use of affirmative action in elite university admission. The extent to which this policy helps minority students has diminished to the point that the simultaneous disadvantage to white and Asian students is unmerited.

The Latest: Indiana lawmaker comes forward to accuse AG Hill Source: AP

The Latest on growing calls for Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill to resign amid sexual misconduct allegations : Democratic state Rep. Mara Candelaria Reardon published her own account of the March 15 incident, which occurred at an Indianapolis bar, in The Times newspaper . The Munster lawmaker says she told Hill to "back off," but he approached her again later in the night, put his hand on her back and said: "That skin.

Candidates make final pitches as Maryland Democratic gubernatorial primary looms

Ben Jealous, left, and Ben Cohen, right, a co-founder of Ben and Jerry's, give out free ice cream in Baltimore on Saturday. U.S. Rep. Steny H. Hoyer , right, stumps for gubernatorial candidate Rushern L. Baker III on Saturday.

Democratic Black Caucus of Florida endorses Mayor Gillum

He also mentioned his status as the 'only non-millionaire Democrat' in the primary and how it makes him more relatable to those casting ballots. "One of my opponents is 11,000 times wealthier than I am, but I think I am in good company," said Gillum.

Why Aren’t Top Democrats Acknowledging the Black Women Running for Office?

Jeannine Lee Lake decided to run for Congress after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election because she wanted to show her teenage daughter that she was willing to take a stand against Trump's pejorative comments about women and minorities. Lake, a 48-year-old black woman, said she ran for her daughter, and for her nieces and nephews.

Virginia Votes For A Racist And First-Time Black Candidate In The Strangest Primary Ever

Vangie Williams scored a victory Tuesday by defeating two military veterans to win the Democratic nomination to run for Congress. Williams would the first African-American to represent the state's first congressional district if she wins her November battle against Republican incumbent Rep. Rob Wittman .

San Francisco elects first African-American woman as mayor

San Francisco Supervisor London Breed emerged victorious Wednesday to become the city's first African-American woman mayor after narrowly defeating a rival who was seeking to become the first openly gay man in the position. It took eight days of counting after Election Day for Breed to build a large enough lead to claim the city's top job.