Analysis: Trump’s tactics both catalyst and drag on North Korea talks

WASHINGTON As talks between the United States and North Korea about a historic nuclear summit picked up pace last month, President Trump, ever the real estate developer, was eager to discuss one particular detail of the potential gathering: its location. Before ruling out the Demilitarized Zone as a site for the meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Trump envisioned a "great celebration" emanating from the austere, barbed-wire-lined border that has cleaved the Korean Peninsula since the Eisenhower administration.

Why centrist Dianne Feinstein is moving so much to the left that she now opposes the death penalty

Dianne Feinstein built one of California's most successful political brands by standing up to her party's liberal wing. In her first run for statewide office in 1990, she defiantly faced down raucous booing from California Democratic Party delegates angry over her support for the death penalty.

Donald Trump orders ‘highly classified’ data for Congress on FBI’s ‘tactics’

President Trump ordered his chief of staff Monday to make sure Congress gets "highly classified" information from the Justice Department , intelligence community and FBI - including details that could shed light on whether the FBI had an informant investigate the Trump campaign. Mr. Trump also officially requested an inspector general's investigation into the FBI's "tactics" toward the Trump campaign in 2016, and the White House and Justice Department said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein agreed to convey the directive.

Trump draws rebuke for ‘animal’ remark at immigration talk 3 hours ago

While railing against California for its so-called sanctuary immigration policies, President Donald Trump referred to some people who cross the border illegally as "animals" - drawing a sharp rebuke from Democratic leaders for the harsh rhetoric. "We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in -- and we're stopping a lot of them," Trump said during the immigration round table after a sheriff commented about gangs.

Gina Haspel, Trump’s pick to lead CIA, wins support of Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate Intelligence Committee moved Wednesday to recommend Gina Haspel for CIA director, setting up a floor vote that her opponents say will signal to the world whether the United States condemns or condones torture. With two of 51 Republicans committed to voting against Haspel, and five Democrats already indicating they will support her, it appears she is set to become the agency's first female director.

Panel set to release report on judges and sexual harassment

As the U.S. judiciary confronts its #MeToo moment, officials plan to release a highly anticipated report this month addressing potential sexual harassment in the nation's courthouses and how complaints are handled. Officials began examining problems after former law clerks and other staffers went public with sexual harassment claims against U.S. Appeals Court Judge Alex Kozinski, a nationally prominent jurist who had served for more than 30 years in California.

John Rizzo Fact-Checks Sen. FeinsteinOn CIA Nominee’s Background

Former CIA chief legal officer John Rizzo fact checked Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein on MSNBC Thursday after she made an incorrect claim about Gina Haspel's CIA background. During a Senate hearing on Haspel's nomination for CIA director, Feinstein incorrectly claimed that Haspel ran an interrogation program in the counterterrorism center of the CIA based off of a corrected statement by Rizzo.

Gina Haspel’s evasive answers about CIA torture are disqualifying

President Trump's nominee for CIA chief, Gina Haspel, testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday. When Gina Haspel, President Trump's pick to head the Central Intelligence Agency, appeared for her confirmation hearings before the Senate Intelligence Committee this week, she faced one crucial challenge - and it wasn't to convince the committee that she possesses the necessary experience and aptitude for the position.

John Rizzo Fact-Checks Sen. Feinstein On CIA Nominee’s Background

Former CIA chief legal officer John Rizzo fact checked Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein on MSNBC Thursday after she made an incorrect claim about Gina Haspel's CIA background. During a Senate hearing on Haspel's nomination for CIA director, Feinstein incorrectly claimed that Haspel ran an interrogation program in the counterterrorism center of the CIA based off of a corrected statement by Rizzo.

Haspel faces Senate grilling over CIA’s interrogation program

The fate of Gina Haspel's nomination to be the first female director of the CIA may come down to her performance in a situation she's never before encountered: a Senate confirmation hearing. When Haspel goes before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, Republicans are bracing for what they expect will be a contentious, politically fraught hearing where Democrats will grill the nominee on her time in the CIA -- in particular the period after September 11, 2001, when she supervised one of the CIA's black sites, and her role in the destruction of CIA interrogation tapes.

CIA Accused of ‘A to Z Cover-Up’ as Manchin Suggests He’s Open to Voting for Haspel

Gina Haspel, nominee to be director of the CIA, waves as she arrives at a meeting with U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin May 7, 2018 on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. As the CIA wheeled a single cardboard box of classified material related to the highly secretive and reportedly torture-filled record of Gina Haspel-President Donald Trump's pick to head the agency-into the basement of the Capitol building on Monday, Sen. Joe Manchin emerged from his meeting with Haspel gushing about their " great " conversation and suggested he's " open " to voting for her confirmation.

Final sprint to June primary election begins as mail-in ballots go out to California voters

Candidates for California governor, from top left: Republican Travis Allen, Democrat John Chiang, Republican John Cox, Democrats Delaine Eastin, Gavin Newsom and Antonio Villaraigosa. Californians who've been trying their best to avoid thinking about politics over the last year and a half might wake up to a rude surprise in their mailbox this week.

Sarah Sanders says Democrats who don’t support Haspel are ‘hypocrites’

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders added some additional controversy to the confirmation hearings for CIA director nominee Gina Haspel on Saturday with a tweet calling out Democrats who may not support Haspel, but do support "women's empowerment." Sanders said any Democrats who "claims to support women's empowerment and our national security but opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite."

Police Patrolling Trail In Popular Vacaville Park After Woman Robbed

Police Patrolling Trail In Popular Vacaville Park After Woman Robbed A woman was robbed along a popular trail and police are sending out extra patrols and plan to through the summer. California is Now the 5th Largest Economy in the World California has surpassed the United Kingdom to become the world's fifth largest economy.

Supporters praise, critics denounce Trump’s CIA nominee Source: AP

With few details about Gina Haspel's undercover career, debate over President Donald Trump's nominee to lead the CIA descended Wednesday into verbal spatting between those who praise her experience and others who want her disqualified because of her role in the spy agency's harsh interrogation of terror subjects after 9/11. Haspel faces a contentious hearing in the Senate intelligence committee next week ahead of what the White House admits will be a close confirmation vote in the full Senate.