Trump pick to lead Army drops out, claims he was targeted for Christian beliefs

To continue reading up to 10 premium articles, you must register , or sign up and take advantage of this exclusive offer: WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump's second attempt to nominate an Army secretary failed on Friday when his pick, Tennessee state Sen. Mark Green, withdrew from consideration amid increasingly fierce backlash to his controversial comments about the LGBT community, Muslims and evolution. “It is with deep regret today I am withdrawing my nomination to be the secretary of the Army,” he said in a statement.

KQED Seeks to Unseal Video of Historic California Prop 8 Marriage Equality Trial

Today, the Human Rights Campaign , the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer civil rights organization, backed efforts by Prop 8 KQED to release the full record of the groundbreaking case, including videotapes, which have remained under court seal. Prop 8 was the 2008 amendment to the California Constitution that stripped the state of marriage equality and was ultimately overturned by the United States Supreme Court in the case Perry v.

GOP senator from Matthew Shepard’s state: A ‘guy who wears a tutu to the bar’ is ‘asking for it’

At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the... Here's what Wyoming's senior senator reportedly had to say about LGBTQ Americans in the state where Matthew Shepard was beaten, tortured, and left to die on a fence post two decades ago in one of the nation's most brutal anti-gay hate crimes: Sen. Mike Enzi told a group of high school and middle school students last week that it's fine to be a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer community - as long as you aren't too open about it.

Hillary Clinton blasts Trump on LGBT rights

"We may not ever be able to count on this administration to lead on LGBT issues," Clinton said in a speech in New York. Clinton was addressing a fundraising dinner for The Center, an LGBT community organization, where she received an award and thanked members of the audience for supporting her unsuccessful 2016 presidential bid.

Anti-gay group accusing others of name-calling and inciting violence forgets it’s done just that

Popular Vote Loser Donald Trump just released his first budget,and it is filled with debilitating cuts to social services and... Despite promising to release his tax returns in a televised debate with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump continues to show that... McEwen to uncover this fuckery from the Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-LGBTQ organization that is one of the groups targeted by Eliminate Hate , "a new initiative designed to bring attention to anti-LGBTQ hate groups and the propaganda and actions they take against" the community. ADF didn't quite appreciate this.

Don’t panic over Neil Gorsuch: The courts are the last hope for LGBT rights under Trump

Is the U.S. court system the last hope for LGBT equality the next four years? Following an avalanche of groundbreaking rulings extending existing civil rights legislation to cover sexual orientation and gender identity, it certainly seems so. The past week has been a groundbreaking one in cementing the rights of LGBT individuals to equal protection under the law.

Constitutional concerns’ kills NC bill that would ban gay marriage

North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said in a statement Wednesday that the bill filed Tuesday that would ban gay marriage should be considered dead on arrival in the General Assembly. The "Uphold Historical Marriage Act" says the U.S. Supreme Court overstepped its "constitutional bounds" when in 2015 it struck down what was known as Amendment One.

Neil Gorsuch will be sworn in today. His effect on a divided Supreme Court begins immediately.

Neil M. Gorsuch joins the Supreme Court today, just in time to cast potentially significant votes in cases that pit religious liberty against gay rights, test limits on funding for church schools and challenge California's restrictions on carrying a concealed gun in public. Such issues arise either in appeals filed by conservative groups that have been pending before the justices for weeks or in cases to be heard later this month.

Reversing decades of interpretation: Court expands LGBT worker rights by attacking originalism

An appeals court ruled in support of LGBT rights this week, reversing decades of interpretation that largely allowed companies to discriminate against workers on the basis of sexual orientation. In their groundbreaking decision, nine of 12 judges in an en banc panel of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals said that gay and lesbian workers are protected under Title VII.

Justice Department drops North Carolina LGBT rights lawsuit

The Trump administration dropped a lawsuit Friday accusing North Carolina of discriminating against LGBT residents in response to the state's decision to undo its "bathroom bill." The Justice Department's withdrawal represents the first significant movement in a tangle of legal action over the state's nondiscrimination laws since a deal last month to get rid of House Bill 2. LGBT advocates have vowed to continue a separate federal lawsuit, saying the replacement law still violates the rights of gay and transgender people.

5 more senators Gorsuch no votes

Five more Democrats said Friday that they will vote against Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and will support a filibuster against him. Sens. Kamala Harris of California, Patty Murray of Washington, and Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, both of Rhode Island, said they believe that the Denver-based appeals court judge has ruled too often against workers and in favor of corporations.

Live blog of confirmation hearings, Day 3: Dems try to pin down Gorsuch on abortion, gay marriage

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday sought clues from U.S. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch about how he would rule in cases involving abortion and same-sex marriage. The Democrats pressed Gorsuch about the right to privacy, originalism and overruling precedent, all with the apparent aim of learning whether he would vote to overrule Roe v.

New twist in Bert and Ernie gay claim

LESS than a day after it was claimed Sesame Street characters Bert and Ernie were written as a "loving couple", there's been a twist and a backtrack. Mark Saltzman, who was a staff writer on the program between 1981 and 1990, told the website Queerty he had based the pair's dynamic on his own long-term relationship with film editor Arnold Glassman.

St. Patrick’s parade organizers reverse course, will allow gay vets to march

In this March 20, 2016 file photo, members of OutVets, a group of gay military veterans, march in the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Boston's South Boston neighborhood. The group said Wednesday, March 8, 2017, it was denied permission to march in the 2017 Boston St. Patrick's Day parade just two years after organizers made the ground-breaking decision to allow gay groups to participate for the first time.

Gay vets invited to march in Boston parade

Organizers of the city's St. Patrick's Day parade reversed course Friday and said they would allow a group of gay veterans to march in this year's parade. The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council announced on the parade's Twitter account that it had signed an "acceptance letter" that would clear the way for OutVets to participate.