Tech firms should be made liable for ‘fake news’ on sites:…

GOP Rep. Issa: 'Nobody's Going to be Surprised' If Trump Lied About Russia Meeting - Rep. Darrell Issa appeared on Fox News for an interview with Neil Cavuto Saturday, and trashed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen as a "turncoat," before downplaying the potential that President Donald Trump lied GOP lawmaker: 'Nobody's going to be surprised' if Trump approved Russia meeting - on Saturday downplayed renewed scrutiny over whether President Trump - knew in advance about his son's meeting with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton Giuliani: Cohen and Trump's legal teams have severed ties - Rudy Giuliani signaled on Saturday that President Donald Trump and his legal team are severing ties to Michael Cohen, the president's longtime former personal attorney.

Giuliani says experts think ‘someone messed’ with Cohen tape

GOP Rep. Issa: 'Nobody's Going to be Surprised' If Trump Lied About Russia Meeting - Rep. Darrell Issa appeared on Fox News for an interview with Neil Cavuto Saturday, and trashed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen as a "turncoat," before downplaying the potential that President Donald Trump lied GOP lawmaker: 'Nobody's going to be surprised' if Trump approved Russia meeting - on Saturday downplayed renewed scrutiny over whether President Trump - knew in advance about his son's meeting with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton Giuliani says experts think 'someone messed' with Cohen tape - Rudy Giuliani explains that they need to hear the raw version of the Trump, Cohen tape that's been released.

Rep. John Lewis hospitalized after falling ill on plane

GOP Rep. Issa: 'Nobody's Going to be Surprised' If Trump Lied About Russia Meeting - Rep. Darrell Issa appeared on Fox News for an interview with Neil Cavuto Saturday, and trashed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen as a "turncoat," before downplaying the potential that President Donald Trump lied GOP lawmaker: 'Nobody's going to be surprised' if Trump approved Russia meeting - on Saturday downplayed renewed scrutiny over whether President Trump - knew in advance about his son's meeting with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton Giuliani: Cohen and Trump's legal teams have severed ties - Rudy Giuliani signaled on Saturday that President Donald Trump and his legal team are severing ties to Michael Cohen, the president's longtime former personal attorney.

Immigrant girl hides in auto shop after escaping attendants from…

Still Standing, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Step Back in the Spotlight - They have waited out, and in some cases ground down, their critics, and are ready to make a more visible push for their priorities. - WASHINGTON - They disappointed climate change activists who thought Our socialist president - For three months in 1917, Leon Trotsky lived in the Bronx, just south of the congressional district where Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently defeated a 10-term incumbent in a Democratic primary.

‘Disgusting Is Watching You Talk’: Neil Cavuto Barraged With Hate After Criticizing Trump

Fox host Neil Cavuto read through almost 10 minutes of mostly hate mail that he received after his blistering commentary about Donald Trump's handling of the Putin summit in Helsinki. As we previously posted , Cavuto shredded Trump on Monday, not just over the summit with Russia's Vladimir Putin but also over Trump's attacks on American allies and former American presidents, especially while abroad and especially while sucking up to Putin.

Devin Nunes: Stephen Colbert memo skit an example of how ‘conservatives are under attack’

We have serious abuses that occurred in the FISA court against the Trump campaign." #Cavuto Fox News March 3, 2018 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said "conservatives in this country are under attack" after late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert filmed a segment poking fun at his panel's recently released memo on alleged government surveillance abuses.