Gay marriage victory at Supreme Court triggering backlash

Gay marriage victory at Supreme Court triggering backlash Transgender rights, religious exemptions represent next wave of legal battle Check out this story on Protesters rally in April against a North Carolina law that restricts LGBT rights, including the use of public restrooms by transgender people. WASHINGTON - When the Supreme Court declared a constitutional right to same-sex marriage last June, the man who won the leading case warned that opponents would find new ways to push back.

The reinvention of the American South

As quietly as if a church mouse did it, the Georgia state holiday known for decades as Robert E. Lee Day this year became the decidedly more generic "State Holiday." In a state where the "Dukes of Hazzard" once careered around in a Confederate flag-emblazoned Charger named the General Lee, the decision by Gov. Nathan Deal to scratch the Southern war hero from the official celebration list should have elicited at least a few rebel yells, surely.

Gates leaves Boy Scouts presidency, defends gay adult policy

As he leaves the volunteer presidency of the Boy Scouts of America, G... DALLAS - Robert Gates became the Boy Scouts of America's president facing deep divisions within the organization's membership over whether to let gays serve openly in its ranks. On Thursday, Gates finished his two-year term by arguing the Scouts had overcome that challenge and were ready to reverse years of membership declines.

GOP conservatives scuttle energys pending measure over LGBT rights

In this May 17, 2016 file photo, a new sticker is placed on the door at the ceremonial opening of a gender neutral bathroom at Nathan Hale High School in Seattle. Conservatives in Congress angered by the inclusion of LGBT protections in an otherwise routine spending bill scuttled the measure Thursday.

S. Korea court rejects same-sex marriage

A lawsuit filed by a prominent gay film director and his partner seeking legal status for their same-sex marriage was rejected by a South Korean district court on Wednesday in the first case of its kind. A South Korean court has rejected a lawsuit filed by Kim Jho Gwang-Soo , a gay South Korean movie director, and his long-time partner Kim Seung-Hwan seeking legal status for their same-sex marriage Movie director Kim Jho Gwang-Soo and his long-time partner Kim Seung-Hwan, held a wedding ceremony in Seoul in September 2013 and submitted their marriage registration form to their local authority -- only for it to be rejected.

S Korea court rejects same-sex marriage

Movie director Kim Jho Gwang-Soo and his long-time partner Kim Seung-Hwan, held a wedding ceremony in Seoul in September 2013, but their marriage registration form was rejected. A South Korean court has rejected a lawsuit filed by Kim Jho Gwang-Soo , a gay South Korean movie director, and his long-time partner Kim Seung-Hwan seeking legal status for their same-sex marriage SEOUL: A lawsuit filed by a prominent gay film director and his partner seeking legal status for their same-sex marriage was rejected by a South Korean district court on Wednesday in the first case of its kind.

Communists Cheer for Hillary and Bernie

The CPUSA endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008 and his reelection in 2012. This year, party members are involved in the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders , but are prepared to support former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if she is the eventual nominee.

Another anti-LGBT vote in the GOP House

A box of cupcakes are seen topped with icons of same-sex couples at City Hall in San Francisco. Shouts of "Shame, shame, shame," erupted in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday as Republican lawmakers narrowly defeated legislation to protect the civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees of government contractors.

McCrory lawsuit against feds may help shift HB2 narrative

After weeks of taking a beating from critics over North Carolina's law dictating which restrooms transgender people can use, Gov. Pat McCrory adopted a strategy long favored by Southern conservative governors: He went after the federal government. The governor, trying to reshape the narrative as he fights for his political life, sued the Obama administration last week and accused officials of yet another overreach into state business.

Nashville, Yeezy Boost, Elizabeth Warren, Julian Edelman, Episcopals, Martin Shkreli: NEWS

VEEP? Elizabeth Warren to meet with Hillary Clinton Friday morning : "The sit-down, coming just hours after the Massachusetts senator formally endorsed the presumptive Democratic nominee , will fuel speculation about her prospects as a potential vice presidential pick. The women have had several conversations over the past month, including one that lasted around half an hour, sources told The Washington Post.

Obama has kept promises

Barack Hussein Obama To cure Congress, elect more former military members Democrats should end their hypocrisy when it comes to Kavanaugh and the judiciary Trump rated worse on ethics than predecessors going back to Nixon: Gallup MORE took to the stage at Invesco Field to accept his party's nomination. In that speech, he outlined an ambitious agenda for change - reversing the economic and foreign policies of a Republican administration that had sent America spiraling in the wrong direction.