Plots, schemes and strippers: Digging into the JFK files

President Donald Trump ordered the release of more than 2,800 records related to the John F. Kennedy assassination on Thursday, but bowed to pressure from the CIA, FBI and other agencies to delay disclosing some of the most sensitive documents for another six months. Even so, the thousands of pages that were published online by the National Archives Thursday evening describe decades of spies and surveillance, informants and assassination plots.

Trump’s Cuban Policy Reversal

President Trump will announce Friday a drastic change in the U.S.-Cuba relationship, swapping a policy of cultural exchange to bring about democratic ideals for something closer to the embargo-style policies from past decades. White House officials said Trump plans to cut off income to the Castro regime, with the hopes of bringing about free elections, by once again limiting tourism and trade to the island.

The Varela Project 15 years later: A look back at a nonviolent opposition campaign in Cuba

The nonviolent campaign that shook up the dictatorship in Cuba, changed the Cuban Communist Constitution and continues to haunt the Castro regime. 15 years ago today, carrying 11,020 signed petitions in support of the Varela Project, Oswaldo Paya Sardinas, Antonio Diaz Sanchez, and Regis Iglesias Ramirez walked with the bulky card board boxes labeled Project Varela turning them into the Cuban National Assembly.

Most offensive Cuba stunt of the year: PETA goes slumming

Don't they know that it would be impossible for Cubans to follow a vegan diet, due to the scarcity of certain food items? Don't they know that street dogs in Castrogonia need much more than "dog treats", or that these dogs could be someone's next meal? Why would they be any better informed than the rest of the American people as a whole, or less attracted to the thrill of slumming in a repressive hell-hole and gazing at the ill-fed primitive natives with utter contempt? Why, Mildred, just last night I heard a very highly-placed world-class American scholar talking about the great Porterhouse steak he ate at a "private" restaurant in Castrogonia. He had no clue that such a meal is totally inaccessible to Cubans.

Meet the new Rick Scott, Cuba guru

First, there was the post-presidential election, post-Fidel death letter to RaAol Castro in December asking the Cuban leader to "allow a new era of freedom and opportunity for Cuba" or continue "down a path of poverty." Rick Scott, Governor of Florida, comments on ports in Florida doing business with the "ruthless dictator" Raul Castro".

Trump’s threat to end Cuba detente may rouse GOP opposition

President-elect Donald Trump's threat Monday to "terminate" the U.S. detente with Cuba could trigger opposition from some Republican lawmakers and corporate leaders who favor continued engagement with Havana. Since 2014, when President Barack Obama began to normalize relations with the island, the United States has taken numerous steps to increase commercial travel, commerce and the flow of information to Cuba.

Congressmen: No commercial flights to Cuba yet

Several members of Congress want to block the start of scheduled commercial flights between the United States and Cuba, saying that security measures on the island might not be sufficient. Rep. John Katko, R-New York, said the move has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the security of the flying public.

US gives tentative OK to flights to Cuba from 10 US cities

The U.S. government on Thursday tentatively approved scheduled commercial airline service to Havana from 10 American cities, further bridging the gulf between countries as close as 90 miles and an hour flight but long kept at a greater distance by the Cold War. The decision is another long stride in President Barack Obama's effort to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba.