Maloney’s Congressional Opponent Comes Out Swinging After Primary Loss

Before the final primary results were in on Thursday, U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney's opponent in the 18th Congressional District, offered his reaction. "We already knew that whatever tonight's results brought in, Sean Maloney made clear that the people of the 18th Congressional District were his last priority."

PHOTO: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks during a news conference in New York, May 10, 2018.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo won his state's Democratic primary for governor over actress Cynthia Nixon Thursday, following a closely watched campaign that typified the recent clashes between the party's establishment and liberal wings. Add Midterm Elections as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Midterm Elections news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Letitia James wins primary for New York attorney general Source: AP

Letitia James, a longtime New York City politician with ties to both the state's underclass and its elites, beat three other candidates in a Democratic primary for attorney general, then turned her sights on the man she saw as her real opponent: President Donald Trump. "This campaign was really never about me, or any of the candidates who ran," James told supporters at her Thursday victory party in Brooklyn.

The Latest: Teacher beats Dem incumbent in NY Senate primary

In this Aug. 28, 2018, file photo, candidate Letitia James stands at the podium during a debate by the Democratic candidates for New York State Attorney General at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. The four candidates in the tightly contested primary, Zephyr Teachout, James, U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney and Leecia Eve have all vowed to be a legal thorn in Republican President Donald Trump's side, opposing his policies on immigration and the environment.

Letitia James wins Democratic primary race for New York attorney general

Four candidates - Zephyr Teachout, Sean Maloney, Letitia James and Leecia Eve - were running in Democratic primary Thursday for attorney general. Letitia James wins Democratic primary race for New York attorney general Four candidates - Zephyr Teachout, Sean Maloney, Letitia James and Leecia Eve - were running in Democratic primary Thursday for attorney general.

James wins Democratic primary for NY attorney general

New York City Public Advocate Letitia James won a four-way Democratic primary for attorney general in New York on Thursday in a race that was a competition over who could best use the office to antagonize President Donald Trump. James, 59, would become the first black woman to hold a statewide elected office in New York if she prevails in the general election, where she will be heavily favored.

Andrew Cuomo-Cynthia Nixon New York governor primary high-stakes for incumbent, even if he wins

The strength of public polling, the appeal of celebrity and the power of incumbency will be on the line Thursday in New York where Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo faces off against a Hollywood actress who has hammered away at the two-term Democratic governor's liberal credentials. Cynthia Nixon is running on a platform that includes raising taxes on the rich, increasing school spending, ending cash bail and legalizing marijuana - hoping to harness the same left-wing energy that already has delivered upset wins to high-profile liberal candidates in other primaries this year.

When Zephyr Teachout is elected New York Attorney General, she’s…

When Zephyr Teachout is elected New York Attorney General, she's gonna emolumentize Trump right out of the White House Zephyr Teachout isn't just an expert on antitrust law and corruption, and isn't merely a netroots pioneer who has been on the right side of every technology policy fight since the Gore years -- she's also running to be the Attorney General of the State of New York, from which position she plans on gutting Trump on his corrupt business practices, targeting him using the dread emoluments clause . This one is extra special, though: Teachout just welcomed 120 of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's most skilled and dedicated volunteers into her campaign.

Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney running for N.Y. attorney general Source: Cox Media Group

He's looking to fill a seat left vacant by Eric Schneiderman, who abruptly resigned last month after he was accused of abusing women he dated. Maloney, who was first elected in 2012, said he sees the race for the open attorney general seat as an opportunity he could not pass up - despite a crowded Democratic field of three women running for the party's nomination.

Letitia James avoids interim AG spot after Schneiderman firing

While the Legislature this week will consider candidates to fill out the remaining term of disgraced former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the bigger fight promises to be over which candidates will appear on the ballot. New York City Public Advocate Letitia James was believed to be the favorite of the Legislature for the interim appointment, but she ultimately didn't apply.

Source: Rep. Maloney exploring potential run for attorney general

A source close to Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney said Wednesday that the third-term Democrat is considering running for New York attorney general in the wake of Eric Schneiderman's resignation, a surprise this week that has set off a burst of competition for an office that was not on the political radar.

9 members of Congress in 6 months have lost their jobs over sex

Here's a depressing fact: Nine members of Congress have lost their jobs over allegations of sexual impropriety or related workplace misconduct since October. The latest: Rep. Patrick Meehan, R-Pa., announced Friday he'll resign from Congress after reports he paid a secret settlement to a staffer to whom he allegedly confessed his love.

After decade of delays, rail safety system still not ready

As they begin to probe the circumstances of the fatal wreck in South Carolina, officials have already settled on one thing: that the crash between a passenger train and a freight car could have been prevented with technology already installed in parts of the U.S. It's been a decade since Congress approved a law mandating the GPS-based system called "positive train control," which is designed to prevent two trains from traveling on the same track at the same time. That's what happened early Sunday in Cayce, South Carolina, when a locked switch sent a New York-to-Miami Amtrak passenger train onto a side track where an empty CSX Corp. freight train was parked.

US marches for women’s rights slam Trump, encourage voting

The snowy mountains and frozen lakes of Rocky Mountain National Park are still accessible to visitors, despite the federal government shutdown. The snowy mountains and frozen lakes of Rocky Mountain National Park are still accessible to visitors, despite the federal government shutdown.

Idaho businesses line up against non-compete law; ‘lie of the year'”…

More than 100 Idaho business leaders, ranging from high-tech CEOs to small-business owners to engineers, marketers and manufacturers, have signed a letter to Gov. Butch Otter and the Idaho Legislature calling for the repeal of a 2016 noncompete law that sharply limits the rights of employees who move to new firms. The law , which passed both houses by divided votes amid much controversy, took effect July 1, 2016.