Fire officials say 1 man dead in apartment fire at Trump Tower in New York City

Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity is vowing to continue his attacks on ABC late-night comic Jimmy Kimmel until Kimmel apologizes for a segment in which he joked about first lady Melania Trump's accent. INDIANAPOLIS - Senate candidate Luke Messer faces logistical difficulties as he tries to balance family life in the Washington, D.C., area with running a high-stakes campaign back in Indiana.

Monument backer: LePage should visit land before criticizing

In this Aug. 4, 2015 photo, Lucas St. Clair, son of Burt's Bees founder Roxanne Quimby, poses on land proposed for a national park in Penobscot County, Maine. Mount Katahdin, the state's highest peak, can be seen in the background as a rainstorm passes through Baxter State Park.

The Latest: Interstate exits closed by womena s march reopen

The Latest on a women's protest against Republican President Donald Trump in Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire : Vermont interstate exits that were closed by police because of a massive protest against Republican President Donald Trump have reopened. Thousands of people turned out for women's marches and rallies in Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire on Saturday as part of a series of protests a day after Trump's inauguration.

Trump, in rare admission, notes mistake on Iran video

President Barack Obama said a $400 milllion payment to Iran that coincided with Tehran releasing four Americans wasn't a secret when it was finalized last January. DES MOINES, Iowa - Donald Trump has made a rare admission he was wrong - in claiming he saw a video of a U.S. cash payment going to Iran.

Don’t let Diane Russell fool you

When accusations of using her PAC as a slush fund first arose in March, I wondered how Diane Russell would respond. After all, Russell- the current State Rep. for District 39 and candidate for the open State Senate seat for District 27- is known for her self-trumpeting style on social media, so I figured she would surely take to the Facebook and Twitter waves and vehemently defend herself against the potentially career ending findings.