Races to watch in U.S. midterms: ‘Kavanaugh effect’ could hold off ‘blue wave’

The U.S. midterm elections are only weeks away, and political prognosticators think the controversial confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court could have a negative impact on the Democrats. Democrats are salivating at the possibility that a political giant like Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, left, could be slayeda by congressman Beto O'Rourke, right, although recent polls indicate that is unlikely to happen.

NSA Cyber Official Asks for First-Hand Accounts of Chip Hacking

An NSA cybersecurity official asked anyone with "first-degree knowledge" of Chinese attempts to hack hardware headed for US data centers to share what they know with federal authorities a The senior cybersecurity adviser made the plea Wednesday at an event hosted by the US Chamber of Commerce and RealClearPolitics a He was addressing a report by Bloomberg Businessweek last week, which said Chinese military agents had spy chips covertly planted on Supermicro motherboards ordered by US companies John Voskuhl -- A cybersecurity expert with the National Security Agency made a public plea Wednesday for anyone with "first-degree knowledge" of Chinese attempts to hack computer hardware to share it with federal authorities.

Why Kevin O’Leary Thinks Trump Could Still Win

While Hillary Clinton narrowly leads Donald Trump in the RealClearPolitics polling average, an on-the-ground report from Pennsylvania paints a different picture of the presidential race. Kevin O'Leary, "Shark Tank" investor and founder of O'Leary Wines, told Benzinga in an interview that an experience with a crowd of fellow wine aficionados in Philadelphia last week changed his perception of the race.

Electoral College map shows Trump still has work to do

Donald Trump has closed the gap with Hillary Clinton in many national polls - with some putting him in the lead - but he faces a far tougher challenge in the Electoral College, analysts said Wednesday. According to the RealClearPolitics average of national polls, Clinton was ahead of the GOP nominee by a scant 1.7 percentage points, 47 to 45.3 percent, down from a 7.1 point lead on Oct. 18 before FBI Director James Comey's e-mail bombshell on Friday.

How weird is 2016? Texas is closer than Pennsylvania. Arizona is closer than Florida.

As I write -- a qualifier that seems particularly necessary given the flood of recent polling and the variance between them -- the twelve closest states in the 2016 contest according to the RealClearPolitics polling averages are: 1. Ohio, where Donald Trump leads by 0.5 points.

Trump Wipes Out Clinton’s Lead: Poll

Donald Trump appears to have successfully rallied Republican voters behind him since he effectively clinched his party's presidential nomination, wiping out Democrat rival Hillary Clinton's once double-digit lead to a virtual tie, latest national polls showed. The 69-year-old real estate tycoon for the first time in the average of such polls, maintained by RealClearPolitics, has a 0.2 per cent lead over Clinton - a statistical tie.