Michigan U.S. House races to watch in August primary

Michigan's primary election day is fast approaching - voters have two weeks to decide who they plan to vote for in the primary. In addition to statewide positions up for grabs like the governor's seat and the U.S. Senate, Michigan voters will also be choosing who advances to the general election in their U.S. House districts.

US Rep. Esty won’t seek re-election amid harassment queries

U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty announced on Monday she will not seek re-election this year amid calls for her resignation over her handling of the firing of a former chief of staff accused of harassment, threats and violence against female staffers in her congressional office. Esty, a Democrat from Connecticut and an outspoken #MeToo advocate, made the announcement not to seek a fourth term in the November election days after apologizing for not protecting her employees from the male ex-chief of staff.

U.S. Rep. Esty from Conn. won’t seek re-election amid harassment queries

U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty announced Monday she will not seek re-election this year amid calls for her resignation over her handling of the firing of a former chief of staff accused of harassment, threats and violence against female staffers in her congressional office. Esty, a Democrat from Connecticut and an outspoken #MeToo advocate, was accused of not protecting female staffers from the ex-chief of staff.

Congresswoman apologizes for not protecting female staffers

U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, an outspoken advocate for the #MeToo movement, has found herself in the awkward position of apologizing for not protecting female staffers in her Washington office from alleged violence, death threats and sexual harassment by her former chief of staff. The Democrat has issued press releases calling for tougher harassment protections for congressional staff and was among those demanding that then-U.S. Rep. John Conyers of Michigan resign amid allegations of misconduct with staff.

Senate women in both parties pressure leaders for a vote on sexual harassment bill

In a bipartisan reproach, all 22 female U.S. senators Wednesday urged their leaders to bring to a vote measures meant to strengthen the hand of victims of sexual harassment on Capitol Hill. The Senate has so far declined to take up any effort.

Record Number of House Members Not Running Again

Pew Research : "More members of the U.S. House of Representatives are choosing not to seek re-election to that body than at any time in the past quarter-century - including a record number of Republicans Those counts could rise further, since the filing deadlines in most states haven't yet passed." "As of Feb. 28, 52 representatives have announced that they're not running for new terms, according to our count.

Bill Cosby is hitting the town; legal experts see a strategy Source: AP

Bill Cosby is suddenly out and about in his hometown of Philadelphia in what legal experts say appears to be an effort by the comedian to rebuild his good-guy image ahead of his retrial on sexual assault charges in the spring. In the past two weeks, the 80-year-old Cosby emerged from a long period of near-seclusion to have dinner with friends at a restaurant and gave his first comedy performance in more than two years.

Senate spent $269,000 on investigating, settling sexual harassment complaints

The Michigan Senate spent $269,000 on investigating and settling sexual harassment complaints between Jan. 1, 2000 and Dec. 31, 2006, according to the Senate Business Office. In response to a request from MLive, Senate Business Office Director Jordan Hankwitz said the Michigan Senate spent $269,000 on investigating and settling sexual harassment complaints during that time frame.

Lawmakers misbehaving? Let us see their names

Americans are being deluged with information about men accused of sexual harassment or assault. Since shocking revelations emerged about Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein in October, the Los Angeles Times notes, "a powerful person has been accused of misconduct at a rate of nearly once every 20 hours" - including such big names as Dustin Hoffman, Charlie Rose, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer and Garrison Keillor.

The Evidence Is There: The FBI Handled the Clinton Email Case BADLY

Republicans from several congressional committees are now saying that they have evidence that whatever the FBI did during the course of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server, they screwed up. They claim to have written evidence that proves the FBI knew there were laws broken in the handling of those emails going through Clinton's private email server.

Investigative journalism is not dead. Ask Roy Moore and John Conyers.

Investigative reporters in 2017 exposed accusations of sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein , Roy Moore and many others, documented what appears to be an appalling undercount of the hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico, and caught Michael Flynn in a lie that cost him his job as national security adviser and ultimately led to his criminal conviction and cooperation with a law enforcement investigation of Donald Trump's campaign. Yet conservative commentator Gayle Trotter said Sunday on Fox News that "when you think about independent, investigative journalism, we have seen kind of the death of that this past year."