DC News Junkie | Second Shutdown in Three Weeks

Congressman John Larson, D-1st District, released a statement shortly after midnight, placing the blame for last night's federal government shutdown on Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, and suggesting it was motivated by a "personal, ideological agenda." "This shutdown falls squarely on the shoulders of egotists like Senator Rand Paul.

Larson, Courtney win tax break for homeowners with crumbling foundations

CT Department of Consumer Protection A cracking foundation Washington - U.S. Reps. John Larson and Joe Courtney had good news Wednesday for Connecticut homeowners with crumbling foundations - the Internal Revenue Service will allow them to take a casualty loss for money spent to fix the foundations.

GOP blocks Dem efforts to boost tax benefits for parents

Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., left, joined by Rep. John Larson, D-Conn., questions House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, about tax relief provisions for disaster victims as the panel begin the mar... . Volumes of tax regulations are stacked on the dais as the House Ways and Means Committee begins the markup process of the GOP's far-reaching tax overhaul, the first major revamp of the tax system in three decades, on Cap... .

Republicans cite donor pressure to deliver on tax bill

Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., left, joined by Rep. John Larson, D-Conn., questions House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, about tax relief provisions for disaster victims as the panel begin the mar... . Volumes of tax regulations are stacked on the dais as the House Ways and Means Committee begins the markup process of the GOP's far-reaching tax overhaul, the first major revamp of the tax system in three decades, on Cap... .

Higgins introduces bill to open up medicare to more people

At the same time Senate Republicans were considering ways to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a few House Democrats offered up their solution to improve it. "This is the best plan that is being proposed today from a practicality standpoint," Rep. Brian Higgins, D-NY-1, said.

Connecticut Sets Voter Record, But How Was Turnout In Weston, Westport?

The most voters ever cast ballots this November in Connecticut. But how was the voter turnout in your town in the hotly contested 2016 presidential race between Republican Donald Trump, who won the national race, and Hillary Clinton, who posted a victory in Connecticut? The final figures reveal that 1,675,955 people cast ballots out of an all-time high 2,178,169 registered voters, amounting to a turnout of just under 77 percent.

Dems, GOP Seem on Collision Course Over Gun, Terror Bills

House Democrats and Republicans seem just as destined for an election-season clash over guns as they did before a Democratic sit-in on the chamber's floor ushered in lawmakers' July 4 recess two weeks ago. Nearly a month after the Orlando mass-shooting catapulted the issue back onto the nation's radar, the two parties were meeting separately Wednesday to map strategy.

The next chapter of the gun-control showdown comes to the House this week

The House will vote on gun-control legislation this week as part of a broader package of counterterrorism measures, but it will do little to end the political discord between Republicans and Democrats over how Congress should respond to the recent mass shooting in Orlando. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan on Friday announced there would be a vote this week on legislation that incorporates a broad swath of Republican proposals to counter radicalization in the United States.

Blumenthal, Murphy, Larson, Courtney, DeLauro announce more than $1…

On Friday, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal , Chris Murphy , along with U.S. Representatives John Larson , Joe Courtney , and Rosa DeLauro announced a more than $1 billion contract from the Air Force to Pratt & Whitney to develop next generation military fighter engine technology. As part of the Air Force's Adaptive Engine Transition Program , Pratt & Whitney will design, develop, fabricate, and test complete adaptive engines.

House Democrats stage protest in dispute over guns

House Democrats are staging a sit-down protest, seeking a vote on gun control measures following the Orlando nightclub shooting. A group of about 30 Democrats led by Georgia Rep. John Lewis demanded a vote on gun control measures before sitting down and "occupying" the House floor Wednesday.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., center, calls for gun control legislation …

President Barack Obama, followed by, from second from left, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., Rep. John Larson, D-Conn., and Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., walks down the steps of Air Force One at Bradley Air Force Base, Conn., Monday, April 8, 2013. Obama traveled to the Hartford, Conn., to speak at the University of Hartford, near the state capitol where last week the governor signed into law some of the nation's strictest gun control laws with the Sandy Hook families standing behind him.