It was ISIL, not Hackers, who Hijacked French Election

That hackers, most likely Russia-linked, were trying to throw the French election to Marine Le Pen this weekend by releasing thousands of emails from her opponent Emmanuel Macron, probably struck too late to achieve their goal. They were counting on the rule that candidates may not speak on election day, so Macron cannot defend himself from any controversies created by the emails.

Fears of Russian meddling as France prepares to go to the polls

Richard Burr, the head of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, was presiding over a briefing on the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election when he offered his assessment of who the next target might be. "I think it's safe by everybody's judgment that the Russians are actively involved in the French elections," Burr told reporters.

Clinton advisor: Hillary had a plan to ‘help support the European project’

EXCLUSIVE / Julianne Smith was the head of Hillary Clinton's Europe team during last year's presidential campaign. In an interview with, she said Hillary had a dedicated team and a detailed strategy for Europe ready to start from day one in the White House.

Pence cites ‘challenging times’ to troops in American Samoa

U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence has thanked American service members based in American Samoa, citing "challenging times" for the military in the Asia-Pacific. Completing a visit to the region and en route back to the United States, Pence addressed some 200 soldiers during a refuelling stop in Pago Pago.

France’s choice: European globalism or populist nationalism

A combination of pictures made on April 23, 2017 shows French presidential election candidate for the En Marche ! movement Emmanuel Macron and French presidential election candidate for the far-right Front National party Marine Le Pen posing in Paris. Centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right populist Marine Le Pen appear to have won the first round of France's presidential election .

Will: Donald Trump, the ‘oh, never mind’ president

In his first annual message to Congress, John Quincy Adams, among the most experienced and intellectually formidable presidents, warned leaders against giving the impression that "we are palsied by the will of our constituents." In this regard, if in no other, the 45th president resembles the sixth.

Sen. Marco Rubio: Government shutdown would be ‘catastrophic’ for the world

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., warned Sunday against letting the federal government shutdown this week because of the effects it could have on national security and foreign affairs. "We cannot shut down the government right now," Rubio told CBS "Face the Nation" host John Dickerson, citing a number foreign events and threats.

Parker: Strategy, policy are foreign to Trump – Sun, 23 Apr 2017 PST

Foreign leaders and local interlocutors, aka pundits, might as well take a vacation for the next few minutes until Donald Trump's next foreign policy "strategy" surfaces from deep within his amygdala. For to presume a strategy when Trump toys with potentially lethal nations - threatening to tear apart the nuclear agreement with Iran or putting North Korea on notice that doom may befall it any moment - is to imagine that a toddler has given grave consideration to the gravitational aspects of toppling his brother's Lego edifice.

Erdogan to meet Trump in May: minister

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet Donald Trump in May, the Turkish foreign minister said Wednesday, after the US president congratulated the Turkish leader for winning a referendum on enhancing his powers. "We will determine a date for the two presidents to meet in May before the NATO summit as previously confirmed by the leaders," Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara.

With Trump, the “Elders” have found their man

A debate is under way about how best to respond to North Korea's belligerence, says Richard Haass, President of The Council of Foreign Relations. Ideas range from a cyber attack to weaken North Korean political and military assets to relisting the country as a state sponsor of terrorism, presumably accompanied by new sanctions.

Changing Trump views toward Russia, China worry some allies

Once soft on Russia and hard on China, President Donald Trump rapidly reversed course in the last weeks, concluding there's more business to be done with Beijing than with Moscow. Trump's evolving views on those two world powers have brought the U.S. back into alignment with former President Barack Obama's pattern of "great power" politics.

Mixed reactions greet Trump’s new attitudes on Russia, China

" Once soft on Russia and hard on China, President Donald Trump rapidly reversed course in the last weeks, concluding there's more business to be done with Beijing than with Moscow. Trump's evolving views on those two world powers have brought the U.S. back into alignment with former President Barack Obama's pattern of "great power" politics.

Harder on Russia and softer on China, Trump’s views evolving

Once soft on Russia and hard on China, President Donald Trump rapidly reversed course in the last weeks, concluding there's more business to be done with Beijing than with Moscow. Trump's evolving views on those two world powers have brought the U.S. back into alignment with former President Barack Obama's pattern of "great power" politics.

Course reversal: Trump’s White House increasingly hawkish on Russia

Once soft on Russia and hard on China, President Donald Trump rapidly reversed course in the last weeks, concluding there's more business to be done with Beijing than with Moscow. Trump's evolving views on those two world powers have brought the U.S. back into alignment with former President Barack Obama's pattern of "great power" politics.

5 things to know about US Vice President Mike Pence

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is embarking on a 10-day, four nation tour of the Asia-Pacific this weekend, arriving in South Korea amid tensions over North Korea's aggressive flaunting of its nuclear and missile program. Pence will visit South Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Australia during his trip, meeting with leaders in the region, military troops and business groups.