Mitch McConnell rejects speculation about future amid concerns over health

Republican Senate leader, 81, says he will finish term as signs emerge of uncertainty over his future in GOP ranks

Mitch McConnell rejected speculation about his future as Republican leader in the US Senate, telling reporters: “I’m going to finish my term as leader and I’m going to finish my Senate term.”

The remarks on Wednesday came amid intense speculation about the 81-year-old Kentucky senator’s health, after two recent freezes in front of reporters, one on Capitol Hill in July and another in McConnell’s home state last week.

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Joe Biden scraps plan to nominate anti-abortion lawyer to Kentucky judgeship

Senator Rand Paul announced Friday he would not consent to Chad Meredith’s nomination, vetoing the president’s effort

After weeks of criticism from fellow Democrats and abortion advocacy groups, Joe Biden has deserted plans to nominate an anti-abortion lawyer to be a federal judge in Kentucky.

The White House said on Friday that Republican Kentucky senator Rand Paul would not be consenting to the nomination of Chad Meredith, effectively vetoing Biden’s move to put him on the bench.

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Rand Paul promises Covid review if Republicans retake Senate in midterms

Kentucky senator who has clashed publicly with Dr Anthony Fauci champions lab leak theory in remarks at rally

The Kentucky senator Rand Paul promised on Saturday to wage a vigorous review into the origins of the coronavirus if Republicans retake the Senate and he lands a committee chairmanship.

Speaking to supporters at a campaign rally, the senator denounced what he sees as government overreach in response to Covid-19. He applauded a recent judge’s order that voided the federal mask mandate on planes and trains and in travel hubs.

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‘Kindles the crazies’: Fauci tells Rand Paul his accusations incite death threats – video

Senator Rand Paul and Dr Anthony Fauci sparred at a Senate hearing on Tuesday. The top immunologist said the Republican senator's behaviour 'kindles the crazies' against him. Fauci testified on Tuesday at a hearing on the federal response to new Covid-19 variants. He blamed Paul's false accusations against him for threats he has received, citing an incident in December when police stopped a man allegedly traveling to the capital to 'kill Dr Fauci'. 'What happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there and I have ... threats upon my life, harassment of my family and my children,' Fauci said

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Rand Paul: ‘Hatred for Trump’ blocks Covid study of horse drug ivermectin

Kentucky senator tells constituents he is ‘in the middle’ on use of deworming medication FDA has implored Americans not to take

Federal researchers will not objectively study ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19, the Kentucky senator Rand Paul claimed, because “hatred for Donald Trump” has tainted their view of those who say the drug used to deworm horses can aid the fight against the pandemic.

Related: Florida radio host who called himself ‘Mr Anti-Vax’ dies of Covid-19

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Fauci to Rand Paul: ‘You do not know what you are talking about’ – video

Top US infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci got into a heated discussion with Republican Senator Rand Paul during a Senate hearing on the coronavirus. Paul pressed Fauci on previous comments made to the committee about funding for a lab in Wuhan, China, 'You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, you're saying that's not 'gain of function'?' To which Fauci replied, 'Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly. And, I want to say that officially. You do not know what you are talking about'

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‘Say her name’: Rand Paul confronted by protesters over after Republican convention – video

A group of angry protesters has confronted senator Rand Paul near the White House in Washington DC. As Rand walked through the crowd with his wife, demonstrators chanted 'say her name', in reference to Breonna Taylor, a black woman from Kentucky who was shot dead by police in May. After the incident, Paul tweeted to say that he had been 'attacked by an angry mob of over 100'.

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