House votes to ban ‘gag clauses’ that prevent pharmacies from lowering customers’ drug costs

The Patient Right to Know Drug Prices Act and the Know the Lowest Price Act passed through voice vote Tuesday and are intended to help patients find out whether a prescription would cost less if they were to pay for it out of pocket rather than through their health plan. The first bill applies to private health insurance while the other applies to patients who are covered by Medicare, the government program for adults 65 and older and people with disabilities.

AHF Lauds Reps. Doggett, Welch & Cummings for Unveiling Bold, Market-Driven Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Aug 6, 2018--AIDS Healthcare Foundation welcomed the introduction last week of legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R. 6505, that would require the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate prices of prescription drugs furnished under part D of the Medicare program. "We especially want to thank U.S. Reps.

The GOP Corporate Tax Bill Rewards Offshoring – Here’s What We Can Do to Stop It

A new op-ed in The Hill co-authored by CWA President Chris Shelton and Rep. Lloyd Doggett shines a spotlight on how the Republican corporate tax bill rewards and incentivizes the offshoring of more American jobs, and calls for Congress to pass Doggett's bill, the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act , to stop this disturbing trend. Many of the companies that are among the biggest beneficiaries of the Republican tax bill, such as Wells Fargo, have already been closing American call centers and aggressively offshoring U.S. jobs.

Trump’s prescription to reduce drug prices takes small steps

President Donald Trump is launching what he says will be the "most sweeping action in history to lower the price of prescription drugs for the American people." President Donald Trump speaks during an event about prescription drug prices with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Friday, May 11, 2018.

The Gazette

President Donald Trump's long-promised plan to bring down drug prices, unveiled Friday, would mostly spare the pharmaceutical industry he previously accused of "getting away with murder." Instead he focuses on private competition and more openness to reduce America's prescription pain.

Few teeth in Trump’s prescription to reduce drug prices

President Donald Trump's long-promised plan to bring down drug prices, unveiled Friday, would mostly spare the pharmaceutical industry he previously accused of "getting away with murder." Instead he focuses on private competition and more openness to reduce America's prescription pain.

As Trump prepares plan to lower drug prices, big pharma girds for a fight

Big Pharma is pouring money into a lobbying campaign to thwart any serious efforts to rein in prescription drug prices before a presidential speech this month where Trump plans to lay out his drug pricing proposals. "There is apprehension across the industry," said Bruce Artim, who retired recently after 11 years as the director of federal affairs at Eli Lilly and Co.

US Reps: ICE should review sexual abuse cases in detention

More than 40 congressmen have signed a letter calling on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to investigate its handling of sexual assault reports in its detention facilities. The letter released Monday is based on the case of Laura Monterrosa, a detainee at the T. Don Hutto Residential Center in Central Texas.

Rural relief or rich get richer? GOP seeks to slash the estate tax

In the century that Pat Snook's family has run a cattle operation in southeast Texas, she and her relatives have paid the federal estate tax three times to account for acreage, equipment and other assets being passed from one generation to the next. "You don't mind paying it one time," said Snook, who lives in Livingston, about an hour northeast of Houston.

Republicans debut tax bill, Trump seeks first win

Mayoral candidate Joyce Craig said Mayor Ted Gatsas should have made sure officials disclosed the 2015 rape of a West High School student, while Gatsas called comments on the issue the "lowest... Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan unveil legislation to overhaul the tax code on Capitol Hill ... (more)

Republican to unveil broad tax cuts, put off tough decisions

President Trump and top Republicans will promise a package of sweeping tax cuts for companies and individuals, people briefed on the planning said, but the GOP leaders will stop short of labeling many of the tax breaks they hope to strip away, putting off controversial decisions that threaten to sink the party's tax effort. Republicans' "unified" framework, which they will release and promote Wednesday during speeches and meetings, aims to cut taxes by more than $5 trillion over 10 years and recoup more than half of that lost revenue by eliminating numerous tax breaks.

ICYMI: SCOTUS Blocks Lower Courts, Reinstates Texas Congressional District Plans

Well, the controversial congressional maps in the Lone Star state that were struck own by two lower court decisions were given the green light by the Supreme Court on Tuesday. In issue at hand involves the congressional districts of Republicans Lloyd Doggett and Blake Farenthold, which the lower courts said were drawn illegally.

News 19 mins ago 9:46 a.m.What Texas officials are saying about white nationalist protests ina

A crowd of white nationalists are met by a group of counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S., August 12, 2017. REUTERS/Justin Ide REUTERS/Justin Ide After a rally by white nationalists turned violent in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, President Trump responded by saying: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Congressmen oppose Texas wildlife refuge as border wall site

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House passes nuclear energy tax bill

The legislation lifts a requirement that nuclear facilities be placed into service by the end of 2020 in order to receive the 1.8 cent per kilowatt hour tax credit. It would also allow government-owned utilities and nonprofit electric coops to receive the credit and give them the power to transfer credits to other partners on the facilities, such as the projects' designers.