Marco Rubio to speak at anti-LGBT event after citing gay nightclub…

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is scheduled to speak at a conference held by an anti-LGBT Christian group, after citing the terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando as his reason for backtracking on his announcement that he would not run for re-election. Rubio, who had repeatedly insisted he would not seek reelection for his Senate seat after losing his Republican presidential primary bid, has maintained anti-gay positions throughout his political career.

Gay rights icon Harvey Milk will have a Navy vessel named for him

A Navy vessel will travel the world bearing the name of gay rights icon Harvey Milk, the most prominent gesture towards the LGBT community in military history. The U.S. Naval Institute News obtained a leaked Congressional memo from July 14, showing that Navy Secretary Ray Mabus signed plans to name a Military Sealift Command fleet oiler "the USNS Harvey Milk."

The Navy Is Naming A Ship After LGBTQ Pioneer Harvey Milk

The Navy is set to name a ship after the pioneering LGBTQ activist Harvey Milk, who was killed while in office in 1978. The Navy is planning to name one of its new oil tankers after the pioneering gay rights activist who served his country as a diving officer during the Korean War, Milk had to hide his sexuality when he served because openly gay people were officially banned from serving in the U.S. armed forces - a rule that lasted until 2011.

Malloy’s Hollywood moment at the DNC

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy sits down for an interview with Hala Gorani of CNN at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, July 26, 2016. Gov. Dannel P. Malloy sits down for an interview with Hala Gorani of CNN at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, July 26, 2016.

Tracing the LGBT DNC Legacy

The Democratic National Convention is creating LGBT history in full public view. This will mark the first national political party convention with LGBT participation on every level: the largest number of out LGBT delegates and OUT delegates at every level, from a small country district to super delegate, from county commissioner to U.S. Senator.

Staying High In These Days of Going Low

First Lady Michelle Obama's speech on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention rocked, and her words and advice about hate speech resonated especially for many LGBTQ people. In a surprisingly personal speech, Obama shared how she and Barack advise their daughters, Malia and Sasha, on how not to let name-calling, nastiness, and negativity ensnare them by remaining about the fray.

U.S. opens door to a change in blood donation policy for gay men

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration opened the door on Tuesday to a change in its blood donor deferral recommendations, which currently prohibit donations from gay men for a year following their last sexual encounter in order to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. In December the FDA overturned a 30-year ban on all blood donations from men who have sex with men, saying the change was based on science showing an indefinite ban was not necessary to prevent transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus.

Blac Chyna flashes massive engagement ring in Snapchat video amid…

'To the Bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous': Sanders supporter Sarah Silverman is heavily booed as she tells Democrats to back Hillary in wake of DNC Wikileaks email scandal Revealed: How DNC staffers under Wasserman Schultz used anti-gay slurs, mocked the name of an African-American assistant and created a sexist Craigslist job post to humiliate Donald Trump Chaos as Democratic National Convention opens: Sanders supporters shout 'Bernie, Bernie' then boo every mention of Hillary's name, arena is surrounded by anti-Clinton mob - and even the gavelling goes wrong Bernie Sanders sends desperate text to his furious supporters pleading with them not to protest at the DNC as the party leadership offer him a groveling apology Bernie supporters will try to unseat Tim Kaine: Fresh division rocks DNC as Sanders backers say they object to Clinton's VP pick 'Like millions of Americans, ... (more)

Judge to monitor Kansas’ actions on gay marriage for 3 years

A federal judge has told Kansas that for three more years he will monitor its compliance with the U.S. Supreme Court's historic decision legalizing gay marriage across the nation. U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree issued a permanent order Friday barring the state from treating same-sex couples differently than opposite-sex couples in allowing them to marry or extending the benefits of marriage to them.

‘I certainly think it’s alright’: Republicans react to Peter…

Tech billionaire Peter Thiel got a roaring response from the Republican National Convention crowd when he declared that he was "proud to be gay" and "proud to be a Republican" during his big speech on Thursday night. Republicans at the event told Business Insider that it was generally "good" to have someone represent the LGBT community on the stage - the first to do so in 16 years - but that it wasn't the major point of Thiel's speech.

Can YOU spot the laughing pea? Foodie image crammed with green…

'Believe me!' Trump vows to fix America's crime, immigration, trade, manufacturing industry and place in the world in epic acceptance speech 'My father will fight to win working mothers equal pay': Radiant Ivanka plays the women's card as she reveals a rare nugget of actual policy Estate of George Harrison slams the GOP after Ivanka Trump comes on stage at convention to the tune of Here Comes the Sun 'Who cares what bathrooms people use?' Billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel gets a standing ovation as he tells the RNC he's proud to be gay AND a Republican while endorsing Donald Trump I'm with long as you're not black, gay, Muslim, Latino or a woman: Hillary and Bernie team up to troll Trump on Twitter during Republican's convention speech Trump is praised for becoming first GOP nominee to mention LGBT community and promising to protect them in his convention speech Like father, ... (more)

Peter Thiel Tells GOP Convention: ‘I Am Proud To Be Gay’

Peter Thiel on Thursday became the first openly gay Republican convention speaker in history to talk about his sexual orientation, and said he disagreed with portions of his party's platform that restrict rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. "I am proud to be gay.

Trump’s moment: Speech to close GOP convention’s final day

Ivanka Trump applauds as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles as his son Eric Trump speaks during the Republican National Convention, Wednesday, July 20, 2016, in Cleveland. Ivanka Trump applauds as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles as his son Eric Trump speaks during the Republican National Convention, Wednesday, July 20, 2016, in Cleveland.