Trump administration expected to replace Interior watchdog with political appointee

Even as ethical inquiries into Ryan Zinke's actions as Interior Secretary continue, the Trump administration is expected to nominate a political appointee from another agency to take over as the department's internal watchdog. Democrats and oversight groups say they are concerned a political nominee with no specific experience in oversight could quash investigations into Zinke.

San Jose proposal would keep Sam Liccardo as mayor two extra years

San Jose's Vice Mayor Magdalena Carrasco, with Mayor Sam Liccardo, react during a rally at the Equality March for Unity and Pride San Jose at Plaza de Cesar Chavez in San Jose, California., on Sunday, June 11, 2017. As part of a new proposal to boost voter turnout by moving San Jose's mayoral races to the same year as national presidential elections, Sam Liccardo would hold the city's highest elected office an extra two years.

With newfound aggressiveness, GOP ramps up Kavanaugh fight

Brett Kavanaugh says he won't let "false accusations drive me out of this process" as he, President Donald Trump and top Republicans mount an aggressive drive to rally the public and GOP senators behind his shaky Supreme Court nomination. Trump and Republican leaders accused Democrats on Monday of a smear campaign by using accusations by two women of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh in the 1980s to try scuttling his Senate confirmation.

Public defender challenging credibility of racist San Bernardino…

A San Bernardino County deputy public defender has subpoenaed the employment records of a lead gang prosecutor whose racist rants on social media in July generated public outcry and a demand by civil rights groups for his termination.

Illegal aliens give 20 congressional seats to blue states

Rep. Mo Brooks said in a radio interview that counting of illegal aliens when establishing congressional seats and electoral college votes violates the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The state of Alabama has joined with Brooks to sue the federal government for its counting of illegal aliens, rather than only American citizens, in congressional district apportionment and votes for the Electoral College.

Senate Democrats to meet with Kavanaugh after recess

Senate Democrats plan to meet with Supreme Court justice nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and personally lobby him to hand over his entire record, a senior Democratic aide told ABC News Friday. Kavanaugh's lengthy paper trail has become a part of a tit-for-tat between Republicans and Democrats in an increasingly tense political battle over his confirmation.

New York Times Whines: Stop Attacking Us

New York Times Publisher and Trump Clash Over President's Threats Against Journalism - BRIDGEWATER, N.J. - President Trump and the publisher of The New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger, engaged in a fierce public clash on Sunday over Mr. Trump's threats against journalism Statement of A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher, The New York Times, in Response to President Trump's Tweet About Their Meeting - Earlier this month, A.G. received a request from the White House to meet with President Trump. This was not unusual; there has been a long tradition How John Kelly became 'chief in name only' - The retired Marine general was brought in to tame the president, but in the end Trump boxed him in.

Netflix Exec Breaks Silence Over Aziz Ansari Controversy:…

New York Times Publisher and Trump Clash Over President's Threats Against Journalism - BRIDGEWATER, N.J. - President Trump and the publisher of The New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger, engaged in a fierce public clash on Sunday over Mr. Trump's threats against journalism Statement of A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher, The New York Times, in Response to President Trump's Tweet About Their Meeting - Earlier this month, A.G. received a request from the White House to meet with President Trump. This was not unusual; there has been a long tradition How John Kelly became 'chief in name only' - The retired Marine general was brought in to tame the president, but in the end Trump boxed him in.

Nets Turn a Blind Eye to San Francisco Allowing Illegals to Vote

Which would you say was more important, The Brady Bunch house going up for sale in Los Angeles or San Francisco giving illegal aliens the right to vote? Well, for ABC's World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News , it was the former. On Thursday, San Francisco began a campaign to register illegal immigrants so they could vote in school board elections.

not Real News: Map does not debunk global warming

In this March 10, 2018 photo provided by the U.S. Navy, the Seawolf-class fast-attack submarine USS Connecticut and the Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Hartford break through the ice in the Beaufort Sea in support of Ice Exercise 2018, a five-week exercise that allows the Navy to assess its operational readiness in the Arctic. On Friday, June 29, 2018, The Associated Press has found that stories circulating on the internet that a June 26, 2018 sea ice thickness map debunks global warming are untrue.

Koch Brothers-Linked Group Declares New War on Unions

Following a U.S. Supreme Court decision that millions of public sector workers can stop paying union fees, a group tied to Republican billionaires long opposed to organized labor and its support of the Democratic Party has pledged to build on the landmark ruling to further marginalize employee representation. The conservative nonprofit Freedom Foundation said that starting Wednesday, it will deploy 80 people to a trio of West Coast union bastions: California, Oregon and its home state of Washington.

Adult film workers slam Giuliani for Stormy Daniels comment

A day after Stormy Daniels accused her former lawyer of being a "puppet" for President Donald Trump, the attorney countersued the porn star and her new attorney for defamation and accused Trump's personal attorney of illegally recording their telephone calls. The countersuit was filed Thursday in federal court in Los Angeles - hours after Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani claimed Daniels isn't credible and has "no reputation" because she's a porn actress.

Letitia James avoids interim AG spot after Schneiderman firing

While the Legislature this week will consider candidates to fill out the remaining term of disgraced former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the bigger fight promises to be over which candidates will appear on the ballot. New York City Public Advocate Letitia James was believed to be the favorite of the Legislature for the interim appointment, but she ultimately didn't apply.

News 9 Mins Ago Democrats decry Trump plan to cut $15B in unused funds

House Democrats are criticizing Republicans for rushing to vote on President Donald Trump's plan to roll back $15 billion in previously approved spending for children's health insurance and other programs. GOP leaders say lawmakers could vote as soon as next week on the plan to "rescind" funding leftover from previous years.

President Trump Is Growing Increasingly Frustrated With Rudy Giuliani, Report Says

President Donald Trump is growing increasingly irritated with lawyer Rudy Giuliani's frequently off-message media blitz, in which he has muddied the waters on hush money paid to porn actress Stormy Daniels and made claims that could complicate the president's standing in the special counsel's Russia probe. Trump has begun questioning whether Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, should be sidelined from television interviews, according to two people familiar with the president's thinking but not authorized to speak publicly about private discussions.

Giuliani fails to impress pro-Trump media

Laura Ingraham was in the midst of a vigorous defense of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Friday night when the Fox News host said this: "Trump needs a legal spokesperson, which he doesn't have at this point." Giuliani is President Trump's lawyer and has been speaking for Trump - or trying to - almost nonstop since last Wednesday, when he appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show and disclosed that the president reimbursed attorney Michael Cohen for a $130,000, pre-election payment to silence porn star Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had an affair with Trump more than a decade ago.