Rebecca Traister’s all-American anger: ‘In my dissent, I am deeply patriotic.’

If you are a woman, and you have always had a feeling that much of the power in this country is interconnected; and that all of those connected things are in cahoots against you - yes, you , personally! - not by accident, but actually by design; and this feeling has intensified over the last 24 months or so; and you worry that harboring these suspicions mean you are, as it is no longer in vogue to say, being hysterical, Rebecca Traister is here with an assurance: You are not. "It's not a conspiracy theory," she tells me by phone.

Mysterious solar observatory evacuation caused by a child porn investigation, FBI docs say

Few details were available after a New Mexico solar observatory's evacuation and closure led to widespread speculation and conspiracy theories. Mysterious solar observatory evacuation caused by a child porn investigation, FBI docs say Few details were available after a New Mexico solar observatory's evacuation and closure led to widespread speculation and conspiracy theories.

Trump disputes estimate of Puerto Rico storm deaths

As Hurricane Florence bore down on the U.S. on Thursday, President Donald Trump angrily churned up the devastating storm of a year earlier, disputing the official death count from Hurricane Maria and falsely accusing Democrats of inflating the Puerto Rican toll to make him "look as bad as possible." Public health experts have estimated that nearly 3,000 perished because of the effects of Maria.

Alex Jones and Infowars test the limit of free speech on the internet – CNET

As one of the internet's most controversial personalities, making outlandish claims and spreading conspiracy theories through his Infowars website has made Jones a household name in political circles. Initially, it was for his baseless accusation that 9/11 was an inside job , but in the past couple years, he's claimed surviving high schoolers from a Parkland, Florida, shooting are "crisis actors."

Who is Q? Behind conspiracy theory erupting at Trump rallies

A grassroots movement "about the covert battles being waged between the deep state and President Trump" finds life on the internet In this Tuesday, July 31, 2018, file photo, supporters of President Donald Trump shout down a CNN news crew before a rally in Tampa, Fla. TAMPA, Fla.

‘We are Q’: Conspiracy cult leaps from the internet to the…

"Tampa rally, live coverage," wrote "Dan," posting a link to President Donald Trump's Tampa speech in a thread on 8chan, an anonymous image board also known as Infinitechan or Infinitychan, which might be best described as the unglued twin of better-known 4chan, a message board already untethered from reality. The thread invited "requests to Q," an anonymous user claiming to be a government agent with top security clearance, waging war against the so-called deep state in service to the 45th president.

Ted Cruz on Alex Jones Facebook ban: ‘Who the hell made Facebook…

Rafael Edward Cruz Senate GOP shoots down talk of impeaching Rosenstein Cruz counters O'Rourke's call for six debates with proposal for five Family separation bills blocked on Senate floor MORE on Saturday pushed back against Facebook for banning conspiracy theorist and InfoWars founder Alex Jones, suggesting the platform was infringing on the First Amendment. "Am no fan of Jones - among other things he has a habit of repeatedly slandering my Dad by falsely and absurdly accusing him of killing JFK - but who the hell made Facebook the arbiter of political speech? Free speech includes views you disagree with," Cruz tweeted.

Why the Russia-Trump Collusion Conspiracy Theory Isn’t Catching On

The Democrat-led anti-Trump "Resistance" and its numerous media mouthpieces have been promoting their "Russia hacked the election" narrative for two years. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi fired the biggest recent salvo in this campaign after Trump invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit Washington.

Carter Page and the FISA conspiracy theory: Trump’s back to claiming it’s all a “hoax”

This release was highly unusual. In fact it was unprecedented. These were unclassified more or less by accident when President Trump unilaterally declassified the notorious "Nunes memo," leaving the door open for the Freedom of Information Act request that led to this release of the underlying documents on which it was based.

New MuellerGate Developments Prove ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Against Trump

For months, I've been saying the Mueller "investigation" is not an investigation, it's a cover-up , the objective of which is to conceal the Obama administration's illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, while also manufacturing an appearance of wrongdoing by Trump. Muller has not yet produced any evidence of the "collusion" that he was expected to find, and why? Because this was a phony conspiracy theory created by Clinton operatives, using Fusion GPS in an attempt to fabricate an illusion of "collusion" that did not actually exist.

Ex-congressional IT staffer reaches plea deal that debunks conspiracy theories

Federal prosecutors concluded an 18-month investigation into a former congressional technology staffer on Tuesday by publicly debunking allegations - promoted by conservative media and President Donald Trump - suggesting he was a Pakistani operative who stole government secrets with cover from House Democrats. As part of an agreement with prosecutors, Imran Awan pleaded guilty to a relatively minor offense unrelated to his work on Capitol Hill: making a false statement on a bank loan application.

HHS Official Called John Podesta a Pedophile and Claimed Liberals Abuse Children in Satanic Rituals

Mediaite conducted an extensive review of her social media posts and found that the HHS appointee pushed the baseless Pizzagate conspiracy theory even more than previously reported. Her tweets include smearing former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta as "a pedophile," accusing Democrats of hosting "Pedophile dinners," and claiming liberals abuse children during satanic rituals.

Thompson: The message behind the pardons

It should be clear by now: President Donald Trump believes he is above the law. It's apparent by his conduct in office and particularly related to the Russia investigation - helping manufacture "Deep State" conspiracy theories to undermine our law enforcement and intelligence institutions, concocting absurd spy stories with no merit, firing an FBI director for not letting things slide, belittling his attorney general for rightfully recusing himself from the probe and sending out his lawyer to act like they can dictate the terms of the investigation.

Is Roseanne Barr what America has Become?

The cancellation of Roseanne Barr's situation comedy reboot at ABC/Disney is not, as some of my more serious acquaintances on social media are saying, unimportant. Barr's attack via Twitter on former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett , is an important moment in American cultural history.