The Skills Gap in the Manufacturing Industry and What We Can Do About It

There is a serious skills gap crisis in the U.S. manufacturing industry, an industry which makes up nine percent of the U.S. workforce, making it one of the largest workforces in the country. The manufacturing industry, like many other industries in our quickly-shifting, modern economy, requires skilled workers to fill critical positions, such as machine/equipment operators and automation supervisors.

Pardoned by Christie, woman pushes for change to US gun laws

In this Aug. 5 2014, file photo, attorney Evan Nappen, left, and his client Shaneen Allen, talk to media outside Atlantic County Criminal Court in Mays Landing, N.J., after a motion to dismiss the gun possession charges against her was denied. The handgun that Allen was carrying when she was pulled over on a New Jersey highway could have sent her to prison for years if not for a pardon from Republican Gov. Chris Christie.

Count the ways: How GOP tax plans would reward rich families

In this Dec. 5, 2017, photo, House Republicans, from left, Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga., Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, and Rep. Mark Sanford, R-S.C., arrive for a closed-door strategy session on Capitol Hill in Washington. Sounding a discordant note among the positive talk on the tax bill, a number of Republicans are delivering a blunt assessment, casting the bill as a boost to big corporations and the wealthy instead of the middle class.

Concealed Carry Bill To Go To House Floor For Vote This Week

Legislation that enables concealed carry holders in different states to carry legally in other states comes to the House floor for a vote Wednesday. North Carolina Republican Rep. Richard Hudson's Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee last week following a contentious mark up along party lines.

Bill would require states to honor other states’ permits for concealed guns

THE ISSUE: Federal legislation would allow people with concealed-carry permits issued from their home states to carry a concealed handgun when visiting a different state. THE IMPACT: Attorneys general in 17 states, including Massachusetts, oppose the bill and say it would undermine local laws.

ENA Thanks House for Passage of H.R. 304, the Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act

DES PLAINES, Ill. The Emergency Nurses Association applauds the House of Representatives for passing the Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act yesterday.

Hudson Opens Office in SCC Library

Congressman Richard Hudson talks with supporters Monday after the formal opening of his Moore County office in Boyd Library at Sandhills Community College. Congressman Richard Hudson talks with supporters Monday after the formal opening of his Moore County office in Boyd Library at Sandhills Community College.

New York County DA Suggests Republican Efforts to Pass National…

The New York County District Attorney, Cy Vance, said that if Republicans pass national reciprocity for concealed carry permit holders, it would help the Islamic State. The DA was referring to Richard Hudson's national reciprocity legislation-HR 38, saying: "this bill is supported, I'm sure, by ISIS."

McAuliffe makes fool of himself with knee-jerk call for gun control

For a frightening instant, it sounded as if Barack Obama, through some twisted stroke of cosmic freakiness, were back in the saddle, but it was only Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe making a fool of himself - and, in emblematic Democratic fashion, crassly refusing to let a crisis go to waste. It should have come as no surprise.

US House passes bill to make it easier to fire VA workers, protect whistle blowers

On Tuesday, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson , the representative of Fort Bragg and author of bipartisan legislation to allow service connected veterans to choose care from private providers in their local communities, released the following statement after the House passed S. 1094, legislation to make it easier to fire Veterans Affairs employees for poor performance or misconduct and to establish whistle blower protections: "I recognize there are many good, hard-working people at our local VA hospitals many of them are veterans themselves. It's the unaccountable bureaucracy that hurts veterans and makes it impossible for them to get the timely care and benefits they deserve.

Paul Ryan faces cliffhanger vote, with no pork to offer reluctant Republicans

The modern congressional whip operation shifted into high gear this week as House Republican leaders scrambled to find support for their plan to overhaul the health-care industry. But House Speaker Paul Ryan , R-Wis., does not have the tools that previous speakers once used to win over recalcitrants before cliffhanger votes.

Kellyanne Conway hires her own chief of staff

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump and one of the most visible figures in the administration, is expanding her operation inside the White House by hiring a veteran congressional staffer as her chief of staff. Conway has recruited Renee Hudson, who has been serving as chief of staff to Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., to work for her in the West Wing as her chief of staff, according to two Republican officials.

Clean energy PAC backs Sen. Richard Burr, other Republicans

Coming soon to a Facebook news feed near you: a new political strategy aimed at helping Republican candidates like North Carolina's Sen. Richard Burr overcome what supporters say is an unfair reputation that conservatives don't care about the environment. This week in North Carolina, ClearPath Action Fund , a conservative super PAC, plans to launch a near-half-million-dollar campaign in support of Burr's re-election effort.

Congressmen: No commercial flights to Cuba yet

Several members of Congress want to block the start of scheduled commercial flights between the United States and Cuba, saying that security measures on the island might not be sufficient. Rep. John Katko, R-New York, said the move has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the security of the flying public.

Early voting ends next Saturday

Early voting started Thursday at the N.C. Cooperative Extension Office on Caroline Street in Rockingham and runs until June 4. This election is for the the Republican primary for the 9th District of the U.S. House of Representatives and the nonpartisan N.C. Supreme Court Associate Justice, according to Connie Kelly, county elections director. Unaffiliated voters may choose to vote in the Republican primary, but Democrats and Libertarians can only vote the nonpartisan ballot, she added.