Giuliani: a Over my dead bodya will Mueller interview Trump

With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel. Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York.

Illegal aliens give 20 congressional seats to blue states

Rep. Mo Brooks said in a radio interview that counting of illegal aliens when establishing congressional seats and electoral college votes violates the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The state of Alabama has joined with Brooks to sue the federal government for its counting of illegal aliens, rather than only American citizens, in congressional district apportionment and votes for the Electoral College.

Senate Democrats to meet with Kavanaugh after recess

Senate Democrats plan to meet with Supreme Court justice nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and personally lobby him to hand over his entire record, a senior Democratic aide told ABC News Friday. Kavanaugh's lengthy paper trail has become a part of a tit-for-tat between Republicans and Democrats in an increasingly tense political battle over his confirmation.

Progressive Democrats introduce bill to abolish ICE

Progressive Democrats introduced a bill in the House Thursday that would shut down U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement within one year of enactment - part of a movement that has growing support but that's also getting criticized by moderate Democrats as well as Republicans. Add Immigration as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Immigration news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Trump lawyer says ‘our recollection keeps changing’ about statement on Trump Jr meeting with Russians

Join us in Eustis on Wednesday, June 6th from 9am to 2pm for live remotes! Look for the 2018 Jeep Wrangler at Businesses all over Eustis for your chance to register to win! The crew is taking the 2018 Jeep Wrangler to Eustis for Wurst Tag! We'll be front and center, giving you a chance to come and register to win the Get Out & Play Jeep Wrangler. The 2018 Jeep Wrangler will be at Oxford Turkey Days.

President Trump’s Changing Story on the Stormy Daniels Payment Blindsides White House Aides

President Donald Trump insisted Thursday his reimbursement of a 2016 hush payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels had nothing to do with his election campaign. But the surprise revelation of the president's payment clashed with his past statements , created new legal headaches and stunned many in the West Wing.

Trump’s new ‘Stormy’ story stuns many in West Wing

But the surprise revelation of the president's payment clashed with his past statements, created new legal headaches and stunned many in the West Wing. White House aides were blindsided when Trump's recently added attorney, Rudy Giuliani, said Wednesday night that the president had repaid Michael Cohen for $130,000 that was given to Daniels to keep her quiet before the 2016 election about her allegations of an affair with Trump.

Is Rod Rosenstein On The Chopping Block?

Rod Rosenstein recently met with Donald Trump at the White House, stoking fears that the president might fire him, POLITICO reported. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, is overseeing Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller's investigation into criminal activity by members of Trump's campaign team.

New York to test new bomb detection technology at Penn station

News selected on topics and regions - oil and gas, business, politics, IT, the South Caucasus, the Caspian Sea region, Central Asia Ranking of the Azerbaijani banking sector The US Transportation Security Administration will test new bomb detection technology at New York City's Penn Station on Tuesday, US Senator Chuck Schumer announced in a press release, Sputnik reported. "At long last and at not a moment too soon, the TSA has agreed to bring this new, potentially life-saving technology to New York City and Penn Station for testing, and so we thank the TSA for heeding the call," Schumer said on Monday.

Paris and Nicky Hilton pose up at Monse in New York

FBI director promises inquiry after admitting Bureau was warned SIX WEEKS AGO that Florida shooter wanted to kill people and was stockpiling guns but did not investigate or pass to Miami office BREAKING NEWS: Mueller grand jury throws down challenge to Putin as it sensationally indicts 13 Russians and infamous 'troll factory' for interfering with 2016 election by 'supporting' Trump and 'disparaging Hillary Clinton' EXCLUSIVE: Michael Jackson's half-sister reveals how dad Joe carried on his 25-year affair with her mother by pretending to be on business trips while secretly visiting his second family and spoiling her with gifts NBC labeled disrespectful after network bosses insisted on the incorrect pronunciation of 'Pyeongchang' during its Olympic coverage because it's 'cleaner' Republican congressional candidate and NRA member is blasted over incredible new campaign ad showing her firing ... (more)

Trump’s infrastructure plan puts most of burden to states, cities

The Trump administration is set to unveil a $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan Monday that largely puts the bill on the shoulders of local governments. But just $200 billion would actually come from the federal government - something President Trump hinted at during his State of the Union address last month.

Bannon out as chairman of Breitbart News, loses radio show

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is stepping down as chairman of Breitbart News Network after a public break with President Donald Trump. Breitbart announced Tuesday that Bannon would step down as executive chairman of the conservative news site, less than a week after Bannon's explosive criticisms of Trump and his family were published in a new book.

White House director for legislative affairs: Shutdown isn’t likely

The debate over the spending bill could dictate the path forward for the tax plan - some Republicans are calling for triggers that would eradicate tax cuts if the deficit is not sufficiently reduced. "If it's important enough for members to have the trigger is not going to stand in the way of that," Short said.

Trump an ‘utterly untruthful’ president who’s ‘debasing’ the US, Corker says

The father of 32-year-old Monica Hoffa, who was gunned down in one of three unsolved murders in Tampa in just the past two weeks, is asking his community ... -- A Russian radio station where a top liberal journalist was stabbed in the throat Monday has released what it says is security camera footage showing the assailant ... CHICAGO - Global commodities trader Cargill Inc on Tuesday said it was buying a natural animal feed maker, another in a string of deals to capitalize on rising dema... SEWARD, Neb. - Coming off a perfect 3-0 week, the Concordia University volleyball team saw one of its own collect a conference weekly award on Tuesday .

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy deflects questions about 2020 presidential run

"I have an election in 2018 and so, all of my focus is on asking the people of Connecticut to send me back to the United States Senate," the Connecticut Democrat told ABC News' "Powerhouse Politics" Wednesday. He added, "I know everybody thinks that every member of the Democratic Caucus in the Senate is starting to noodle their 2020 plans right now."

AM Joy Panel Shreds The GOP And Media’s False Equivalency Game With Harvey Weinstein

This Sunday on MSNBC's AM Joy , Joy Reid's panel, which included Media Matters' Eric Boehlert and Christina Lopez, author Gabriel Sherman , and Voto Latino's Maria Teresa Kumar, did a very nice job of breaking down the "both siderist" nonsense we've been hearing from the right--and from many in the corporate media. To them, elected Democrats accepting donations from producer Harvey Weinstein is the same as the right turning a blind eye to the actions of our pussy-grabber-in-chief.