President Trump says Republicans should ‘stop wasting their time on immigration’ until after midterms

President Donald Trump told Republicans on Friday they should "stop wasting their time" trying to pass an immigration measure before the November midterms, potentially sinking efforts by House leaders to build a consensus on a bill. Congress has been facing growing pressure to act on immigration, including from Trump himself.

House immigration proposal highlights GOP divide

The Capitol is seen in Washington, Friday, June 15, 2018. The push toward immigration votes in the House is intensifying the divide among Republicans on one of the party's most animating issues __ and fueling concerns that a voter backlash could cost the party control of the House in November.

Republicans worry new immigration proposal will spark conservative backlash

The push toward immigration votes in the House is intensifying the divide among Republicans on one of the party's most animating issues and fueling concerns that a voter backlash could cost the GOP control of the House in November. To many conservatives, the compromise immigration proposal released this past week by House Speaker Paul Ryan , R-Wis., is little more than "amnesty."

Republicans risking conservative backlash over immigration

Attorney General Jeff Sessions took his department's tough policy on illegal immigration to the graduating class of Pennsylvania police cadets. Democrats called on Republicans to find a solution for DACA recipients on the 6th anniversary of the program being installed.

The Latest: White House says Trump backs immigration effort

The White House says President Donald Trump does indeed support an immigration bill crafted by House leadership that he said he wouldn't sign in a morning interview. Trump had said in the interview with "Fox & Friends" Friday that he was looking at two House immigration bills, but that he "certainly wouldn't sign the more moderate one."

In blow to Speaker Ryan, conservatives torpedo farm bill and put immigration front and center

In a major blow to House Speaker Paul Ryan, Republican leaders failed to garner enough votes for a sweeping GOP farm bill amid a revolt from hardline conservatives who opposed the bill over an unrelated immigration fight. Friday's 198-to-213 vote was an embarrassing defeat for Ryan, R-Wis., who had championed the farm bill as a major step toward welfare reform but saw that GOP priority squelched by members of his own Republican conference.

Shutdown over as Congress passes massive budget bill

The 240-186 vote came in the pre-dawn hours, putting to bed a five-and-a-half hour federal freeze that relatively few would notice. The 240-186 vote came in the pre-dawn hours, putting to bed a five-and-a-half hour federal freeze that relatively few would notice.

Trump signs budget deal, government to reopen

President Donald Trump on Friday signed a $400 billion budget deal that sharply boosts spending and swells the federal deficit, ending a brief federal government shutdown that happened while most Americans were home in bed and most government offices were closed, anyway. The House and Senate approved a bill to keep the government funded through March 23, overcoming opposition from liberal Democrats as well as tea party conservatives to endorse enormous spending increases despite looming trillion-dollar deficits.

Republicans move ahead with vote to avoid a government shutdown

House Republican leaders are moving toward a vote Thursday to avoid a shutdown, but as a new day dawns in Washington, it's still unclear if GOP leaders have enough support to keep the government open. House Speaker Paul Ryan and his lieutenants were up against the clock and their own ranks as they scrambled to lock down votes.

Civil War Times- August 2010

The dispute over what is left of Old Baldy, the horse that carried Union General George Gordon Meade through eight engagements, including the Battle of Gettysburg, recently ended up in court. Baldy's handsome stuffed head and neck was displayed for many years at the Civil War Museum of Philadelphia before it closed in 2008, and images were also incorporated into its promotional literature and website.

This Democrat Is About To Give Payday Lenders A Big Boost

Sen. Mark Warner in July introduced a bill that would give payday lenders a way to ignore state interest rate caps on consumer loans. A little over a year ago, Sen. Mark Warner addressed a small audience of political insiders at the Brookings Institution, one of the most prestigious think tanks in the nation's capital.

Equifax finds code serving ‘malicious content’ on its website

Equifax Inc. took part of its website offline Thursday after code on the site redirected users to a malicious URL urging them to download malware. Also Thursday, a top Republican congressman introduced a bill that would stop credit reporting companies such as Equifax from using Social Security numbers to verify Americans' identities.

Americans want the Affordable Care Act improved, not undermined

Here is something you probably haven't heard much lately, if at all, given the shocking news from Charlottesville and the disturbing reaction by President Trump. Roughly 80 percent of Americans believe that Trump and his administration should do all they can to make the Affordable Care Act work while only 17 percent believe they should try to make the law fail so they can replace it.

Trump Talks Changes to Health Bill to Win Over Conservatives

The White House is talking with House conservatives about last-minute changes to the embattled GOP health-care bill aimed at wooing enough holdouts to secure House passage. Lawmakers and Trump administration officials are discussing revisions to "essential benefits" requirements in Obamacare, according to members of Congress and a White House official familiar with the discussions.

Clean energy PAC backs Sen. Richard Burr, other Republicans

Coming soon to a Facebook news feed near you: a new political strategy aimed at helping Republican candidates like North Carolina's Sen. Richard Burr overcome what supporters say is an unfair reputation that conservatives don't care about the environment. This week in North Carolina, ClearPath Action Fund , a conservative super PAC, plans to launch a near-half-million-dollar campaign in support of Burr's re-election effort.