Sen. Enzi on tutu anecdote: ‘I regret a poor choice of words’

Republican Sen. Mike Enzi of Wyoming said Tuesday he regrets using "a poor choice of words" when he suggested to students last week that if a man wears a tutu in a bar and ends up getting bullied, then it's partly the man's fault because he "kind of asks for it." In an emailed statement to CNN, Enzi said he does not believe "that anyone should be bullied, intimidated or attacked because of their beliefs" and that his message "was intended specifically to be about promoting respect and tolerance toward each other."

GOP senator from Matthew Shepard’s state: A ‘guy who wears a tutu to the bar’ is ‘asking for it’

At his Senate confirmation hearing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath that he had never had contact with the... Here's what Wyoming's senior senator reportedly had to say about LGBTQ Americans in the state where Matthew Shepard was beaten, tortured, and left to die on a fence post two decades ago in one of the nation's most brutal anti-gay hate crimes: Sen. Mike Enzi told a group of high school and middle school students last week that it's fine to be a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer community - as long as you aren't too open about it.

‘Jesus Christ. Grizzly bears?’: Internet loses it as DeVos pushes …

Donald Trump's pick to head the Department of Education had a particularly rough hearing on Tuesday, taking a battering from Minnesota Senator Al Franken and Sen. Bernie Sanders However, nothing quite caught the flavor of how poorly her hearing went than her response to Sen. Chis Murphy who asked her, "Do you think guns have any place in or around schools?" After saying the availability of guns should be "best left to locales and states to decide," Devos replied to further questioning on guns on campus by adding, "I will refer back to Senator Enzi and the school he was talking about in Wyoming a I would imagine that there is probably a gun in the schools to protect from potential grizzlies."