Working Families Party hires petition carriers for Nixon

Cynthia Nixon spoke last at The Working Family Party State Convention, held Saturday at The First Corinthian Baptist Church, Harlem, NY. The following is an expanded version of the second item from my "Albany Insider" column from Monday's print editions: The Working Families Party has hired people to help circulate designation petitions to get actress and activist Cynthia Nixon on the Sept.

Letitia James avoids interim AG spot after Schneiderman firing

While the Legislature this week will consider candidates to fill out the remaining term of disgraced former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the bigger fight promises to be over which candidates will appear on the ballot. New York City Public Advocate Letitia James was believed to be the favorite of the Legislature for the interim appointment, but she ultimately didn't apply.

Nydia Velazquez Denounces Courthouse Arrest Of Illegal Immigrant Facing Domestic Violence Charges

Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez denounced immigration authorities for arresting an illegal immigrant inside a New York City courthouse on Friday, saying the controversial tactic "has no place" in the city. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents nabbed Panamanian national Diogenes Pinzon as he walked out of an eighth-floor courtroom in Brooklyn Criminal Court Friday morning, reported the New York Daily News, citing court officials.

Gov. Cuomo Threatens To Sue If Pro-Gun Legislation That Overrides NY’s SAFE Act Passes

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo threatened to file a lawsuit Tuesday if Congress passes pro-Second Amendment legislation that would roll back the state's major 2013 gun control law known as the SAFE Act. "If they try to overrule the State of New York we will sue because this state has rights too," Cuomo told reporters.

HAMILTON Producer Won’t Rule Out a Visit from The Trump Family

A recent report has indicated that as a result of a public tussle with the current presidential administration, the hit Broadway show, Hamilton, has seen a drop in visits from Republican politicians. The New York Daily News reported that "Shortly after the November election, waves were made when actor Brandon Victor Dixon - who plays Vice President Aaron Burr in the show - addressed Pence at curtain call, urging him and the Trump administration 'to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.'

15th 9/11 anniversary: Obama calls for unity against terrorism

New York, Sep 12 - US President Barack Obama on Sunday led millions of Americans in paying moving tribute to the victims of the 9/11 attacks calling people to stand against terrorism. During a ceremony at 15th anniversary 9/11 attcks at the Pentagon he said, together, there is nothing we Americans cannot overcome.

Authorities were almost certain a bomb crashed TWA Flight 800

This photo shows reconstruction work continuing in Calverton, N.Y., on TWA Flight 800, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off New York's Long Island last July 17, killing all 230 people aboard. Federal authorities said yesterday they believe TWA Flight 800 was blasted out of the sky by a powerful explosive device, all but ruling out mechanical failure as a cause of the crash.

The Latest: Divers recover body of 56-year-old man

The Latest on the crash of a small World War II-era plane in the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey : New York City police say divers searching for the pilot of a small World War II-era plane that crashed into the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey have recovered the body of a 56-year-old man. Police say the body came from the one-seater P-47 Thunderbolt plane that went down Friday night but they are withholding the identity until the man's family has been notified.

Trump campaign CEO faces claims of domestic violence, anti-Semitism

Donald Trump 's new campaign CEO is under fire again - this time for anti-Semitic comments he supposedly made in the '90s during a legal battle with his ex-wife over where his children should go to school. According to court documents obtained by New York Daily News , the ex-wife claimed Bannon "said that he doesn't like the way they raise their kids to be 'whiny brats' and that he didn't want the girls going to school with Jews."