House approves big, bipartisan bill to deal with opioid crisis

In a fresh reminder that political cooperation is not dead on Capitol Hill, the House on Friday overwhelmingly approved a sweeping package of over fifty bipartisan bills to address the misuse of prescription opioid pain medicine, as lawmakers voted to expand a variety of services under Medicare and Medicaid to deal with the drug scourge. "We can do things when we put partisan politics aside and work together," said Rep. Gus Bilirakis , one of a number of lawmakers who touted various provisions in the sweeping opioids measure.

Ryan returns to Capitol to calm restless House Republicans

Seven months before his planned retirement, House Speaker Paul Ryan is facing growing disruption among the GOP ranks, raising fresh questions about his ability to lead a divided group of Republicans through a tough election season. Ryan sought to quell infighting Tuesday, dashing back to Washington from Wisconsin and abandoning plans for family time at home, as he tried to unify the factions and reassert control over the majority.

9 members of Congress in 6 months have lost their jobs over sex

Here's a depressing fact: Nine members of Congress have lost their jobs over allegations of sexual impropriety or related workplace misconduct since October. The latest: Rep. Patrick Meehan, R-Pa., announced Friday he'll resign from Congress after reports he paid a secret settlement to a staffer to whom he allegedly confessed his love.

House Votes Down a Right to Trya Drug Bill

The House voted against the controversial "Right to Try" bill Tuesday evening, which would let patients access drugs not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The bill, which needed two thirds of the vote to pass under suspension of the rules, failed 259-140.

Here’s how much Texas candidates raised in the state’s hottest U.S. House primaries

That was the deadline for U.S. House and Senate campaigns to file finance reports covering the last three months of 2017. Those watching the races closely are sure to pore over the mishmash of donations and expenditures to separate viable candidates from the long shots.

Continue reading Pressure grows on Texas Sen. John Cornyn to deliver DACA fix

The White House aggravated hard-line conservatives and Democrats when it proposed granting citizenship to 1.8 million Dreamers in exchange for border wall funding and drastic changes to the nation's immigration laws. The Senate majority whip, who has emerged as a key Republican negotiator in talks to resolve the expiring Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, says he supports a permanent solution for young immigrants in the country illegally.

Count the ways: How GOP tax plans would reward rich families

In this Dec. 5, 2017, photo, House Republicans, from left, Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga., Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, and Rep. Mark Sanford, R-S.C., arrive for a closed-door strategy session on Capitol Hill in Washington. Sounding a discordant note among the positive talk on the tax bill, a number of Republicans are delivering a blunt assessment, casting the bill as a boost to big corporations and the wealthy instead of the middle class.

Senate Republicans barrel toward sweeping tax overhaul

With the deadline looming to pass a spending bill to fund the government by week's end, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., joined by, from left, Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, meets reporters following a closed-door strategy session, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017.

GOP pressing plan to avert government shutdown on Dec. 8

An attorney for U.S. Rep. John Conyers says the 88-year-old lawmaker will fight allegations of sexual harassment involving former female staff members. An attorney for U.S. Rep. John Conyers says the 88-year-old lawmaker will fight allegations of sexual harassment involving former female staff members.

GOP tax bill gains support; Senate leaders work on holdouts

An attorney for U.S. Rep. John Conyers says the 88-year-old lawmaker will fight allegations of sexual harassment involving former female staff members. Maryland officials say 26 people have been indicted after an investigation into gang activity in the state's prisons, including correctional officer called a high-ranking gang member.

HBO cuts ties with Russell Simmons amid second allegation

Simmons announced on Nov. 30, 2017, he would be ... An attorney for U.S. Rep. John Conyers says the 88-year-old lawmaker will fight allegations of sexual harassment involving former female staff members. An attorney for U.S. Rep. John Conyers says the 88-year-old lawmaker will fight allegations of sexual harassment involving former female staff members.

Trump Plays Musical Chairs in the Cabinet Room

White House Envisions Tillerson Ouster From State Dept., to Be Replaced by Pompeo, Within Weeks - WASHINGTON - The White House has developed a plan to force out Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, whose relationship with President Trump has been strained, and replace him with Mike Pompeo Army veteran says Franken groped her during USO tour in 2003 - STORY HIGHLIGHTS - An Army veteran says Sen. Al Franken groped her in December 2003, telling CNN that while she was deployed in Kuwait, the Minnesota Democrat cupped her breast during a photo op.

Trump to cut Bears Ears National Monument by 85 percent, Grand…

White House Envisions Tillerson Ouster From State Dept., to Be Replaced by Pompeo, Within Weeks - WASHINGTON - The White House has developed a plan to force out Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, whose relationship with President Trump has been strained, and replace him with Mike Pompeo Army veteran says Franken groped her during USO tour in 2003 - STORY HIGHLIGHTS - An Army veteran says Sen. Al Franken groped her in December 2003, telling CNN that while she was deployed in Kuwait, the Minnesota Democrat cupped her breast during a photo op.

Facing pressure, House OKs anti-harassment training

The House easily approved a bipartisan measure Wednesday requiring lawmakers and aides to take annual anti-harassment training as lawmakers faced heavy pressure to address burgeoning sexual misconduct allegations against members of Congress. Passage, by voice vote, came as Congress battled over Republican tax cuts and a potential government shutdown, even as lawmakers were forced to address accusations against some of their own.

Rep. Joe Barton exchanged sexually suggestive Facebook messages with Texas woman: Report

Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, reportedly exchanged sexually charged Facebook messages with a woman from Texas in 2012 and 2013, revelations that come a week after Barton apologized for a nude photo of him that was posted on social media. Kelly Canon, of Arlington, Texas, shared the messages with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and said the two had been talking for several years on Facebook Messenger.

At Capitol, Franken apologizes and sees long fight for trust

Choose your news! Select the text alerts you want to receive: breaking news, prep sports scores, school closings, weather, and more. AP photo Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., returns to his office after talking to the media Monday on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Joe Bartona s troubles create a public relations dream for the Democratsa PR candidate

For nearly a year, Democrat and public relations consultant Jana Lynne Sanchez has been begging people to pay attention to her bid to represent Texas's 6th Congressional District. Now, thanks to viral nude photos of Rep. Joe Barton, the Republican she hopes to challenge for the seat, she's landed a publicity boost PR people only dream about.