China puts U.S. energy in the cross hairs of trade war

The U.S. energy market was dealt a significant blow by Chinese tariffs because it has few other outlets as big as China for oil exports, analysts said Monday. China last week responded to U.S. trade decisions by saying it would strike back with duties on U.S. exports, including oil.

Ex-linebacker wins right to challenge Sessions Updated May 22 at

Former NFL linebacker and civil rights attorney Colin Allred has won the Democratic nomination to try and unseat longtime Dallas Congressman Pete Sessions in November. Allred, also an Obama administration veteran, beat Salerno handily during Texas' March 6 primary.

Things to know about Tuesday’s Texas primaries

Texas kicks off primary season ahead of the 2018 midterm election, with implications for Democrats and Republicans alike in an election year that could alter the direction of Congress and statehouses around the country for the final two years of President Donald Trump's term. Democrats remain underdogs to knock off Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, but there's been a surge among Democratic candidates and voters that reflects nationwide momentum for the left since Trump's election.

House vote on ADA bill expected Thursday

The House is expected to vote tomorrow on legislation to address public accessibility concerns under the Americans with Disabilities Act . NAFCU has engaged with lawmakers for months on this issue to try to expand some of the bill's protections to help curb the meritless lawsuits filed against credit unions for website accessibility under the ADA.

Here’s how much Texas candidates raised in the state’s hottest U.S. House primaries

That was the deadline for U.S. House and Senate campaigns to file finance reports covering the last three months of 2017. Those watching the races closely are sure to pore over the mishmash of donations and expenditures to separate viable candidates from the long shots.

Republicans Lead the Way on Ending Taxpayer-Funded Animal Torture

An organization that is fighting to stop wasting tax money on unnecessary painful animal testing has named the top 15 members of Congress that have been the best on the issue in 2017 - and eleven of them are Republicans. found that while the majority of Americans across party lines care about ending painful animal testing - right wing voters care 5% more.

Pakistan must pay for supporting terrorism, says U.S. Congressman

Our eNewspaper network was founded in 2002 to provide stand-alone digital news sites tailored for the most searched-for locations for news. With a traditional newspaper format, more than 100 sites were established each with a newspaper-type name to cover the highest-ranked regions, countries, cities and states.

ACLU Doubling Down Against State And Federal ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Bills

With Kentucky becoming the 13th state to adopt "Blue Lives Matter" legislation Wednesday, the ACLU is doubling down on opposing the police protections on both the federal and state levels, a spokeswoman told The Daily Caller News Foundation Friday. The Kentucky law makes attacking police a hate crime, and the new Back the Blue Act introduced by Texas Republicans Sen. John Cornyn and Rep. Ted Poe would introduce mandatory minimum sentences for crimes against police and introduce the death penalty for killing law enforcement officers.

Iranian dissidents rally in France for the overthrow of Irana s theocracy

LE BOURGET , France - Thousands of supporters of a dissident Iranian opposition group rallied here Saturday for the overthrow of Iran 's theocratic government at an event that featured speeches by several Trump administration allies - including Newt Gingrich and Rudolph Giuliani - as well as the former head of Saudi intelligence. The boisterous event, held annually in this town just north of Paris, was organized by the controversial National Council of Resistance of Iran , a France-based group of Iranian exiles that brings dozens of current and former U.S., European and Middle Eastern officials together to speak out in support of regime change in Tehran.

U.S. Congressmen introduce Bill revoking Pakistan’s MNNA status

Washington [U.S.] , June 23 :Ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Washington, two influential U.S. Congressmen have introduced a bill revoking Pakistan's status as a major non-NATO ally , saying Islamabad's "treachery" has led to the deaths of too many American citizens. Congressman Ted Poe and Congressman Rick Nolan have introduced H.R. 3000, a bipartisan bill revoking Pakistan's major non-NATO ally status.

New ‘Blue Lives Matter’ laws raise concerns among activists

Following a spike in deadly attacks on police, more than a dozen states have responded this year with "Blue Lives Matter" laws that come down even harder on crimes against law enforcement officers, raising concern among some civil rights activists of a potential setback in police-community relations. The new measures build upon existing statutes allowing harsher sentences for people who kill or assault police.

Unreachable elected officials, school choice, bumblebees, Obamacare, Rep. Ted Poe

Since the election, I have been trying to contact my Texas senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, to voice my position as being opposed to repealing the Affordable Care Act, opposed to defunding Planned Parenthood, opposed to confirming Jeff Sessions as attorney general, opposed to confirming Rex Tillerson as secretary of state and to demand that the president-elect rid himself of all business conflicts of interest, and to support an independent counsel for investigation of Russian interference in this election to help the Republican candidate. My senators will not answer their phones or respond to letters or email.

Ted Poe on fight against leukemia: Attitude as important as treatment

As U.S. House Republicans were involved in one of their most notable faceoffs of the summer, something felt amiss to U.S. Rep. Pete Olson. During the July House committee hearing, Attorney General Loretta Lynch faced the wrath of Republicans over the Justice Department's decision to not prosecute Democratic presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton amid her email scandal.