Budget 2021 reply speech: Anthony Albanese delivers Labor response to Australia federal budget

Labor leader set to continue attack over sluggish wages growth; NSW Liberal minister Gareth Ward steps down over allegations which he denies. Follow latest updates

Anthony Albanese is on his way to the ABC studios for his 7.30 interview

The house is adjourned

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Budget 2021 reaction: Josh Frydenberg delivers National Press Club address – Australia politics live updates

Coalition budget delivers $30bn in tax breaks and money for fossil fuel projects but no measures to help struggling universities or clean energy projects. Follow all the latest news and reaction to the 2021 federal budget as it happens

So not a lot new there. Which means question time is going to be a copy and paste affair.

The other question of note?

Why is the border closed for so long?

The key factor, the central factor, the only factor for us what keeps Australians safe. And it’s not simply the rollout of the vaccine, that is a factor for the Chief Medical Officer in making decisions around borders.

They also need to take into account, what is happening with the virus globally, its transmissibility, new variants of the virus, and what it would mean for Australians health and safety.

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Budget news and reaction – as it happened

Ailing sectors targeted, as treasurer releases Australia’s 2021 budget. Follow all the latest. This blog is now closed

There is a lot more to get through with the budget - but you should sleep! - so we will wrap up the blog now and return tomorrow morning when we have all had a chance to let our subconscious mull it over.

There’s a lot more to say - the environment spending, Indigenous spending and university spending leaves a bit to be desired.

The Australian Conservation Foundation’s Matt Rose has also responded:

Environment and climate spending represents less than 1% (0.8%) of the federal budget.

To put it another way, out of every $100 in this budget, 80 cents went to climate, water and the environment.

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