Russian television shows what the Kremlin thinks of Clinton

ADVANCE TO GO WITH RUSSIA US CLINTON FILE In this file photo taken on Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, meets U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on her arrival at the APEC summit in Vladivostok, Russia.

Russian Television Coverage of DNC Reveals What Putin Thinks of Clinton

To understand what the Kremlin thinks about the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming the U.S. president, it was enough to watch Russian state television coverage of her accepting the Democratic nomination. Viewers were told that Clinton sees Russia as an enemy and cannot be trusted, while the Democratic Party convention was portrayed as further proof that American democracy is a sham.

Race is about what’s right, not left vs. right

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton smiles as she addresses members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union during their 42nd International Convention at the Las Vegas Convention Center Tuesday, July 19, 2016. Now that the Democratic and Republican parties have wrapped up their nominating conventions, there are 100 days left before Election Day.

How entangled with Russia is Trump?

To gauge the opportunism and hypocrisy that define Donald Trump's Republican Party, consider this: Imagine the scalding rhetoric that would have boiled from the likes of Newt Gingrich, that Metternich of many green rooms, if Hillary Clinton had offhandedly undermined the collective security architecture of U.S. foreign policy since NATO was created in 1949. Vladimir Putin's regime is saturating Europe with anti-Americanism, buying print and broadcast media, pliable journalists and other opinion leaders, and funding fringe political parties, think tanks and cultural institutions.

Trump, Clinton spar for security upper hand

In their struggle for the upper hand on national security, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are emphasizing strikingly different themes - he as the bold and cunningly unpredictable strongman who will eliminate terrorism; she as the calm, conventional commander in chief who will manage all manner of crises. Terrorism is Trump's national security touchstone, and the Islamic State group is his target.

Will: How entangled is Trump with Russia?

To gauge the opportunism and hypocrisy that define Donald Trump's Republican Party, consider this: Imagine the scalding rhetoric that would have boiled from the likes of Newt Gingrich, that Metternich of many green rooms, if Hillary Clinton had offhandedly undermined the collective security architecture of U.S. foreign policy since NATO was created in 1949. Vladimir Putin's regime is saturating Europe with anti-Americanism, buying print and broadcast media, pliable journalists and other opinion leaders, and funding fringe political parties, think tanks and cultural institutions.

Clinton uses convention to send message to wary GOP voters

Long a lightning rod on the right, Hillary Clinton is making a targeted appeal to Republicans who challenge Donald Trump's claim to the conservative mantle and fear his possible presidency. Clinton's final day of the Democratic National Convention featured speeches from a former member of President Ronald Reagan's administration and a U.S. Chamber of Commerce official who is heading a GOP group supporting Clinton, part of an expanded outreach to Republican voters and donors.

Clinton using convention to send message to wary GOP voters

Long a lightning rod on the right, Hillary Clinton is making a targeted appeal to Republicans who challenge Donald Trump's claim to the conservative mantle and fear his possible presidency. Clinton's final day of the Democratic National Convention featured speeches from a former member of President Ronald Reagan's administration and a U.S. Chamber of Commerce official who is heading a GOP group supporting Clinton, part of an expanded outreach to Republican voters and donors.

Keeping commitments?

President Barack Obama and his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, probably are the last people who should be lecturing Donald Trump about the United States keeping its commitments to other countries. Trump, the Republican candidate for president, has suggested U.S. military aid to its NATO allies ought to be based on whether those nations "have fulfilled their obligations to us."

Trump: France, others hit by terror may face more screening

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is asserting that countries like France that he says are compromised by terrorism may be subjected to the "extreme vetting" he proposes as a deterrent to attacks in the U.S. When asked if his proposal might lead to a point when not a lot of people from overseas are allowed into the U.S., Trump said, "Maybe we get to that point" and added: "We have to be smart and we have to be vigilant and we have to be strong."


At a recent campaign rally, Donald Trump defended former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's record on terrorism, noting that Hussein was a "bad guy" who was nevertheless very efficient at "killing terrorists." House Speaker Paul Ryan immediately distanced himself from Trump's remarks, and leading Republican donors jumped in with criticism as well.

Turkey shakes up security forces in post-coup crackdown

Turkey on Friday detained almost 300 members of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's guard and began shaking up the security forces one week after a failed coup, as US President Barack Obama denied having any prior intelligence of the putsch. An armed Turkish police officer stands guard during a funeral ceremony for victims of the failed July 15 coup attempt, in Ankara on July 17, 2016 Supporters celebrated the coup's failure to unseat Erdogan, but the Turkish strongman faced growing global criticism over the mass detentions and sackings of tens of thousands of people.

Cotton: Trump needs to learn Putin is not a ‘friend’ of the U.S.

Donald Trump needs to get over his admiration of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to one of the presumptive GOP nominee's most hawkish supporters. "I hope that when Donald Trump begins to receive intelligence briefings of the nature that I've been reviewing for a year and a half now in the Intelligence Committee that he might have a slightly different perspective on Vladimir Putin, because Vladimir Putin is not a friend of the United States," Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said during a foreign policy conversation in Cleveland Thursday.

Failed Turkey coup attempt poisons relations with US

The failed coup attempt in Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's firm crackdown on the alleged plotters have aggravated ties between Washington and Ankara, already poisoned by the war in Syria and human rights issues. Although they are NATO allies and officially partners in the fight against the Islamic State group, the United States and Turkey have seen their relations take an icy turn in recent months.

At their convention, Republicans will overlook Trump’s foreign policy incompetence

This week's Republican National Convention in Cleveland will be a watershed moment in the takeover of Republican foreign policy by Donald Trump. We are about to watch a host of senior party leaders water down or whitewash their dismay about their candidate's eccentric views about the United States' role in the world.

The coup in Turkey seems to be just the excuse Erdogan needed

I've heard the rumors already about how Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan staged the coup himself to solidify his power. While I suppose anything is possible in an infinite universe, this sounds like it falls somewhere off the end of the bell curve in terms of conspiracy theories.

Turkey rounds up 6,000 suspects after failed coup

Imams attend a funeral service for victims of the thwarted coup in Istanbul at Fatih mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, July 17, 2016. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis Istanbul: Turkish authorities on Sunday pressed on with a ruthless crackdown against suspects in the failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with 6,000 people including generals and judges detained in a move that has sparked international concern.